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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. The best solution is if you have hired a boat and find a faulty item is if you can do without it as David mentions above is to report it during you stay so the boatyard can replace it on your return to the yard. If it is urgent then report at the time so an engineer can get to you. I have spoken to hire yards on the Broads and the Canals, at times they even get urgent calls relating to there being no water, even though the customers will have been told to fill up with water at every opportunity. I think we have only called out engineers for faulty heaters and no drive on the prop, that one turned to be no drift pin on the shaft and the castellated nut did not have a spit pin. Carpets and 50 foot of rope around the prop, not a problem, just a normal day on the Canals. Regards Alan
  2. Moving from location to location if you want to watch the TV you will more than likely need to do a DTV re-tune/scan to get the best signal. and if it has a standard DTV aerial then to get it into the correct position, i anyone has an aerial near you try pointing it in that direction. Regards Alan
  3. The Burgee on Ranworth Breeze is flying all the time no matter who is aboard, maybe we are doing it wrong, but the new burgee does look well. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Carol & Keith, It is good to welcome yet again more syndicate boat owners, we have members from Lightening, Thunder, Moonlight Shadow, Southern Crusader & Ranworth Breeze. Regards Alan & Tan
  5. Day 8 & 9 Friday. We awoke at Beccles and waited till after 8.00 am the use the showers, there was talk over three years ago that the toilet/shower bock would be rebuilt for boat use only. These facilities are outdated, poorly maintained and to be honest very dirty, Tan said she would not use them again unless refurbished. The Broom skipper brought back our cable we had lent him. We prepared for our departure by taking the canopy down and Tan bagged the helm all the way past the Waveney River Centre, we were chasing in front of a very dark cloud, we were contemplating going to Oulton Broad so I could go into Jeckells, the cloud was going that way so we turned up river towards Somerlayton. Sadly we had to wait 25 minutes for the bridge to open. We moored on the waiting platform and had a brew. We managed to get onto the first section of the Somerleyton mooring by one of the electric posts, we left the canopy down for the time being whilst we had lunch and watched the snooker. After the afternoon snooker we put up the canopy after checking out the weather, all snug we had a few games of Rummikub finishing the evening at 21 plays to 17, Tan pulled back about 4 games today. After the evenings snooker we managed to find a program on channel 5 + 1 called Brits go Barging about in the Sunshine, it featured a few families and individuals on the canals, Tan wanted the ex Bond Girl to sort herself out and get her hair out of the food she was preparing. The Elvis impersonator to be honest seemed to be the sanest of the people featured. Coffee, crosswords and bed after checking the ropes. Saturday I woke at 6.00 am but stopped in bed until 7.30 am, Tan went first and made the breakfast, my beauty regime done (cat lick, deodorant and cloths and glasses on). We prepared for castoff, I had already taken a bag of rubbish to the bins in the stockade (well done whoever managed to retain this service here). Back to the boat we took the canopy down and set off from the moorings, we just drifted out into the river, it can be difficult at times leaving the mooring here (a bit like Stokesby). Tan came up and took over the helm after doing the tiding up, just in time for the New Cut, at the other end I went in line after about a dozen yachts, the Reedham Bridge had been left open for them all, so I fell in line at the back, waves done for the bridge operator we passed through Reedham and past the ferry. We kept passing a number of the yachts a few were in sail who were tacking whilst others were under power, far too many for you Grace! A few hire boats were a little unsure how to deal with the tacking yachts. We passed the last one before we got into Brundall and the Marina. We moored up and raised the canopy. I left Tan on the boat whilst I went to Wards, the hardware shop and called in for milk. I had called Jeckells regarding a slight leak on our canopy through the stitching around one of the window sections, I thought that they would use some form of wax on the stitching, they told me to get some beeswax, luckily the hardware shop had some sticks of beeswax. I called in the marina office to pick up a package bought from the forum shop, thank you John for the forwarded new burgee. We were waiting for visitors to arrive to meet us in the marina, Liz & David (fellow owners) who live nearest to the boat. When they arrived we had a chat and then walked up to the East Hills bistro for a late lunch. Back to the boat once our visitors had gone home we settled down for the snooker. Its now the best part of the day. All for now. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Andy, Welcome to the NBN forum Regards Alan
