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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I quite like when they leave a short gap at the end, I can tuck the tail on it and the rest can hang in the middle of nowhere, I only care about the bit we get on and off from, the rest don't need a quay heading.
  2. I believe it's down to repeatedly being dropped into the tank and eventually wearing a hole in the bottom as they always hit the same spot.
  3. They always did, just behind the helm.
  4. After an hour I just call it again, be scuppered when 2g gets switched off though. Call no.2 usually indicates kraken o'clock... Or black magic if I have some. Mmmm rummmmmm.
  5. They always fit with enough throttle, same with bridges....
  6. Nah, I phone the heating from the pub as I get the last* round in and it runs for an hour with extra ducts running under the duvet, when we get back the boat is toasty and the bed is roasted, get in a warm bed and you stay that way all night without heating on. As for the open fire/pub theory, we've been known to take a bag of logs along with us in winter. * last may not really mean last.
  7. It'd be interesting to know the weight out vs the weight back in as it'd give a good idea as to just how much water she holds, depending how long out of the water of course, I doubt they let her dry out completely.
  8. Whoa there! This is the NBN you know, there's no need for rash moves like that.... Real life and a session on the workshop floor will teach far more than any uni course.
  9. My first thought to "how did you find the boat" was " it was where he left it, it always is".
  10. I'm pretty sure the diesel/electric train idea was down to transmission practicalities rather than efficiency, a diesel of the power output required has a limited rev range and going through gears is not that good a system on a train with the amount of weight involved, an old steam setup had huge torque right from the start so didn't need gears much like an electric motor. I thought the idea of self charging hybrid cars was they run clean in a city and do the stinking on the motorway to make the city air cleaner, not really relevant on the rivers. The setup for inland/sea boats sounds far more sensible though as big marine engines tend to smoke like mad idling along rivers (mine does, clears as soon as the throttles open and the turbos do some work) and it does them no good.
  11. He went to the yard and they pointed to it.
  12. Which is crazy, solar should be part of the building regs for all new builds in my book, cuts out distribution issues as well as generation issues, and if most is used on site there's less losses of transmission.
  13. Oh dear whatever will we do without faceache? Oh yeah the same as always.
  14. Curtains for me every time, I don't like dark windows on a boat.
  15. Yeah got that bit wrong....
  16. They say a change is as good as a rest, maybe the EDP would find it strangely satisfying... (but I doubt it)
  17. But if tucking over to the side of the channel and a sailie is in that deep water hurtling towards you it's not clear water is it, boats don't just stop dead and Andrew was on a hire boat so should be assumed inexperienced until the sailies know better, the OP was referring to boats deliberately trying to scare crews. You are giving an example where the sailie is doing what most do, he is giving an example of what they should never be doing.
  18. Smoggy


    Do you normally wear enough makeup to not be spotted then?
  19. Once you are being pushed into shallow water they lose any right of way they may have had and will be taken to task if they hit you and will have to rely on their own insurance, you are then 'constrained by draught' and they have lots of space and the obligation to avoid a collision over rules any other colregs (which the bylaws are mostly based on), you also have first responsibility to the safety of your crew and vessel which means not running up the bank. Which side they pass on doesn't really matter, I've been know to go to totally the wrong side of the river if it's clear and a raggie has good wind and a good run. If in doubt video the tw*ts and send it to the BA with date/time/place. Sail before power only works in certain situations, and the sodding safety boats passing moored boats on the plane are only speed exempt if they are actually rescuing people. (I might get corrected here but it's bl**dy anti social)
  20. Looks a very reasonable set of questions to ask before someone sat in a comfy office with no clue of boating makes a knee jerk decision to kill off the hire industry and the other industries that depend on it.
  21. Did he mention the C word? I'm talking the one at the end of december you filthy minded lot.
  22. I would say just removing posts without any communication to the poster is just plain rude wether it's in the t&c's or not, fine for the likes of faceache where most tend to hide behind the keyboard and dig at everyone and everything but not for a mostly civilised place like this, I thought we were better than that.
  23. You can get a carbon/charcoal filter to fit inline. Or drink less beer....... (get the filter!)
  24. I recon I could get a fight started in a fuel station.... All empty before you ask, and they will be staying that way till next season. The 4.5kg gas bottle is a full one though.
  25. Aviation fuel should always be checked for water at the start of the day before the first fuel up, I pick up avgas 100ll fairly regularly and have to wait for the check if the first one. Theres a few different types of aviation fuel, avgas is more or less a well leaded petrol even though the LL designation is supposed to be low lead, we scrape lots of lead sludge from inside engines from the stuff at work.
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