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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I think I have just missed the boat coming through the lock. Did anyone get any pics?
  2. I have just added my support to these plans. There seems to be a lot of objectors. It really does need to be balance by a few more supporters.
  3. I have had 2 so called BT messages just lately , sounded non human telling me that I had got problems with my landline and to ring a certain number. With that my old Mum would have done just that. Just as well Bexs that your Dad or my Mum did not have a computer. The Bank kept wanting Mum (who did not know if it was Friday or Monday and certainly did not know who I was) to have a debit card for her account. That was cut up and I took a visit to the Bank and told them in no uncertain terms not to send anything else like that. We never had any further problems.
  4. These people are concerned about a footpath and extra traffic. Do they really realise that they live in Great Yarmouth for heavens sakes. Anyone who can be that fussy would not be living there in the first place. If there has always been a footpath then no doubt a footpath of some description will remain. Would these folk really prefer to see slum conditions remain, anti social behaviour remain, for heavens sakes this will enhance the area 100 fold and probably make their properties even worth more than they are. I think some people should wake up and realise how lucky they are and stop moaning.
  5. Although my old Mum of 96 has now passed, in her latter years , bless her she would have fell foul of these buggers. She never had a mobile phone or anything like it but would unfortunately have told the world all of her and everyone in the family's personal business without a thought. What they do is wicked.
  6. From the Tea Gardens mooring?
  7. So sorry to hear this. You need some TLC and I am sure you will get plenty.
  8. That's the spirit. I just love SpeedTripple's post. Isnt that what we had stocks for in the past. I can think of quite a few who I would like to put in them. Starting with the Management of these large stores. The actual meaning of Christmas will be lost I am sure in generations to come if we are not careful. Not only that but the magic of little ones at Christmas and what it means to them. It isnt about expensive gifts and who can out do the next person and thereby getting into more debt it is not that at all. Hopefully it is a time for good cheer and being kind to folk.
  9. We are on our boat enjoying a lovely sunny morning with a cup of tea, all calm and relaxed and now reading this is stressing me out!!! The problem here Lulu is - we are not.
  10. Crumbs - were you all Brownies and Girl Guides (be prepared) Never was a Boy Scout so not sure what their motto was.
  11. Savoyarde potatoes, baked in the oven with stock butter onions and cheese,corn fed chicken a cream and mushroom sauce.Crispy kale and oven dried cherry tomatoes. Give it a go mind you takes about three hours cooking all the ingredients. Looks very appetising, well done. Certainly took a lot of expertise to prepare and cook. Looking at the ingredients , that would cost an arm and a leg to purchase all the elements.
  12. Vesta Chow Mien - now your talking - sofistication or what..
  13. I think my Nan (really going back now) only had a Capon or large Chicken at Christmas, never a Turkey and it fed loads of us. There was never any of this nonsense about allergies or 'I dont like that' you either ate it or starved. Like grendel and his Dad's curry, can you imagine the furore now if little Jimmy or Jane was offered that to eat. Yes things are a lot better now but some are not. There again if some daft so and so is prepared to cook 5 meals an evening to suit all this fads then I pity them.
  14. My dear old Mum only knew 'Dull and Dreary' although saying that she went out to India to be with Dad (RAF) in 1942, sailed out , all around the Cape of South Africa, I remember well the tales. My sister a little girl (me not thought of yet) was causing much ado because she found a torch and was wondering around with it willy nilly until if was removed from her grasp , many Japanese subs by then looking for our ships and she was like a beam of light in the night sky. Mum was extremely popular that day. Yes a lot of foods are healthy these days (the Mediterranean diet comes to mind) but there was nothing unhealthy about meat and two veg (the edible kind chaps please). On a Thursday we had a 'treat' one packet of Smith's crisps with the salt in a little blue pack in it and a small bottle of Pepsi. That was it. I dont recall such things as chocolate bars.
  15. Funny how things come into your mind of memories , as an avid cook , I watch a lot of cookery programmes. Got to thinking this morning after watching a recipe being demonstrated, how times have changed. My late Mum would not have given you a thank you for a garlic bulb or come to think of it Olive Oil. She used to refer to those (sorry to all foreigners no offence meant but saying it how it was in those days) as foreign muck. They would both have gone in the bin, no hesitation. In her day (she died at 96) it was a joint of meat for a Sunday and that did most of the week. Cold, minced for a pie and may be if large enough a stew, really made of nothing in particular but it filled tums. There certainly was not umpteen ingredients costing a lot of money for each meal, certainly I never saw wine ever used, a bottle of sherry was reserved for Christmas and may be a bottle of port. Certainly no fresh coriander or many spices , heaven forbid you should add cream to anything. I wonder if others have similar memories. May be it comes of living through the wars.
  16. I've got my spade ready Jean , have you got yours. One long weekend as is coming up should cover it. We should be so lucky.
  17. Not every post I hasten to add but a great many , start off with one subject and before long we are all talking about something totally different. Makes for good conversation - something which is lacking these days with some people.
  18. With regard to HW web cam that is now missing. I did wonder if someone who hired one of the holiday cottages that was in full view of the camera had made a complaint. After all you dont really want to be sitting out in the garden and the whole world watching you, however, saying that the web cam could have been turned round slightly to avoid this. So may be it will be back. Good security for their boats I would think.
  19. At 73 I can only own up to 40 years, What I was doing for the other 33 I cannot think.
  20. I think it is a two way plus for the web cams. On one side we get a lot of enjoyment looking at them and on the other it has to attract more business in the long run, so may be soon the web cam will be back. Although saying that I cannot see for the life of me why Barnes has to wait until after the school holidays to fix it.
  21. Thank you I now realise what I am looking at. Only been on the Broads for about 40 years and still get confused when looking at photos.
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