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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Excuse me, is there an interpreter in the house? Any photos? Since taking up boating I have formed a theory that all naval terms were developed in the old days so that they may be understood when shouted through a howling gale by an old Cornishman with no teeth! I clearly learned nothing from watching the Onedin Line.
  2. Thanks for all these answers. For some reason the notifications are social distancing through the information highway.
  3. I heard that back in the day when men were men, they hauled sacks of grain and flour of 18 stone. But they didn't live long.
  4. I've seen it done in a car paint shop. The free standing stove was a bit poor so someone tried to liven it up with some cellulose thinners from the waste pot. As he stood back to admire the flames shooting up to the factory roof he failed to notice the pot on fire in his hand. He somehow managed to put the pot down without tipping it over on the sloping floor or the whole place would have gone up.
  5. At 63, that'll be me then! At around 30 I took a job delivering animal feed to farms in 25 and 50 kilo bags. Within a month I had taken an inch off my waist and put it on my chest. Seems to have slipped back a bit since then...
  6. Does that mean when you light it, you will only survive for one minute?
  7. Thanks Andrew, there are some informative Youtube videos on the BA website which seem quite comprehensive although they could probably do with being updated. Good if people watch them. I've seen a video of the owners of a small yacht were practising MOB drill in a swimming pool, where the person in the water tied a rope around their own, slim waist. Bikini clad young females seem to feature in a lot of yachting videos... Just saying.
  8. I've always found the damn thing hard to set up in that it never wants to find the map directory but once sorted it tends to be ok for the life of the phone. Trouble is, I keep my phones for years and can never remember what I did to set it up! I have also discovered that I was wrong to think the hardware of my HTC was as good as the more popular brands. I'm wondering if MMtracker will run on a new Huwaiwaiway (spellchecker can't cope) P40?
  9. Thanks Marshy, good info there. The ladder is the longer version of the two and my thinking was that as there are uprights for the handrail all around the boat, the ladder could be slung from deck level to get maximum steps in the water. I was also thinking more of other poor devils in distress rather than myself. If I go over the side, those onboard will stand to inherit the boat so I won't have a chance!
  10. Thank you Peter, I'll take that all on board.
  11. Thank you, I have a full set of maps. They're all old like a lot of things round here!
  12. Thank you, I forgot that bit! An ancient red & white ring came with the boat but my qualified person (best mate of one of my Sons who is a qualified captain but no Broads experience) told me to get a modern, orange jobby which I have. I restored the old one with a lick of paint to retain the character of the boat so there's two on board.
  13. Thank you, valid point. They have been checked over by a qualified person and deemed useful, apart from the one which has been activated. I didn't know about the dates but I'll have a look myself anyway.
  14. So now could be a good time for this question: What suggestions does the team have for safety (and other) equipment? With the prospect that I may actually get a chance to take the Denham Owl away from it's mooring for the first time I would like to make sure there's enough of the correct safety equipment on board. From memory there is already 5 self-inflating life jackets, a couple of bank stakes (but nothing to knock 'em in with yet!), not enough mooring rope, a first aid kit, a new horn and I've ordered one of these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Emergency-Boat-Ladder-134-cm-5-Steps-Yacht-Foldable-Safety-Boarding-EMLAD5/273010791893?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 There are two anchors in the locker but no mud weight. I plan to use the MM Tracker app on my phone to check the speed. How much rope would you need on a 37 footer and how many fenders? Everyone seems to have more than me! And anything else I may have missed? Thanks in anticipation. PS. Adnams Broadside & Copperhouse Gin, Laphroaig Quarter Cask and an ice making fridge already on board.
  15. And for how many passengers? More than ever we have recently found the value of online conferencing and with airlines reducing fleets, surely now is the time to start asking questions.
  16. Ah the risk factor. There is a risk of cancer if you smoke, risk of blood problems if you eat too much fat etc etc. and millions choose to ignore the advice. But with covid it's not just your own risk you are making choices over. On a practical note about stern mooring, what if we agree to only move fore and aft on one side of the boat?
  17. I don't agree. I think a lot more cases will be caused by people interpreting the guidance to suit their own agendas. Just this very morning I have seen evidence of my neighbour's stupid actions in disregard of the guidance. They seem to think the danger is past because of the partial relaxation. I would probably be safer on my boat!
  18. My review of the review: Excellent. Just what Youtube should be about; natural presenting and all details covered. Camera (ok phone) not too shaky when it mattered. I found it very amusing. I don't even know why I watched it all the way through, I have my own boat! You are right about people doing multiple shots and stuff but I'm afraid the old one-upmanship thing is creeping in to youtube which is unfortunate IMO as it could put some people off giving it a go.
  19. I think Chris's post should be a sticky on every page of this thread. Although it's a good place for people to let off a bit steam during the lockdown, it does seem to be some people's sad obsession to find loopholes in just about every bit of advice dished out.
  20. As the Tena advert says, "I won't let a little bit of wee stop me being me." Whatever the devil that means!
  21. It's actually a silent killer and it may already be there. I would be as worried about coming to the Broads and picking up the virus; it's a two-way thing all the time.
  22. Personally I was reassured when Chris Whitty inferred that Boris was listening to all the expert advice. And after that, even Laura K-berg said that Boris had now made things clear. The latter came as a massive shock!
  23. Peter, what are trying to tell us about Marshman?? I think I would be tempted to ask the marina and if they said yes, nip over, check the boat over and nip out again. I wouldn't attract attention by sitting there with a beer and I wouldn't broadcast anything about it on here or anywhere else.
  24. In your own case it probably can't but the guidance has to be universal. If you have to physically touch something to gain entry for instance, open a gate, then the virus could be spread by contact with said object. If all marinas had contactless entry then no problem but I'm not sure they do. VE day in our street everyone kept 2m apart, until they swapped mobile phones to take pictures!
  25. I sincerely hope nobody lets the hot air generated on this forum influence the way they behave towards the lockdown. There is no ambiguity, yet. The man said he would give more details tomorrow. People obviously have chosen to ignore that bit in favour of argument. I'm only guessing but I would think that was because he didn't want to be on the telly until the epilogue!
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