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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Joshly I know it would probably go against the grain but St Olaves Marina has several liveaboards. I know that because that is where we are. They are an asset in my opinion as they are always an addition to the extremely good security there. Having the eyes and ears of a liveaboard who are there on the spot is useful to anyone chancing their arm. You never know these days.
  2. if it had no engine, how did it get to Sutton Staithe or am I missing something here.
  3. Merry Christmas from us as well. God Bless one and all.
  4. Dajen you could not make it up. Just remember it is Friday and most of them have a hot date to rush back to , so anything supposedly being received on a Friday - forget it. The trouble is most of these chaqs/chappesses are independent of Yodel and just do their work for them. An awful lot of Wild Cards out there , together as you say also along with an awful lot of Bull.... They just lie when they are writing in their little magic boxes. Will deliver if it suits them and God forbid you should send anything back. The teddies really came out of the pram the day I refused delivery as it was too late. Boy oh boy did we have a major hissy fit.
  5. As you had probably worked out my dear little sister in law aged 4 was a very very late baby. I did chuckle at your post Gracie. Kiddies are like little parrots at times and usually at the most inappropriate time, just to embarrass everyone totally. I do hope this section is now in members only.
  6. You are right Gracie about the kiddies picking up on it. Can you just picture the scene, all sitting around the Christmas table, with all the maiden Aunts etc and a little 4 year old mimmics the words. On a lesser scale, many moons ago when my ex - sister in law was about 4, we were all sat around a very large Christmas table when she blurted out a song about an old gals knickers and fish, I wont go into details. You couldnt laugh and my ex Mother-in-law oicked her from the table pdq before she went into the next verse. We did chuckle later when she was not in ear shot and my Mother in law ( not amused at all) never did find out where she had heard such a song.
  7. Shame there is not a 'Dont Like' button. That is what I would have pushed for the vdeo. I may be old fashioned but is it necessary to be so crude.
  8. Funny you should say that about Yodel, we are waiting for the non appearance of Hermes for two parcels both ordered middle November. What chance has anyone got of receiving parcels if you order , as suggested by some sites, on the 20th December. Yea right!!!!!
  9. Happy (or rather not as the case may be) you have my sympathy. My other half was clocked about 5 years ago for doing 36 in a 30mph , it was on that stretch of country road at Blythbugh.. There is absolutely no reason to have that as a 30mph. These speed vans are supposed to be visible, we never saw a speed van, it was well hidden. All it is a wide country road , no side roads where this happened, no houses, schools or anything, just a money making exercise. How come if you go through Toftmonks it is now 40mph, used to be 50mph. A proper village with house and turning both sides. Now that should be 30 mph. You say you have been driving for 50 years, likewise my hubby, he was devastated at being made a common criminal. The car insurance went up to make it worse.
  10. Welcome 16E. Let us hope 2015 will be an entirely different year and bring plenty of good health and happiness on the Broads.
  11. May be if they stopped paying huge salaries to pen pushers at the top and jobs for the boys there would be money for essentials ie waste disposal. People are not going to want to come to a huge fly tipping site, rivers clogged with rubbish and props being fouled up all of the time. I thought we had moved on from this. This is the 21st century. so we have to pay another £1 or so on our tolls I would rather that and have the convenience of the boat rubbish bins. Get rid of all of the perks being offered to office wallers, company cars etc. Money could be spent not only on waste disposal but also would provide us with more Rangers plus a suitable boat for use on Breydon and not a boy racer as we have at the moment. Time for me to get my coat.... rant over.
  12. Yes Robin , my old Mum is in a residential care home, Yodel had the cheek for over 7 days to keep putting on the tracker - unable to deliver as no one there, the Home is open 24/7 , 365 days a year, there is always someone there. The truth was it had never been out for delivery in the first place.
  13. David that sounds very familiar. Not of late I have to say since hubby went out in Rottweiler mode one morning after the person, we have not had any problems. . We have a porch but the porch has a safety chain on it. This particular day , without ringing the bell , we heard the safety chain being yanked off of its screw base to enable this lazy whatsit to put the parcel in the porch. It was obvious we were at home at the time. As we had inherited the safety chain from when we purchased the property, I hasten to add , hubby immediately purchased a far stronger safety chain on said door. It is my understanding that most companies state that on their leave in an alternative place , nothing will be left in recycling bins. Well that knocks that one into tin hats , doesnt it.
  14. I have just emailed the BA and asked if they can place on their web site a list of places that do still and will provide facilities for the dumping of boat rubbish. These facilities that will be available will have to be emptied far more often otherwise they will become mountains of black sacks etc attracting rats and flies. Not very pleasant to moor near at all.
  15. How very sad even though it was in July.
  16. 99% of companies leave a note in the door when they leave a parcel, wherever you have said to leave it. Let us hope none of the contents are damaged. Was it Hermes, mind you even Hermes do leave a note.
  17. I have tried to find this on catch up but nothing shown. Where would I find this to see please?
  18. Will try to look on catch up as we are going to the Lancaster Canal next year and it will be a break from the Broads I know but we are really looking forward to it. A big plus , no locks.
  19. Milton - long long time since babies featured in my life. Using them in this instance would you use tablets or the liquid? We use bottled water to drink but use the water on the boat to wash up and to put into saucepans to boil water for veg etc. Does Milton linger in the water when using it for the veggies? May be someone on here uses something other than Milton.
  20. This says it all! I did post a photo of a rather elderly lady but for some reason it will not post, so use your imagination...... BEST SPEEDING EXCUSE EVER This may be us someday! When asked by a young patrol officer, "Do you know you were speeding?" This elderly woman gave the young officer an ear to ear smile and stated:- "Yes, but .... I had to get there before I forgot where I was going." The officer put his ticket book away and bid her good day Makes perfectly good sense to me!!
  21. 'Gruntles' Can I say, glad they come in multi packs please because I could do with several to hand out.
  22. Well as a family of fishermen, if you are daft enough to lay out on a swim at a 24hr mooring in the season and expect to make a boat leave because of that fact you are missing a few links, putting it mildly. You say about going to an informal mooring, on the Southern Broads that is not advisable as the tides are not like up North where it only is a matter of 4 to 6 inches difference and not 3 to 4 feet in some places down South. You never know what is beneath you until it is too late. As for disgruntled fishermen making a boats mooring a misery to be at , sorry but that is not on and gives us fishermen a bad name.
  23. I am finding that Iceland has some very good quality products. Their mince pies came out top of the mince pies produced by all of the supermarkets this year. I can assure you I have always been a very snobby shopper but reality makes you think differently.
  24. The answer to that one is no they cannot , otherwise they could determine when you got up, what you did on the boat (the mind boggles) flushes of the loo etc. Fishing from the boat even in the Yacht Stations is allowed when it is not allowed from the quay side. My interpretation of a "Quiet Mooring" is just that, no running of engines or playing music loudly. . . I was not aware that fishing was a noisy sport. Do children on boats have to be muted as well. I am sure we have moored there in the past and no one has ever stopped us from fishing.from the boat. They may own the mooring but not the river outside, a bit like moaning if someone parks outside your house, you dont own the road.
  25. If you are on a boat obviously floating on the river, surely the owners of the moorings cannot dictate as to what you do on that boat be it fishing or whatever...
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