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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I was just looking at Potter. Getting high there too and earlier at Blakeney...
  2. May the Government concern that looks into monopolies should have a good look at the pricing structure of Lawyers in this country.
  3. Well not surprised really, I used to work in the Law at a Solicitors and some of the temps we had couldn't even spell simple words and as for touch typing , forget it, it was one finger at a time. Tut tut, that Notice should have been checked.
  4. What I looked at was County Court at Bradford what are you seeing. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  5. Now that is not what I expected to hear at all after posting what was showing on the web cam. I thought they were doing so well. Really really sad.
  6. It says this today. Pass as to an explanation.
  7. Showing a network error today. But so is the web cam at Wells.
  8. I have done just the above and all appears back to normal. Thank you.
  9. That should read - been under a rock. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  10. What's the Beano and Dandy, have you seen under a rock Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  11. I have just logged on and it all came on as per usual. So try again.
  12. You are not doing anything wrong Jeff etc , it is this darn site. Someone has altered something.
  13. I am back to receiving that darn sign again. If I click on the forum it comes up in basic mode and when I log in I get that message. Cheesed off with it.
  14. Sorry for the delay but have been out. As far as I can see now I appear to be back to normal. Did not ask me to log in but just went straight in as per normal. Thank you for your help and if that darn message comes up again I will let you know.
  15. I am using Chrome. Just cleared cache. Just the same now. Can get this far but no further. Because I could not see I didnt realise this problem is not just mine which makes me feel happier. M
  16. Will do so and appreciate you coming back to me. Thank you.
  17. Can someone please have a look why I as a Full Member cannot log in please. Getting error 2S119/1. Have used the contact us message form but no reply. M
  18. Will try and find to view. Sounds a hoot. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  19. Should read for 0 percent rainfall. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  20. Believe ne I wish I had it made the day a complete washout. Lots of fishermen just gave up. Forecast was fur 0 rainfall. Got that one completely wrong. These forecasters need to look closer at the seaweed. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  21. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  22. What happened to the dry and sunny day. We have had torrential rain on and off all day at Potter. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  23. I like a 13 tog on the bed in the winter months. Don't like the idea of a dog in my bedding ugh! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  24. As for October boating in general, this was the coldest year we've experienced, and we've done it a number of times. You do take the chance with the weather, but that's the same with any season in this country. We took sleeping bags and hot water bottles, thermals, winter jackets and plenty of layers. Mostly the moorings were less busy than they would be in the summer but nowhere near as quiet as they were in March. My new top tip is to take your dressing gowns! Mine kept me very warm and cosy as I tended to wear it over my daytime clothes when sitting on the boat in the evening! I agree Jean, late or early boating I tend to look like 'Nanook of the north' most of the time wrapped up warm and cosy. Thank you for the video. The boat looks wonderful and very hotel like as has been said.
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