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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Very interesting and well presented. I look forward to the next one. In the meantime I'll have look at you other vids.
  2. I am captivated by this because of the possibility of actually witnessing a thread disappear up it's own jacksie causing an internet Black Hole...... Keep watching folks.....
  3. I think it's been established recently that it would help BRAG if we tried to keep away from the National Park issue and concentrate on the reform for now. Thankfully, it does not get raised too often around here these days. Once some kind of reform is achieved, then may be the time for a full appraisal of the situation.
  4. I still don't get why they get something perfect for shallow waters and encourage loads them into the main boating areas. Yes you have the right etc but surely the best thing for these would be to open up some of the areas un-navigable by boats? I suppose one argument would be that less people would see your latest gear..
  5. Forgot to mention the site wi fi: it's beginning to remind me of holiday camps we used to go to as kids - the heated swimming pool had broken the week before and the engineer was coming after you'd gone home!
  6. Sadly none this time but thanks for the tip. It was a bit early when we were in the town but luckily we had our own supply. There'll definitely be a next time though..
  7. Day 3 we tried Cambridge but it was a wash out. I remembered my way to Asda after 11 years but they had extended the place into a retail park. The cold rain was being blown about by a strong breeze so we left central Cambridge on the to do list when Mrs Raser will have her bus pass too and libation may be taken. The day finished with a visit from a warden with the evacuation notice, and a firey sunset. It was a lovely, relaxing time away but we were looking forward to getting home. The caravan mover proved to be a great success and the extra weight never made a dent in the economy figures. However on hitching up we discovered a problem: after 12 years of working, on and off, one of the indicators failed. I have made a Youtube video about the trouble I've had with the rear lights on this van and I thought it was all coming back to haunt me again. It turned out to be just a bulb. An orange tinted bulb for which I didn't have a spare so I popped in the clear one for reversing, just to get me home. I will be pushing the boat right out and buying TWO orange bulbs as I can't quite remember how many times I've turned each way, so I have no idea when the other one will go.
  8. Day 2 Thursday we walked into St Neots. I didn't take many pics because the weather made everything look so dull. There seems to be plenty of nice walks without having to drive and thankfully, a lot of tarmac pathways. Signs under the bridge stated the speed limit to be 4mph but with the river at it's upper limit the flow down the middle must have been more than that! Looking around the boats and river though, this area didn't look more attractive than the Broads. Looking at the Bridge House you need a little imagination: try a sunny day in Summer, a weekday lunchtime and a seat overlooking the river. Yep, I think we'll have to try that one. Thursday is market day in St Neots. Big market square but only a few stalls. A couple of stalls selling plants, a couple selling ladies clothes, a bag stall where Mrs Raser bought yet another handbag, and shouty man trying to sell meat from the back of a large lorry, and failing miserably. We walked back to the site with the intention of walking along the Ouse Valley Way to the River Mill pub. Unfortunately the path was flooded so we tried a round about route, but never made it. We stopped for a coffee by the river where we saw some plots of land for sale next to the river, for liveaboards. Price around £45k + £200 pa service charge for tap water and a remote parking space.
  9. St Neots Day 1 Wednesday 10th May. Dull and wet, rather like myself. The main reasons for the trip were: To blow the cobwebs out of the caravan; to check everything worked including the newly fitted electric mover. We always mothball the van for the winter months. Respite from caring duties. To check out the site and area for future visits. For reason 1 the first outing is always around 1 ½ hours away from home just in case I have to nip back for something or we have to abandon the break altogether. One year I had to shoot home because I had left the toilet cassette in the garage! There had been thunderstorms on the Monday and Tuesday. The Camping and Caravan Club's site at St Neots is right in the banks of the Great Ouse. I checked the weather forecast as we took our first G&T and it gave a flood warning for our area!The Ouse Valley Way is the only thing between the river and the campsite and there is no border. Hence the need for a code to use the facilities. The warden who pitched us asked that we stay off the grass as much as possible due to waterlogging, we had an all weather pitch with hard standing and electric hook up. Even some of the other all weather pitches were under water! Nice site, modern facilities and friendly staff. Fishing (when the season starts) is just £3 a day but there didn't seem to be many swims. I'll have to hope there aren't many other anglers next time..
  10. I just went to book the electric dayboat above for the whole day on 27th June for 12 people. £210 minus 10% advance booking £189. I could have the ageing day narrowboat from Market Harborough for the day which would get us to Foxton and back, for 12 people: £180. The main difference is that MH is virtually on our doorstep.
  11. We're fine thanks, we weren't evacuated but we were due to leave this morning anyway. Home now, report later...
  12. We are in our caravan on the bank of the Great Ouse at St Neots. The site wardens are a bit worried in case they have to evacuate us all!
  13. Based on takings and conversations... Easy to clarify then, someone with another agenda could have similar conversations and see if they come to the same conclusions?
  14. I'm no legal expert but wouldn't you have to prove some kind of criminal intent? I think the police may laugh at extortion, menace and fraud. This is the action of an organisation at war with it's own customers but they would just claim "Sorry, we were wrongly advised by our legal team". JP would deflect the blame eslewhere of course.
  15. I think this is also JP sticking two fingers up to BRAG and anyone else who opposes him. Unfortunately he has nothing to loose: if he gets booted out he gets a nice retirement, if he resigns he gets a nice retirement. Said it before - a clever bloke, but he'll never achieve a bronze statue.
  16. Orange lights would be too much like a wide load when seen in mirrors, IMO. You would need the siren too, to attract the attention of Audi and BMW drivers, who would THEN look in their mirrors.
  17. Do they really need blue lights? Well in the article at the start of this thread the coxwain with 20 years of experience in the job reckons they do which is why he's asking the department of transport to change things. Interesting points of view raised here but I'll go with his opinion.
  18. Really? What's the name of their latest album?
  19. Around 1966 there were " camping boats" for hire on the Grand Union canal. They were basically a flat bottomed punt with canvas covered poles forming a box like tent. Powered by outboard. My parents hired a narrow boat and I remember 4 young blokes having a great time in a camping boat at the same time.
  20. It's been a long time since I had a ............. tent.
  21. Just looked it up (yes, bored; polishing the Volvo and it started to rain!) - Hire is "obtain the temporary use of (something) for an agreed payment" while charter is "the hiring of an aircraft, ship, or motor vehicle for a special purpose". Same then.
  22. Nor do I. Tried it once and my tent sank!
  23. Shame you weren't in that marketing meeting.
  24. That's very interesting thank you. I wish they could restore it back to Kendal. Buut I imagine if it did, it would then attract Lake District pricing..
  25. Hey guess what, some fresh, up to date marketing in Norfolk! Who'd have thought... Blue chip and blue star were as has been said, in the past but what about the future? What about now? I went to a fishing show in February - £10 entry or £40ish for a VIP ticket. Fishing - for the working classes or toffs? All VIP tickets sold out. I agree with whoever was in that marketing meeting at Richardsons who said that people would rather relate their holiday anecdotes with "We chartered a boat on the Broads" than "We hired.." Good luck to them I say.
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