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Everything posted by marshman

  1. As has been suggested by the last 3 posters, what a load of 'ol squit about bu**er all!!!!! I suspect all of those self righteous posters expressing indignation, have all taken part in similar activities in their late teens/early twenties which they pretend to have forgotten about. ( We, of course, will now get posts saying that they never indulged in such behaviour - yeah right!! )
  2. I suspect it would depend - whilst not condoning it at all, no one was injured nor much damage doe, other than to peoples righteous indignation!
  3. The costs must already exceed the value - sounds to me a bit like carrying coals to Newcastle!!! ( Yes I know there are no pits left open...!! )
  4. To be honest, spending the money on a prosecution is no way to proceed either! The costs of even bringing a speeding prosecution have been mentioned previously and I seem to recall it well in excess of £1000 - all for what? Any guess what the fine might be? Possibly not even a fine but a community order - is that the best way to spend toll money? In principle I tend to agree but it would do nothing to dissuade others so in reality why bother with that cost when all you would get is at best, a slap.
  5. I can see none of you have checked your Hamiltons - suggested in there which I have no reason to doubt, that it has a shingly bottom following an attempt to block it off many years ago. As I mentioned in my earlier post just to the north of the Broad where the channel enters the Inner Broad are some big holes in the ground known as The Pits, according to my old boy, and the land rises quite sharply there - well around 15' or so ( it is Norfolk! ) I shall have a nosey one day as it occurs to me that is where the shingle could have come from - would explain a lot!!
  6. Well you picked well !!!! The Opal 28 or its many different variations is probably the MOST desirable boat on the Broads and it holds its value very well, indeed actually appreciating which is why when they do come on the market, they are expensive and don't hang around! I would not go into the market at the moment - NYA have sold so many boats that they have very little left and are resorting to putting even some of the older boats on their main sales pontoon. Don't be sucked in to paying premium prices and wait a bit until things have quietened down a bit - its not just the cost at the moment but lack of choice!l Don't necessarily be put off by what you have appeared to have already have discounted! For example whilst it would not be my first choice, I think I could even put up with an aft cockpit cruiser - of these the Freeman 27 are old but they have an excellent reputation. So if I were you, I would not be hurried but look at all boats in or around your budget; you might be surprised what boats you may have already discounted, have to offer!!! There is a compromise everywhere and in every boat! P.S. the Alpha looks ok but so it should - at double your budget!!!
  7. Thats an interesting map of S Walsham Broad! I was always led to understand that it was the bit between the Broads which was known as The Weirs, not the whole of the Outer Broad. In fact it is the only place, Google Maps, that does call it The Weirs and personally, I think that info is probably wrong! Anyone know how it got its name? I knew an old boy in the village who used to swim in an area immediately to the north but inland a bit of the Inner Broad, which he said was known as The Pits. He said when he was a lad it attracted a large following swimming there, primarily because some of the girls used to take off all their clothes!!! Either that or he more likely imagined it!!
  8. Going back to water, I have always drunk the water straight out of my tank without any issues! Don't forget that water in the tank gets replenished frequently, especially on hire boats, and with that in mind, would be quite happy! I am not sure if the filter taps make a lot of difference - if you are really concerned just boil the water first but I am still alive and kicking!!
  9. These moorings have always been problematical, due to disputed ownership.Somehow the EA have it in their head that they now own it and I suspect the BA are in an argument as to who they should lease them!!! The demasting moorings keep moving from one bit to another, indicating the issues that may lie below the surface, so to speak! So there are indeed moorings still available north of the Bridge, but they were shortened about 3/4 years, or more, ago. As well as those above the Bridge, there are still moorings below the bridge - but you have to pay for those I am afraid.
