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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. As with the beauchamps I doubt I will be a customer till the freehold ownership changes, I'm probably not the only one with that approach.
  2. The point there is for weekends or bad weather you have the broads to play on, for longer breaks the options open up and outweigh the restrictions on the broads, I like the broads but a good season for me is one where I don't go northern rivers at all as it means I've had the weather to get out further afield, wells is a lovely place, woodbridge is a very pretty town, waking up on a swinging mooring at waldringfield and taking the dinghy to the maybush for brekkie is fantastic, 4.5 hours after getting back to the boat we were mooring up in ramsgate. From wells hull isn't a problem and on to york, lincoln is in easy range (scurry through boston though), from there nottingham is doable, there's no point turning your back on the sea when you play in a big tidal system, besides all the boats above ph are green.....
  3. A licence application is based on what was asked for, going by Tom's response there was no real communication therefore the answer was no, with a few comprimises on both sides and it may have been acceptable and got through with modification.
  4. Sod the bridges and headroom, two big engines and the worlds your lobster (other crustaceans are available) , the east coast has some lovely places and up to 10' airdraft you can still access most of the broads when the weather is crap. A lot say about "wrong boat for the broads" but that's all rubbish as it's all a tidal haven, if you are going to escape the ditches do it big style.
  5. You went past him? How fast were you going???? You never said which way.
  6. There has also been an explosion in dog thefts by all accounts, when things settle down I can see the rescue centres being full of dogs bought by idiots during lockdown suddenly realising they don't have the time or intelligence to look after a dog, a bit like Christmas. GRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  7. It would have to be trixie, independance has rooted into the mud and due to be removed as a non-native species....
  8. Oi! Leave my great uncle mbobo out of this, I don't want you lot getting in the way of my millions!
  9. I'm stocking up for after the op....
  10. That is either surprisingly targetted or very coincidental.
  11. I did ask my local about transaction charges (they use izettle) and if one big tab at the end was better for them, they said it made no difference, I still run a daily tab and pay at the end as it's easier on the card statement (and scary as I now know how much I spend in the pub), they are happy for me to go off and have dinner/shower and reappear in the evening with the tab still running which is good.
  12. And remember with the new notes you can wash them just as easily as change, wash your change while you are washing your hands. Then put it back in your pocket and look like you've pee'd yourself for the next two hours till the wet patch dries..... Oh sorry you didn't wash your change did you.....
  13. Why not credit card? I've not yet found a card payment where mastercard had any issue and if your card gets cloned you've not already lost the cash and have to reclaim, you just tell the card company and they cancel the payment. I wouldn't rely on paypal being taken many places.
  14. I know that breed, I believe it's known as a "dog", mixes are always the best and usually the strongest health wise. With our mut we often asked what she is and get a strange look when I reply "it's a dog".
  15. Never mind puppy prices, rescue dog every time!
  16. I've heard of people swapping diesel and pumpout badges during a spate of fuel thefts, help yourselves scroats.....
  17. Didn't Andy at freedom say it did not cover hire boats?
  18. He has, but very short arms....
  19. Don't jump ashore with mooring lines, step ashore! Sometimes when windy you don't get much option but avoid jumping where possible. When things get hairy in manouvers don't just back off the throttle, boats don't have brakes and the steering doesn't work with no power, often a bit more power (in a short burst) will sort the problem if it's not steering where you want. Drink plenty, it always goes better when drunk! And if it goes badly it's easier to forget.(that's not official advice)
  20. No Trev, Brian with pollyanna, the reeds were at sawley.
  21. If space is tight the ones I fitted to my old rlm31 were vetus and could be rotated and angled in all directions as long as the bottom was in and top was out, made a huge difference and none of the sploop sploop from the exhaust as it would just run continous, had drains at the base for winterising too, not cheap but very good.
  22. I once got handed the controls of a small norman while the owner went up front to deal with ropes, it had twin lever controls, and he failed to tell me the gear cables were oposite as they were the wrong ones and he'd knocked it out of gear as he approached the bank.... Being a small outboard it was a job to tell if it was just not good at stopping or if I was genuinely trying to crush him against the bank as he clung onto the reeds with one hand and tried to fend off with the other, as it wasn't stopping I gave it more throttle to stop harder, oh how he laughed...... (well I did anyway) Does this take me up the idiocy scales?
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