  7. Day 7 I forgot to mention that we got locked in the boat yesterday, so I had to get out of the forward escape hatch and then re-unlock the door from the outside, we have not had this issue for a number of years since we replaced the lock. Tan got up this morning at 7.00 am while I drifted for about half an hour, breakfast and crosswords done, we took the rubbish to the waste bins on site at Tingdene. Back to the boat we took the canopy fully down and set off for Beccles, while Tan was at the helm I was getting lunch ready, a Yorkshire Pudding (it turned out a bit sad because of the gluten free flower, even two large eggs did not make it rise fully), someone had left some mixed herbs on board, so I sprinkled some onto the batter after pouring it into the tin, dry fried bacon and mushy peas, not everyone’s taste but it went down well when we stopped at Somerleyton, we followed a wide beam barge into the moorings. We set off again and had to wait a while for the bridge to open, two of us at the northern end and Josephine (the superb Dutch barge moored on the river at Brundall Gardens, I would love to look around it) on the southern side. It was drizzling by the time we got to the Beccles junction; we carried on for about half an hour until I decided we would steer from the lower helm and bring the seating inside. When we got to the 4 mph section I went back to the upper helm whilst we moored in the Yacht Station. The other boat that was waiting for the bridge a Broom Captain followed us into the yacht station. His shore power hook up was slightly short so I lent him one of our extension overnight, other crews have helped me out in the past, this is what boating is all about. Canopy up electric on, fees paid we sat down to watch the snooker. Regards Alan & Tan
  8. Day 5 & 6 Tuesday Day 5 We awoke somewhat later this morning but went for a shower, we left and went to Brian Wards, I needed a new wind indicator, back at the boat a little after 8.00 am so we would be ready in case Jeckells arrived early. A couple of crosswords and breakfast done we were set for the day. Jeckells arrived before 11.00 am, I fitted the wind indicator and we set off with the canopy up but the front sides out and also the screen, it was still somewhat damp. I took us out of the marina but Tan soon took over, on passing Brundall Gardens we both commented that we had not seen the floating bedroom away from its riverside moorings, it is however well looked after by the look of it, always clean. We arrived at Brammerton Common and moored at the first electric post we came to just in time before the heavens opened, electric on and the aerial up we were going to watch the snooker, not to be no signal both on the TV and on both phones. People kept arriving and the mooring were almost full. We settled down to a few games of Rummikub, did I mention that I was winning up to now. We were going to go to the Waters Edge but decided to have an all day breakfast rather than turn out in the rain. After a late breakfast we watched a DVD before going to bed at 11.15: stop ups or what. Wednesday Day 6 We left the small dehumidifier on in the galley overnight (we normally do this it cuts down on the condensation in the lounge) we also have a number of the standard moisture traps dotted about. By the time we got out of bed at eight o clock the electric on the post had run out, rather than going out in the rain I boiled the kettle on the gas and we had bread and marmalade rather than toast. It rained, we had hail the size of small peas so we waited a while before we set off the marina, not much wind about this morning so even with the canopy up we almost had a perfect mooring back into our berth, the canopy act like a sail and even with the canopy down if the wind blows hard down the main channel into the marina it can be tricky at times. We set off in the car to Wroxham, we called in Broom’s to settle our Winter service bill, it all seems to be paying out in this early part of the season, we later paid for our new carpet bill at Jeckells. We parked up at Roys and bought a few items, I needed a pair of jeans, I looked at new deck shoes and promptly put them down again, I might see if my old ones can be re-stitched. We then went into the supermarket for more food, note no beer or wine. Grace you can check my temperature later. We went to the Broads Authority office on Station Road, it was closed for staff training, and we would have to call back after 2.00 pm. We went to Ken instead and had the special, do pensioners not have peas, we added them to the bill, very nice they were too. Back to the Broads office and were dealt with by very pleasant lady who would have swapped the dozen old electric cards we had on the boat if she had had any, she took our name and address and would post replacements to us, she knew about the issue of cards falling into the base of the posts, by all accounts they had received a number of complaints. Back to the car we left Wroxham, showers at the marina before returning to the boat. Unpacked we put the aerial up and settled down to watch the snooker, no problems in the marina with reception and of course also the wifi, aerial up it started to rain again. Currently hardly a cloud in the sky, the wind has dropped again and the sun is going down. All for now. Regards Alan & Tan
