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Everything posted by Cheesey69

  1. For a moment I thought you meant The Angel Islington in London. Thought the forum got all cosmopolitan. or we was talking about monopoly.
  2. I bite. Humans think a 100 years is a long time and it is on our time scale. But not to nature when a million years is considered a second of our time. Remember the time the weather forecaster had a magnetic stick on cloud vaguely over norfolk? That was as accurate as they could get. Sometime today, over a vast area somewhere in Norfolk, it will rain. And a day in advance was all they could guarantee and anything after was based on general trends. Now they can get within an hour. general trends up to a week are really in the ball park on a national level. Millions of variables calculated on a hourly basis on a level impossible 30 years ago. science at work. The thames barrier design to close once or twice a year. During the barrier's entire history up to June 2020, there have been 193 flood defence closures. science at work. Most people judge time scale to their own lives, so the pace of global sea level rise has more than doubled from 1.4 mm per year throughout most of the twentieth century to 3.6 mm per year from 2006–2015 may seem like nothing but the changes are slight, unnoticed until you do. Put it this way, If i need dentistry, I wont go down to the Dog and Duck ask a plumber to do it. I will find an expert. If I need an engine rebuild, I wont ask an accountant to do it. If I need information about the climate, I'll ask someone who has access to all the the information. Not The Daily Mail.
  3. on our last hire from Brinks, we indeed had a battery bank to run the inverter, one to run fridge, two for leisure and one starter battery plus solar and shore charger/power. The battery isolators formed an impressive sight as did the power board. It had one extra alternator just for domestic use. Never ran out of power, not even close. Its a set up I aim to copy.
  4. Pretty much the same as me. Really want to use the boat as much as possible. So industrial size anti freeze and a tube heater just in case.....
  5. Started on the Broads. Got the bug. Bought a sailing vessel called Astrid. Sailed around Britain. Bought an ex hire. Gonna end on the Broads.
  6. Don't try to stop boat by holding onto rope too much. Wrap around mooring post and let it take the effort. Seen too many people (mainly women but blokes tend to send the wife out) trying to hold on to a craft travelling way too fast. Ends in divorce, tears, shouting or water skiing. If you can and the boat doesn't have a cleat in the middle, I generally have the crew exit with both fore and aft ropes in hand. If there is a cleat in the middle, use that. This bits me because I have a bath tub but when I moor I aim for the hull just behind where I sit to touch. That way I can still hear the crew (wife) tell me what to do. Too many come in too far bow forward with only one rope and the stern just drifts around. Remember the bit about both ropes? this is when it pays off. Pump the bog before you need to.
  7. If its like my lorry one, I power the pump by a jump pack until you hear the ticking slow down this indicates fuel at the pump, then reconnect pump to control system then try to fire it, it may take a few attempts, depending how close the pump is to unit.
  8. I think you just open the weed filter close the cocks start the engine. as the water level drops in the filter keep pouring anti freeze as the level drops until it comes out of exhaust. stop engine, fill filter with anti freeze with the hope that the anti freeze will disperse down from filter to stop cocks. Lid on.
  9. Got it. Never did this when I was in the seas but then never experienced iced conditions so what’s best if you want to cruise in winter?
  10. Only if you have a raw water cooled engine where there is no heat exchanger. I never drain the raw water because even if it does freeze it has room to expand but I may be wrong on this. I close the through hull as a matter of course anyway and if I’m laying up for winter I remove the impeller because you will damage it if it don’t move over winter
  11. Hi, stuck here in stalham I’ve noticed lots of helicopters flying over. Are we near a heliport?
  12. Sad news. Another victim of the rise of the internet. Reminds me of the boat show. Used to love shopping there for bargains. Now you can get all the information and bargains by a search engine or eBay.
  13. Personally, I think it’s like trying to drive a car by reading a book. You can’t. You can however,get some of the basics like mooring against tide and practice knots. But a lot of helming is about feel and experience ie the moment you lose grip from the rudder. And the best way to learn, at least on the broads, is to have a go.
  14. Don’t plan to moor in a particular spot at a particular time. Chances are you won’t. Fill up with water every day. when going slow you lose steering unlike a car. So if in a queue or approaching traffic hang back a bit. A little burst of throttle will turn boat faster then back off you can’t steer going backwards don’t forget tv Ariel you got more battery power than you think journeys take longer than you think and sunset can creep up on you The back of boat will turn first like a forklift. It don’t turn, the boat won’t.
  15. Sounds good. Probably won’t go through then.
  16. Just got to the boat. You could play the violin on the stern ropes. Looked like the boat doing a wheelie
  17. I wonder if it’s a bit like my fish tank I had with no fish in. I need to grow aquarium plants so I stuck in a heater no pump or air. fed in aquatic fertiliser. After a time you could see layers forming in the water and even different colours in places the plants didn’t do terrific added a pump to circulate the water and the whole effort went really well The point is, maybe the continued churning of the water by boats and even sinks adding bits of food for fish, weed being forced back by props sort of keeps the broad in a state of activity on the micro level?
  18. When working nightingale we where told face shields protect the eyes and we had to wear masks as well. we now ware a kind of snood or tube of material that’s close fitting and as a bonus can be turned to keep it fresh. and no to drying out masks on dashboard. You will encourage mould you can’t see to grow causing more problems.
  19. Folks, do we bare in mind The Broads public image? what I mean is, how much public money does the broads get? with budgets getting tighter, how well does the broads complete with the other parks? got to keep a friendly face, accessible to joe public and not to disappear up our own bilge pump. That’s why I think it’s important to keep the hirers happy to what is seen as an exclusive pastime
  20. It’s the mooring situation that does me in. The lack of that sends people, at speed, trying to find a spot unless you moor at midday. old, old discussions
  21. I’m RYA qualified off shore sailer don’t make me any good. Just means I can describe my accident better.
  22. Yes it does come down to money. You be an idiot if you think it didn’t. You could make any activity safe if you throw enough money at it but would you want to do it?
  23. "But its water innit?" Regular topic of mine. You go on holiday, play on the beach, have a swim you go to local swimming pool, play around you go to my local gravel pit and drown. Every year people drift out to sea on an inflatable. Every year people get caught out on beach with tides. Water has a good PR company, parents may know awful things happen but not here. I once pointed out to a parent in Cornwall that letting your kids swim in an entrance to a harbour is a bit like letting your kid play on the edge of a road. She considered it, then called her kids back. Five minutes later a fishing boat came in on a rising tide. Things move slowly on the Broads - until they don't. What helm has 100% concentration on the river? and on other posts I've pointed out ive nearly hit people in the water and they was adults swimming on a corner on the Ant. If the Broads was a raging sea, it would be a different matter but because its so calm- what's the worst that can happen? until it does and you watch the boater get the blame. Then there will be a campaign to make vessels give way to any human powered craft and swimmers.
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