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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Ditto!!! Making me drool John!!!! Fine pub indeed. Have a good one!!!
  2. Coniston No 9 Barley Wine apparently Carol. Wrong side of the Pennines, can’t trust these Cumbrians………
  3. Congratulations to Green Jack Brewery who have just won gold in class (Best Bitter) and overall silver for Champion Beer of Britain with Trawlerboys. Well done Green Jack and very well deserved. Trawlerboys is available at discerning Broadland pubs including the Locks. I suspect our Norfolk correspondent may be raising a glass or two……
  4. Fascinating film, many thanks for sharing. I’ve often wondered what it was like up there. It looked a bit narrow and weedy towards the end! Wonder what the depth of water is? I believe hire craft could go up there at some time in the past but have an idea the limit of navigation was Tonnage Bridge?? I’ve always wanted to have a look up Waxham Cut and Catfield Dyke as well, that would probably be a canoe or small boat job too.
  5. Thanks Alan, that explains it! Just been looking at Starfire in the Hoseasons brochure and I would guess it needs around 8ft 3 to 8ft 6, so no wonder it got stuck if it was near high tide!
  6. Ouch!!! From memory I think there is only about 8 feet at high tide??
  7. Hi It still seems to work if you visit the Hotel website http://www.arlingtonhotelgroup.co.uk/wroxham/index.aspx Unless I am missing something! (very likely)
  8. Thanks for keeping us updated Carol. As David says, wise words indeed.
  9. Wise words Carol. I think straightforward updates have been OK in the past.
  10. Hi Barry Curiouser and curiouser. The picture I tested with was about 500k in memory size, were yours similar? Would it be worth trying to reduce your pics a bit more than you have already? If that did work you could try increasing them until they wont if that makes sense!
  11. Hi Barry Seems odd. I’ve just tried a picture which is 1024 x 768 which is slightly bigger than the ones you have tried and it seems OK. I’m a bit baffled. I’m assuming that you are using JPEG files as I’m not sure if it can handle other formats such as TIFs or Bitmaps which I think are larger file sizes. Very strange, perhaps one of our technical wizzos can fathom it out!
  12. It was supposed to be a bit tounge in cheek but point taken!
  13. Lager! get hubby on the Humpty Dumpty or Ghost Ship, Lori. That will tickle his taste buds!!!! The Kings Head is not the first pub I would rush into on the Broads..............
  14. I wouldn't mind but she appeared when I logged on!!! A useful thing is that you get 're-tweets' so for example the local CAMRA branch re-tweet brewery bits, so its quite good. So it might work quite well Carol as your tweets might get passed on and re tweets might come to you if that makes sense! I will get to grips with it. I'm still not signing up for Facebook though!!!! :
  15. Hi Carol I’ve signed up for it so hopefully will get your ‘tweets’ Not signing up for Britney Spears though!!! Good luck with it!!!!
  16. Hi Jim and welcome. I don't think the bridges are a major problem. They tend to be near the end of the navigable rivers and although there are some pretty stretches beyond them there is plenty to see and do on the rest of the network. I wouldn’t worry unduly. As far as I am aware most boat operators on the Broads do not allow bikes. They are more common on canal boats but there is a risk of damage to fibre glass Broads cruisers and there isn’t really a safe place to stow them. You could ask, but I think most would say no. Sorry!!
  17. Spotted a fascinating and amusing account on Carol’s Broadland Memories blog about a fleet of hire cruisers named after Whitbread beers!! http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/blog/ The memory of Whitbread Tankard made me shudder though! I like Carol’s suggestions for boat names based on Adnams beers too. Mind you when the lottery comes up and I buy my boat, I’m going to call her “Lady Evelynâ€
  18. It would be interesting to know Rod. I reckon if Royalls called them back it must have shot up a fair bit. The Faircraft Loynes guys took us through in May when levels were fairly high and I did notice that they gave it a good blast of throttle too. I’d be interested to know the theory behind it.
  19. Well done that couple What a kind gesture
  20. Just been looking at the video on the Royalls’ website. That takes some nerve! Full speed and hardly a fag paper to spare! Nice one! http://royallsboatyard.blogspot.co.uk/
  21. Clarity and the BA don’t always go hand in hand!!! Only used them once but I believe the cards are one pound each fixed value. You insert the card in the pillar which ‘primes’ it with a quids worth of credit. You can only use the card once. When you leave, any remaining credit is left on the pillar. There is a meter to see the remaining credit. If you are crafty you can look for posts with credit left on. I believe a quids worth lasts ages. It’s a bit of a con because if you only use 10p and move on you’ve lost the remaining credit. I think this is the case but someone will correct me if I am wrong!
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