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Everything posted by marshman

  1. I think Vaughan is absolutely right - it will be a logistical nightmare and, to top it all, a pollution spill in that area especially could be a nightmare! I know it could be contained but to have a spill in that area, one of the last untouched fens, would be beyond contemplation and I suspect that that even Natural England may baulk at it! Sutton Fen ,the other side of the dyke is an area not even the BA can go in on a regular basis - it is literally untouched apart from I believe, a bi annual flora and fauna survey I believe. This will not help but think about a little - the costs mount up at the mere thought! Probably the worst place you could dump it!!!!
  2. Strange - I must be very lucky as I have been braving the supermarkets from the outset and still not caught it!!
  3. You mean it was such a shame it was on the moorings or someone did not pour diesel over it?
  4. And I think availability of heavy lifting gear could be an issue - they need to get a decent crane to lift it and they do not have one up there above Ludham Bridge. The only excavators would probably only break it up and that brings further problems in that you could well have significant pollution issues in the midst of a extra special SSSI!!!! So its only a guess but the problems of removal are perhaps not as clear cut as some may imagine? And that would significantly increase the cost to everyone!
  5. On a topic more related to the Broads, I was having a chat to the bloke who runs NYA in Horning, and I have just looked at their website! So much for all those doomsters saying how secondhand prices would fall away rapidly - their stock has diminished rapidly at all levels so someone is spending their pennies!!
  6. Andrew - I suspect you have not been on the Electric Eel? not sure that has a toilet either!!!! P.S. Vaughan - we used to keep our boat at Nobby's! He let me out on Nutty several times!!! Now that is a long long time ago!!
  7. It cannot go anywhere where its too windy - above Potter the tide runs too quiockly and it is in reality , too open!
  8. I think the missing word is "planning" to open sites!!!!
  9. Surely if you go down to a one metre rule, which you will have to eventually like it or not, then the BA will have to abandon that silly regulation?
  10. This scam is seemingly quite common in SE London area - they order the stuff with your details and they sit outside the house waiting for the postman and then pretend they are the recipient - who they say is out or they are just going in so you need not deliver to the house. The postman then hands it over and bobs your uncle! Happened to one of my family in Orpington. The parcel was a computer from John Lewis and they nearly got away with it but the post was delivered early. You get no goods, but a bill - you say you have not had delivery and you can probably get away with paying the bill too!
  11. Its the "fishing" season Pete, so I suspect its par for the course you can smell something fishy going on, or even a fishy conspiracy! Stiil its a good sign your olfactory senses are working properly - it means you are still alive and kicking and as suspicious as ever!!!!
  12. The Daily Mail says he is! Perhaps what I am trying to say is that there are just so many people out there putting forward their expert view, it is virtually impossible to separate the sheep from the goats! From my experience you cannot expect the experts to help too much in that they all hold widely differing views which they believe to be correct - so just how do you chose? Someone though, has to make that decision, and no one will be absolutely sure it is the right one, or the wrong one until you can look back with hindsight! Life really is a bu**er......!!
  13. And you feel secure when handing your data over to them, given the role that that their computer industry probably plays in trying to influence events worldwide? On balance, I think I will give it a miss......!!
  14. Don't believe the experts! They all have a vested interest in propounding a different view, be it right or wrong. People are still listening to Neil Ferguson who has been wrong in almost every prediction he has made for the last 20 years - yet still they print his predictions!!!
  15. Well thats what the BA have said currently. I suspect it may become "open to negotiation" when the current owners move on! As you probably know, the legal eagle on "the other side" has posted at some length - I know nothing about it other than what I have read!
  16. If you read the post, I don't think any precedent is being set at all. I doubt the circumstances will ever be replicated again and it will not continue beyond the current owners. Do you really want to "fight" the issue at a cost to the toll payers? I think its a compromise which isn't ideal, but anyway who would really want it? No facilities and every time you move off for a day out, someone will nick it and you then have to move them off, risking confrontation or a long wait if they have walked off for exercise? Not my cup of tea anyway.
  17. Spotted that - but who would want it? It offers not a lot as far as I can see!
  18. And very good it is too! Just before Christmas they opened a very big one in Norwich - very good for t shirts, shorts and other leisure wear!!
  19. Vaughan - FYI it costs nearly as much to test them as it does to buy them and as far as the BSS is concerned they just look, I believe, to see if they are in date. Compaction is a real problem as far as I see it and no turning or shaking will guarantee they will fire effectively. I have been looking for sometime for a backup - or to use before a powder one so for peace of mind I may well go down this road.
  20. i am sure the operators have thought of the risk and done the appropriate risk assessment. Don't forget whilst it is not impossible to catch it outdoors, the risk of catching it is further reduced, especially when sailing as you are always creating a breeze! Not everyone wants to hide indoors forever - some would think the risk well worthwhile on as boat as big as a Thames Barge!!
  21. I don't think there is any question about whether its actually certified as I suspect it is just too new - and in any case as there is a thriving industry in checking the old type annually at some cost, the cynic in me would suggest that it would struggle to get approval, as it is just "too new fangled"! However I think I have seen enough to probably have one as just because I do not if possible, want the mess a powder one makes nor the damage it can do to your engine if its running.
  22. Flu vaccines are notorious for not working as they have to guess which strain is most likely and they then find its not the right one!! And you think I am joking!!!!!!
  23. Thats interesting as I find the stringy filament ones the worst of the lot! The other time when it can be bad is just after they have been cutting a the surface is covered in bits - thats also a time to watch out. Its just a case I think of checking every now and again but I am surprised you got a whole lily leaf up it! I think you can fit a grill of sorts over the intake if you are concerned.
  24. If you have ever had a fire on board MM, cost would be the last of your worries!!!! ( The other worry should be that in my experience, even the best insurance companies will find "wriggle " room as to your claim! )
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