  10. Looks like a garden shed on an industrial site to me - "boat" it is not!!!!
  11. Well Vaughan, this link will bring back a few memories I suspect https://www.javelinuk.org/paul-wright.html Sailed a few Silver Streaks in my formative years off that slip!! https://www.google.com/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x47d9fbc2790c6d11%3A0x1760f7af3e43f4d6!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMfi4UJUIkcw6979mfI5xKQ7tj1riELVgtcs-F7%3Dw219-h160-k-no!5sbuckenham ferry sailing club - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMfi4UJUIkcw6979mfI5xKQ7tj1riELVgtcs-F7&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjBxq3L8abqAhWJFMAKHR_6AJcQoiowDXoECBIQBg
  12. Didn't spot the cottage! Perhaps they got fed up with redoing the sedge cap but then, how did they join the two? You couldn't just abut them or the join would leak? One picture, two puzzles!!
  13. Look at that picture again and I am sure there is something I have not seen before. In the garden of the adjacent cottage are these strange stacks with poles in them - are these just drying stacks? it looks like 3/4 upright poles with the hay stacked up to dry it? It would seem to be the case but not sure I have seen a photo of such a thing?
  14. Is it freehold, or leasehold with Len now the underlying freeholder?
  15. Nice picture Pete do you where that is? Somewhere higher upstream? As you say working waterways - trouble is it was all taken for granted and pictures like that are a bit like hens teeth because its about nothing i particular and no posed farm workers leaning on a pitchfork!! ( Make sure its digitalised please!! )
  16. I am not sure what the poster concerning the floating rond and the BA response was trying to say, or whether he had experience of dealing with them? Perhaps if he did, he would probably realise that that is in fact the most effective way of dealing with them - what else can you do? Usually the ones on Sutton Broad have about 5% visible with the remaining 95% below water and out of sight. You certainly cannot always cut them up with a chainsaw (you try standing on a floating rond and cutting away at it whilst you stand on it! ) so not sure why that was mentioned, but they have regularly to be dealt with at Sutton, as the whole area is just one massive floating rond and what turns up at the staithe, are just tiny little bits breaking off. They are often very difficult to move even with their workboat and they certainly do not have facilities to lift them out - other ideas on a postcard to the BA works team at the Dockyard, Griffin lane Thorpe.
  17. Bexs - just love to see young kids doing that! Just a real shame more do not realise what a thrill it is to be able to sail and be in charge of a boat! Colin Buttifant has a couple of good larger boats and so do Olivers Sailing Holidays up at Martham Ferry as well - for when they get a little older! Other than that make an excuse to have a lay day in Ludham, or indeed Martham and take out one of their bigger day boats. Either of the Yare and Bure boats or indeed the Waveney will give you a decent sail but the Rebels at Hunters would be unlikely to disappoint even a half decent sailor!!! Just love them!!!!
  18. Bexs - you should try sailing on the Broads! Takes some skill with those big sails and all those damned furriners getting in the way!!!!
  19. I think they are set like that on purpose! Just remember they are an indication only and its your job as Skipper to approach with caution and make the final judgement!!
  20. Hey Griff - good photos!!!!!
  21. Well done Griff! A Yorkshireman in his element. Shovelling something!!
  22. Owned by a charity now! Glad its reasonably well cared for - pity the same cannot be said for pumps where the BA is involved! Sadly!!!
  23. I had hoped that I would never see that picture again. Just to put you in the picture, that picture and the surrounding plannig issues probably occupied half of Norfolk posting upwards of around 10k posts, or possibly more some 5/6 years ago. By all means read them,but lets not open old wounds again!! You are right about that is Morning Flight - the son posts here under, unsurprisingly, Vaughan, aka Vaughan Ashby!!!
  24. Lets disillusion some of you!! Why should the BA waste money by putting a Ranger on the quay? They have coped before and will cope again - there is either a space or not, I am afraid! Chris - I cannot see the problem - why waste a day moored up? Just hire a dinghy as you then have the option of mudweighting or indeed mooring up on Ranworth Island and then rowing ashore. Just FYI the Reserve is still shut and showing no signs of opening and although I have just come back from parking at the Church, I did not notice if the Tower was open. Don't forget both are operated by volunteers and most of them by their very nature are elderly and frightened by the whole issue!
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