  9. Hi Paul, I was happy to see that Ranworth Breeze was one of the boats you considered. My advice to anyone that looks at Syndicate or Boat Share looks at all the boats that are on the Broads, there are around 10 available, Ranworth Breeze and Southern Crusader both have an high airdraft so this has to be taken into consideration, Ludham, Wroxham and Potter Heigham are out of the question. We can however see over the reeds so we can see the best that the Broads have to offer. Ask questions about the contracts you have to sign, make sure you get to the AGM's of the syndicate you buy into, your vote is important, you will see all the information on the boats accounts, you will also have your input registered on the boats wish list (this is usually do you send the budget on new carpets, seating renewal or that latest gizmo). Most syndicates draw there allocations at their AGM's unless the syndicate works on fixed weeks (this is the case with Southern Crusader). We allow owners attending the meeting to swap their unsuitable weeks with another owner ((we also allow weeks to be swapped throughout the season via our forum). With regards allocations we only allow the boat to used with a supervising owner aboard the boat. We do however promote that a couple are listed as owners and allow offspring (if over 21) to be also listed as joint owners. Always check what the management fees have been over a number of years so you have a rough idea of what you are letting yourself into. Also check what the syndicate pays for and what you have to bring with you. For example on Ranworth Breeze all you have to bring with you is your personal toiletries, towels and duvet and pillow cases. You pay for the diesel used and your pump outs on your visit everything else is provided. For us buying into our syndicate in 2001 was one of the best moves we ever made, for me with limited holidays (we also go on other holidays) it was the only way we could afford to fit in two cruiser holidays a year, because of the Standard Share we have we see the Broads throughout the seasons. If anyone requires any advice please do not hesitate to contact me for impartial advice. Regards Alan
  10. We were moored at the first electric post you come to at Brammerton Common, no reception on both phones, no TV reception either, I have had reception nearer to the road. Regards Alan
  11. Hello Jocave, Welcome to the forum and your first posts, as you say a long time lurker, almost three years now. Please tell us a little about your times on the Broads. Regards Alan
  12. We called into the Broads Authority office in Wroxham this afternoon to trade in 12 old electric cards left on the boat, the lady there had none to swap and said that they were still waiting for cards coming into stock at their head office, she did however say that she would make a note of my address and send me replacements. She knew about cards being lost in the gap in front of the readers and meters. Tingdene Marina reception have a supply of cards and I have been told that Brooms have some. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Judy, Welcome to the forum Regards Alan & Tan
  14. Well said Vaughan the bins around the Broads should never have been removed, it was a backward step no matter what the cost, in this case we have seen that the cost of providing the service that the Broads previously had was piecemeal compared to the cost of fly tipping removal. The Broads is place of beauty lets keep it that way provide the correct services. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Jean, It's great when the sun is out but somewhat cold as soon as it goes behind the clouds, it rained overnight and this morning is a blue sky but with loads of clouds. We have had the heating on from time to time. Regards Alan
  16. Day 4 We were up again at 7.00 am, it was cold but we didn’t want to put on the heating, but the boat next to us started its engine so the heating went on now everyone was awake on the moorings, Neil on the other side of us came out in his dressing gown to top up the electric post. Breakfast done we walked up the village, Neil & Karen were in the café, called in the DIY looking for some air fresheners and walking stick rubbers (we use these on the boarding ladders, sadly their only stock was too small & too large and the wrong air fresheners. So up to the co-op for a few items. Back to the boat canopy sides and front down, mud weight lifted and mud cleaned off, we left the mooring with 10p still on the meter. Tan was at the helm but my phone started part way down the Chet when we were back in the land of the living. Calls sorted relating to the sale of one of our shares. On leaving the Chet Maffetts Titan had salvaged the sunken boat above Cantley, it was lashed to the side of Titan with a pump still pumping out the salvaged boat, it would take them well over an hour to back to Maffetts yard, we certainly set off at the right time. I put a few sausages in the oven and by the time we moored up back at Brundall our lunch was ready, I always love the smell of food cooking wafting through the door onto the helm. I had already phoned Jeckells regarding how our screen cover was going on, Tony phoned me back to say they would fit it tomorrow, a knock on the window one of the Jeckells team arrived with the cover, nice of them; he needed to make some adjustments so he will be back in the morning, mind you it started raining just after he arrived. Due to the bad weather we have stayed on the boat, me doing the boats accounts, Tan putting another row on her blanket. I phoned John to ask him to send me a new NBN Burgee to the Marina Office. All for now. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Bobdog, If you asked me if you could use a post I was on, I would let you share the post. Regards Alan
  18. Last evening both ourselves and Neil (speedtriple) were moored at Loddon, it was our first time to try out the new posts, I had used the card, each meter has a card reader about it. I showed Neil how to use the card on socket number 2 I showed him the credit had been credited on his meter. Now for the flaw in the design of the posts, I let the card slip and it fell through a gap in front of all the meters and readers to disappear into the base of the post. Could this be the way the Broads Authority have sorted out the recycling of the cards Regards Alan
