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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I think the general principle is right. Tracy at the Berney once described it to us in a very animated manner. Basically it starts off slowly, gathers pace and towards the end runs out of steam. That does tend to hold true to an extent I think. The under tow on the Bure at Yarmouth confuses a bit also.
  2. Silly question but does the same apply to the ebb as well as the flood? (I know the ebb last longer but is the theory the same)
  3. That's looks very TFI ish Mr Fire Sir. Did they sting you for 10 quid?
  4. That's how I read it. You can tell as the daylight times are not in sync now the clocks have gone forward. Not a problem though as tide times are more critical.
  5. At that time of year you have quite a bit of daylight. I think those times are GMT? It will probably be light at 5 in the morning easily and light until 9ish. I'd go for it, with that air draft you could come through pretty much any time but probably best to avoid the really strong tides particularly on the Bure. On Thursday/Friday I'd be inclined to come back though about 10 ish to avoid the Bure ebb which would give you loads of time to get to Yarmouth.
  6. True Loddon is more sheltered, the tide itself shouldn't be too much of an issue, more if its windy particularly if the wind and the tide are in opposite directions.
  7. This is where bow thrusters can come in handy too. They're a good get out of jail card. For example turning in a strong tide can be greatly assisted with bow thrusters at the likes of St Olaves and Reedham.
  8. Sorry off topic again but quick reply to a very reasonable question. Briefly not been in for ages, most least visited pub, just the opportunity really so wanted to have a look. As mentioned above never, again. The Surlingham Ferry wins hands down and I agree, one of the best pubs on the Broads. Back on topic
  9. Looks like Tombstone on the left, a regular in winter
  10. I somewhat unwittingly dragged this thread off topic with my inane ramblings, so apologies to all! Back on track
  11. I respect your opinion, I think he definitely has an issue with (current) hire boats. Characters are good for pubs I agree, look at 'Winkle' at the White Horse at Upton. It was just the sheer unprovoked aggressive attitude that annoyed me. Perhaps best to agree to disagree!!!
  12. Ah, the only pub I've ever been kicked out of before I even got through the door. Briefly, moored up, 'landlord' rushed out, we're closed Monday and Tuesday OK - is this a hire boat? Yes, Herbert Woods, you can't cook onboard or moor here - don't worry we're going I've visited hundreds of pubs in my lifetime including the Broads even back to the Watneys era and he is by far the most objectionable individual I've ever come across. If it's a friend or relative I understand. Check out the reviews on Trip Advisor
  13. Is that the hire boat bit or the Waters Edge???
  14. Couple of points there, white ex hire boats sell much more readily into the private market and Basil Fawlty at the Waters Edge will welcome you with open arms!
  15. Isn't there one next to the Ferry? Edit - I think the OP wants North though
  16. I think what I was trying say (not very well) was don't worry about it! I'm sure as ECIPA says, they'll have a good season. Quite likely Pedros are different management possibly???
  17. Wow, thanks Mr Q and ECIPA That's really informative, makes me want to have a go but not this year! My Dad would have loved it. Much appreciated.
  18. Don't worry MWL - sounds like someone down the line (not HG) put 2 and 2 together and got 5! Rumours can harm a business but if you've heard it good faith how do you know?
  19. Fascinating pictures from ECIPA on the other thread Imagine getting amongst that lot! I think I've got the rough route - Horning, then through Ludham Bridge and turn, then through Potter (both bridges) and turn and Acle Bridge and turn??? but not necessarily in that order?? Then back to Horning. Im guessing there wasn't much wind last year as so many dropped out. Also a couple of questions for you sailies - presumably its OK to paddle or quant? And are you allowed ashore at any time, for comfort breaks for instance I think one of the golden rules is that you mustn't have any outside assistance??
  20. NorfolkNog


  21. NorfolkNog


    Norada presumably! True, they are trying to make a go of it so hats off to them for that. Mrs Nog loves the tat, but yes, 20 would be steep for a private, even to escape the pointy bits!!!
  22. NorfolkNog


    Yep, free for hire craft. I agree, good value for 10 quid, they've re done all the Quay headings, all facilities, safe secure mooring and very helpful yard staff Edit Sorry, just seen Lady V's post, mmmm , 20 is a bit dear maybe....
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