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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. We came back from Calais yesterday on P&O, the ferry was very busy. Having repaired to the food court for breakfast (HOW much? ) we were pretty p***ed off to find most of the seats in the cafeteria occupied by passengers with no intention of eating/drinking!
  2. Hope they're not fed cornflakes for breakfast that day
  3. .......That I am looking for an excuse to do nothing. That is a gross slur, and absolutely untrue. I do not need any excuses.
  4. I hope it will have improved enough to get it over by then Iain :naughty:
  5. There is only one Monopolies Commission......
  6. Have you considered a 'throwing line' like this ? http://www.westmarine.com/WestAdvisor/Throw-Rope-Bags
  7. The woodwork inside our 12 year old touring caravan was beginning to show its age, looking faded, and in the areas of the kitchen and fridge somewhat marked by water splashes and drips. Not being sure what the original finishing was, and Avondale now out of business I hit upon the idea of trying some boiled linseed oil, having got some in the shed. I lightly applied it with a soft cloth and rubbed it in well, then left it for a couple of days. The transformation has been simply amazing! A lovely soft, satin sheen has returned together with a slight darkening of the finish. Most pleasing - and at very little cost!
  8. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.....
  9. ..and Dingleberries aren't fruit :naughty:
  10. Strawberries are not berries yet watermelon and bananas are.
  11. The Motor car / Internal combustion engine was developed as a solution to inner city pollution when the number of horse and carts required to remove horseshit themselves produced more horseshit than they removed.
  12. Although identified with Scotland, bagpipes are actually a very ancient instrument, introduced into the British Isles by the Romans. :wave
  13. And for those who missed it (again) like me https://youtu.be/VMUCJvD7Qsk
  14. Come on, you know you'd bee in there since six the night before :naughty:
  15. It is widwly believed that you can't lick your own elbow. But, after this was claimed on QI, a subsequent episode disproved the claim and they filmed a young lady doing it.
  16. The male never leaves the area, since they are fiercely territorial. The female ( they pair for life) will 'disappear' around October and will return in January/February, and thus the cycle begins again. The nest box is cleared out in the winter by somebody from the Hawk and Owl Trust, and valuable information is gained regarding diet, what kills may have been brought in etc. There is also a study on the entomology (insect life) which is present at that time going on, revealing some interesting data apparently. The opportunity is also taken to ensure that the nest tray is still sound,and to clean lenses, inspect wiring etc of the Webcams at this time.
  17. All three are doing well so far. The really critical phase starts now - learning to fly, hunt etc. On average, about 50% survive their first year, with the commonest cause of fatalities being flying accidents. At least two of the Norwich offspring over the last two or three years have died after flying into things, usually when 'stooping' after prey, which they do at high speed - adults can reach 150 mph !!!
  18. Dr John Harvey Kellog is best known for the invention of the famous breakfast cereal, Corn Flakes, in 1878. Originally, he called this cereal Granula, which he later changed to Granola in 1881. However, due to patent rights, he had to once again change the name to Corn Flakes. Corn Flakes were invented as part of his health regimen to prevent masturbation. His belief was that bland foods, such as these, would decrease or prevent excitement and arousal. Have you had your bowl today?
  19. Think about it - ready marinaded lamb tikka
  20. Two fledged this morning - the first at about 6.15, another a little later. Just got home from a stint at the watch point and the remaining youngster was still resolutely staying with the nest tray , all be it with lots of wing flapping etc. https://youtu.be/eV65KQ23CxY
  21. Thanks for that. I've just installed Herdprotect (it's free) and the first scan has detected and removed EIGHT malware programmes which MS security essentials had missed. Computer already running faster!
  22. The wingspan of a 747 is longer than the maiden flight made by the Wright brothers.
  23. In every single picture of Adam and Eve, they are both depicted as having belly buttons....... Go on, think about it. Take all the time you need.....
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