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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. The way we do it is Tan goes onto the bathing platform, I have already dropped the boarding ladder down with a warp coiled up by the ladder from the forward cleat. As we go into the mooring Tan is ready with the aft rope and I nip down the ladder with the forward warp, after we have slowed down and the Morse control is in neutral. Single handed the warps tend to be tied together so you can control both ends of the boat. We only had one tricky moment a couple of years ago when we had to wait a long time for Somerleyton Bridge to open, I had gone down the ladder onto the floating mooring (used for demasting)just before the bridge with a rope, Tan did not manage to platform so we only had one rope onto one of the platform cleats, Tan had to get a longer warp to me so I could pull in the boat, needless to say the tide was against me but in the end we managed to get it done. We tend to go round in a circle now at that location rather than using the platform. Regards Alan
  2. Grace off topic, that's a new one not! Regards Alan
  3. Hi Steve, They still are especially if you are allergic to garlic. Regards Alan
  4. When ever I take new owners for training on Ranworth Breeze or just showing people around I always comment that the 6 MPH limit should really be 5 MPH or less because of the moored boats in this area. There is nothing worse than being moored up having a drink be it a brew or something stronger and the boat is being bashed against the mooring. We have been moored at Brammerton Green and have had the same effect, the trouble there can be that at high tide there is little protection from fenders, low tide you can use extra fenders. Regards Alan
  5. Vesta was produced by Bachelors in their plants at Sheffield and Worksop from the late sixties, early seventies. Regards Alan
  6. until
    Tan & I will be on Ranworth Breeze for about 12 days of boating & relaxation. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Stuart, There are some great records for a jukebox that really brings the sound out. Manfred Man Joybringer springs to mind, the top end sound and bass notes really comes out. The last busman's holiday I went on was at Hope Cove in Devon a few years ago, one of the rental cottages had one of those jukeboxes built into the back half of a Mini, the parts were from a Rowe Ami, so I had to fit my spares case into an already full car, a couple of hours work sorted out the issues and back to the beach. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Mark & Elisa, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  9. A few pubs on the Broads put more effort into the presentation than the food its self, all we need is good food on a clean plate. Not wooden blocks, chips in miniature frying baskets or sides in microwaved dishes. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Grace, I know everything especially about yachts, mind you I am not sure how you tell them apart from the bathroom Regards Alan
  11. Hi Stuart, The NSM Festival was produced between 1978 & 1983. NSM are OK when working correctly but as in all things jukebox engineers can be in short supply. I have worked on them but I have specialised in Rowe Ami jukeboxes since 1980. If you want to see more information on jukeboxes visit www.jukbox-world.de and check out the archive section. Regards Alan ami-man
  12. Tax refund! as if hardly ever happens. Regards Alan
  13. Hi Clive, Most Broads users will help as you say some have to be asked, we have met the odd few that have got a pole up their backs, but only a few. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Steve, Might I suggest Loddon (an hour up the Chet) and Bramerton Common. If one of your days is Thursday then stop at the Oulton Broad Yacht Station so you can watch the Power Boat Racing. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Grace, After checking out your bovvered meter, I can tell you can not give a monkey's. As for Towie, its bad enough just having to endure the advert for this cheap program. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Brenda welcome aboard the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Stuyaarbrew, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Fiona, Martin and Boris. Welcome to the NBN forum, looking for more tales aboard Malanka in the future. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Timbo, It is the law that all fathers embarrass their children, at least they do not have to suffer any dad dancing from me. My youngest can not understand how he has two weird parents as he puts it Regards Alan
  20. Hi Grace, No doubt in pink Regards Alan
  21. Hi Stuart, In that picture you looked like a young Dennis Waterman in his role as Just William. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=young+dennis+waterman&rlz=1C1AOHY_enGB708GB708&espv=2&tbm=isch&imgil=7Mo0Gl6BOby-7M%3A%3Bc7wz-HgyBvw_iM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%252Ftvshowbiz%252farticle-1298480%252FThe-return-Just-William-Meet-new-Master-Brown-Miss-Bott.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=7Mo0Gl6BOby-7M%3A%2Cc7wz-HgyBvw_iM%2C_&usg=__BAiaxzm9gT84sBIO1cPpaU81gxM%3D&biw=1024&bih=673&dpr=1&ved=0ahUKEwiOtqnEnJ_TAhVHJ8AKHY-fAqMQyjcIMQ&ei=UkbuWI7FJsfOgAaPv4qYCg#imgrc=7Mo0Gl6BOby-7M: Regards Alan
  22. As far as I am aware the cafe only is open, but worth a call in to see, if the cafe works out OK who knows what may happen. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Jeff, Your other posting deleted as requested. Regards Alan
  24. Hello Coolcat welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
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