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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. That would be Swan Royale Neil. We hire it just about every summer if we can. Superb boat. Really well maintained and the Beta diesel is very quiet and I’ll swear it runs on fresh air. Very roomy and well laid out as you say. You would be comfortable with four and there are 2 separate cabins both en-suite. Plenty of room in the saloon. I’d buy it like a shot if it came off hire (if I had the money – ha ha). If you're interested get in quick though, it soon books up!!! Very popular boat.
  2. Couldn’t agree more Neil. Jen, Tony and Paul (and Sam) are lovely people and have really gone that extra mile to look after us over the years. Top notch yard IMHO. Maybe give Tony a quick bell before hand but I’m sure they’d be happy to have you. Deservedly popular yard, so there should be plenty of room!
  3. Really gutted to hear about this. Graham was one seriously good person, taken us through the bridge many times, often with a fag paper to spare. A true gentleman and a great character. Sincerest condolences to his family and many friends.
  4. Hah!! Is Bullard still there pulling a sickie??
  5. You won't Lori - you are much too young!!!!
  6. Snowballs chance in hell I would imagine. As if pubs haven’t enough to contend with! Superb pub, one of the best on the system (in my humble opinion of course)
  7. Thanks for that Barry. Tom must have been a bit of a cask ale fan as the Lodge was something of an oasis in its day. It was first listed in the 1977 Good Beer Guide and had an impressive selection of ales for its day. I certainly remember going in there and having a few!!
  8. Hi Lori It was indeed called the Bure Court, I believe it was just off the main river near where Summercraft are now (someone will correct me if I’m wrong). Very sadly it burnt down in the early 70’s. It was actually advertised in the 1975 Blakes handbook including the line that it still had real ale available by handpump (this was in the bad old Watneys days when most pubs were all keg). I spent some time rowing up and down the river in a dinghy looking for it only to be eventually told that it burnt down. So I never did get the chance to go in.
  9. Fascinating footage Carol, many thanks for sharing with us. Taken the year after I was born! Glimpses of a few pubs in passing too. It amazing how little quay heading there was in those days, most of the moorings were just grass banks. Love the woolly hats too! Brilliant stuff.
  10. Steve set up this very useful listing viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1357
  11. Another point is that the nights will be drawing in then too, so your cruising time will be restricted. I tend to agree, maybe keep up North and take it easy. Having said that I have done North and South in a week several times but mostly in May/June time when the days are longer. It is a bit hectic to be honest.
  12. Sounds very reasonable to me!
  13. I think the number of yards on the Southern rivers which have ceased hiring in recent years speaks for itself. Off the top of my head Pearson Marine Astons (Loddon and Beccles) Hippersons Bees Willow Harvey Eastwood Fencraft Alexander Kingfisher Highcraft Castlecraft Topcraft Must be more. Very sad. However I can say that I do support a Southern yard in the shape of Swancraft who I hire from whenever possible.
  14. I hope so! Nearly 7 feet at Potter this year. Unheard of. Out again in Feb next year - can't wait!!
  15. The Doris is now moored up at Oulton Broad yacht station. Someone has been busy, she looks a lot smarter than when I last saw her moored at Beccles!
  16. Rod! Just off to the Dukes Head - I'll have an Orange Wheat for you!!
  17. Just for David - crossing Breydon and white horses on Oulton Broad
  18. Hi Lorraine Sounds all good stuff. We went to the Falgate a couple of times when the quiz and card game were on and had a most enjoyable time. Should be even better at the Dog Inn! Also had the pleasure of sampling Rodney’s meat and very good it is too! Will you be doing the music nights too? Hope it all goes really well and we should be making a small inroad into your bar stocks shortly………
  19. Looks a bit like one of the small Shadow boats which Swancraft built. But I could be wrong........
  20. Well my new Hoseasons brochure has just hit the doormat - it states "including Blakes" on the cover and includes DRL, BB, Faircraft Loynes etc. Makes a bulkier read!
  21. Glad to hear that you all had a good time!! Yes, time does run at double speed on the Broads! It all goes too soon!
  22. Hi KB A few boats do have water gauges and toilet holding tank gauges but are probably the exception rather than the rule. They are handy though! Avoids the guesswork. Swancraft have been trialling a very nifty water gauge which works on tank pressure rather than having a sensor in the tank itself, so they can be fitted retrospectively. If you are hiring on the Southern Broads, Swancraft are well worth considering. Family run yard, very personal attention, and above all well maintained! I have no connection BTW, just a very satisfied customer. If I can jump in for Jonzo – Broadlander is the new boat from Richardsons – beautiful boat and another one you might well consider. Richardsons have an excellent well deserved reputation. There is a thread about it being built.
  23. We’ve booked with DRL for February and just received the confirmation blurb all headed up as Blakes – address quoted as Sunway House, Lowestoft.
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