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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. As long as beer supplies are still ok I'll supply the gas, I'm sure there's a few on here that can join in.
  2. Aim for the wroxham advice as that will get you under all except PH, not many make it under PH these days. I'm south based and very rarely go as far as wroxham so can't help.
  3. In 4.5kg bottles at a guess. There's no shortage of empty ones.
  4. When I had the problem I rigged a polishing system from the tank drains pumped through a large 10" filter canister and back to a vent fitting at the top rocking the boat as much as possible, the crud that came out was hideous and lots of it from both tanks and was a bit like black blanket weed in appearance definately not waxy, once cleared it was rust flakes that caused the next seasons issues (yep mild steel tanks) as the sludge was holding it in place, finally a small red stain below a tank seam made the choice that they need replacing, this involved both engines out to get to them which was no small task (1/2 ton each and had to go up through a sunroof with an inch to spare) and new stainless tanks made, my tanks were baffled as I cut the bases out to see how bad they were. . Diesel bug happened before FAME just not nearly as badly. My boat spends most of it's time on the broads as well as going to sea when the opportunity arrises as do many others and not knowing the OP's boat or planned usage I think it's perfectly acceptable to include the info, do remeber the broads is not a closed in river system it's one big tidal haven. My worry now is that due to lockdowns I still have nearly full tanks of fuel bought in 2019 although been well dosed and re-dosed several times.
  5. Inland is the key word there, I wouldn't worry about it all inland as the sludge settles to the bottom of the tank and rarely causes any problems, half the boats on the broads probably have a tank base covered in thick sludge and will never know about it. Get out on a bumpy trip when the weather didn't play as expected and it all gets stirred up causing the grief, I don't mean a bumpy trip across breydon on a windy day I mean a proper good north sea shake up.
  6. Dose the tank well with a good bug treatment, I use marine 16 but others have different preferences, as for empty or full the jury seems to be out. Check for water in tank in spring and re-dose.
  7. Yes but he's filling it up, sure beats a watering can...
  8. So if you've only put £25 in what happens then? Does someone come out and tip your car over so it comes out again? Not really a viable option.
  9. I got to work this morning and checked level, yep plenty of rainwater in the seat (now my backside), pushbike fine and will get me here for a few more years at least (unless I win the lottery).
  10. Even if you take the rivers out of the equation the best tide predictions can vary by an hour if the weather doesn't suit it, I well remember a well timed arrival at the orford haven fairway buoy left me circling for over an hour watching the depth sounder waiting for an extra metre of water to appear before attempting to cross the bar when everything said we should have been able to go straight in, it was obviously not just our calculations as we watched a bilge keeled yacht sit bolt upright and then start slowly hopping it's way in with each wave after going aground on the way in. Mk1 eyeball on the day every time, if it helps I have never failed to get under ludham with 8'8" of airdraft (in summer) without taking much notice of the tables although we did stop and do the tape measure trick under the bridge a couple of times.
  11. BA tide tables use a different datum than regular tables so worth bearing in mind, don't rely on the tables too much as wind speed and direction and air pressure all make a difference on times and heights. CD on a proper chart and table refers to lowest astronomical tide which is very rarely reached, not sure what ba go by.
  12. I seem to recall using something called strippit or similar on grp without causing any problems but it had to be left on overnight to do any good, this was a long time ago though. Definately not regular nitromors.
  13. Induction hobs barely get warm, usually only conduction from the pan itself, I believe it's the reaction between the hob and the ferrous base of the pan that heats the pan rather than the heat of the hob/flame transferring to the pan. They won't work with an aluminium pot.
  14. It's a big deal when you get a tea towel over a hob ring that is still lit on low.
  15. Hell yeah!!!! Improvement isn't looking likely.
  16. Just drop a mudweight mid river somewhere near the bridge, should give hours of entertainment.
  17. I assume you mean not including natural rivers used for navigation, the gt.ouse and nene has no towpaths and part of the reason narrowboats venturing off the canals can be such a pita when they assume they can just moor up anywhere.
  18. Hydrogen on it's own is likely to be safer than petrol or lpg as any leaks will go upwards and vent to the atmosphere instead of dropping into the hull.
  19. Yikes a shutdown at 20'! That's is likely to be more of a problem than a shutdown at 2000' as it don't leave much chance for a controlled landing. At least it sounds like the gaffer is doing the right thing.
  20. Surely if anchored you have "slung yer ook" even if yer ook don't have pointy bits.
  21. That sounds like an ok car dealer to me, problems do occur but it's how they are dealt with that makes the difference, I'd far prefer to hear the truth I don't to hear than the lies that I do want to hear if that makes sense.
  22. By rocket fuel I assume you mean twin tanks with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, I think there may be a small issue with the bss, I wouldn't fit a gas cooker or fridge if I were you and certainly put up a no smoking sign, a fire blanket just isn't going to cut it.....
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