  19. Day 3. Awoke around 7.00 am and got ready to go to the showers, we could hear the staff at the bistro prepping for breakfast/lunch above us, back to the boat for breakfast. Mike came to look at the boat a little after 9.00 am, he was suitably impressed, we offered to take him for a trial on Ranworth Breeze, but he wished to let us get on our way and for him to set off on his 2 hours journey back home. Canopy down we set off, “left hand down a bit sir” dodging the small yacht’s having a race across the entrance to the marina. Yacht’s passed Tan levered me off of her chair. We were following Moonlight Shadow for a while (I think Sue is aboard this week). We went passed the Chet so we could call into the Ferry Inn for lunch, passing the chain ferry we turned and moored outside of the pub. Tan had a baked Brie & beetroot tart with fries and salad. She said it was very good, pity it was on purpose lump of concrete! I had the beef, I should have known better (I am always disappointed with carvery style meals) but there was little on the Sunday menu for me. At least it was on a plate, the pudding was good however. Whilst in the pub we saw Moonlight Shadow pass us and also Lightning; we reversed off of the mooring and headed for the Chet, it was a slow passage, we caught up with Lightning who was held up by a boat towing what could only be described as wreck, the helmsman on Lightning waved at us. When we eventually got into the staithe and moored up it turned out be Neil (Speedtriple), we showed each other around the boats and had chat. It was a good job that we got to the staithe fairly early because it was almost full by early evening. Canopy up we settled down to watching the snooker whilst playing a few games of Rummikub, upto now I am 5 games to Tan’s 2, Tan blames it on the Gin, I am not sure if that is to little or to much. Jacket potatoes in the oven so we can reduce the cheese mountain a tad, more snooker, coffee and in bed a little after 10.00 pm.
  20. Hi Carole, I also heard the cuckoo this morning. Regards Alan
  21. Tan had me up at 7.30 am this morning so we could go up the the show block, ablutions done back for breakfast and a couple of crosswords. I checked my emails and the forum posts, Grace had left far to many shoes by the forum door, debating whether to send her a warning only kidding! It was raining first thing so we went up to the entrance car park and called into the marina office for some more electric cards and to pay our mooring fees for the year, ouch! We walked up to the station and had to wait only a few minutes for a train into Norwich we both like trains so the journey was good, we have never been on the train to Norwich before, we have usually moored at Commissions Cut and caught a bus into Norwich. We had only just left Norwich station when I had a call asking about one of the shares for sale, we have arranged a viewing now for tomorrow morning. We figured out which way to go and eventually went on one of the more dire roads into the shopping area. Once into the pedestrian shopping roads we thought about lunch. We halted outside a window full of cakes and decided this must be the place for us, Tan had a mushroom omelette and I had a cheese one, I finished off with Black Forrest gateau and Tan had a gluten free marble cake. http://www.patisserie-valerie.co.uk/norwich.aspx We went around the market and found a cheese stall so I had to stop, I bought a large piece of Black Bomber and a small piece of Oxford Blue (I was surprised they had some), Tan bought some wool and that was about our extent of our visit to Norwich, very much the same as most cities but with the added bonus of a river running through it. We looked at a couple of boats moored near to the Yacht Station from the bridge before heading back to the station to get out train. We sat on the back of the boat under the canopy with sunshine pouring in but rather cool to take the canopy down. I made Tan a gin & tonic (a good measure) and myself a beer and watched a bit of the snooker on the TV. Southern Crusader has just left the marina and we have seen a fair bit of coming and going in the marina this afternoon. All for now. Regards Alan
  22. I thought I would share this with you. I have seen nothing like this before. Regards Alan Projectionholographique11.mp4
  23. Hi Richard, When I contacted Ian, he s still doing BSS inspections but no longer in our area, but he recommended Alan May another local BSS inspector. Both Southern Crusader and Ranworth Breeze have booked him for our September inspections. Alan May 6 low road Hempstead Norwich NR12 0DH Tel. 07833657570 Regards Alan I hope this helps
  24. We are sat on Ranworth Breeze watching the TV, Tan is doing here crocheting, I have just finished checking today's posts. This morning started we me getting up at 6.30, Tan at 7.30 showered and the breakfast over we packed the car, we set off at 9.30 and traveled directly to Brundall. We arrived outside the Yare at 12.50 not to bad a journey but travelling behind tractors slowed us down somewhat. We even managed 40 miles to the gallon, our best fuel consumption on this journey. We sampled the Yare's fare, but opted for the soft drinks because we wanted to go to Beccles to do our food shopping, after we had emptied the car boot onto the boat. Shopping done all the bags loaded onto the boat, Tan dealt with the clothes while I sorted out the food and drinks, so fridge full of beer only joking maybe a couple of bottles or three. We checked out the guides on the TV, needless to say nothing on, so it looks like a DVD later and then early to bed. Regards Alan & Tan
  25. Hello Peter, That made some interesting reading. It smacks of double standards and or corruption. Regards Alan
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