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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Monica, Just click on the emotion button and then on Iain's flag emotion. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Monica, I hope you do not mind, but I have added it for you. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Grendel, Shopping and food shopping is two different beasts! Tan & I are going tonight for our Morrisons fix, We only bought a few items last week after out holiday so the fridge is looking somewhat bare. I agree with the supermarkets moving stuff around, as you say it is to make you spend more, when Tan is not there I tend to go for the sweet tooth items and beer Regards Alan
  4. There are over 80 trains a day that pass through or stop at the station, the odds of the crossing being open is slim, but it does happen. Last year it was rumored that crossing would be an automatic rather than manned, lets hope this will never be the case, it is just an accident waiting to happen. Boat transporters have been know to bottom out just outside of Brian Ward's. Tan and I debate the odds of having to stop at the crossing every time we turn into Station Road. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Mark guilty on all you mention above, Tan used to roll her eyes when I could not pass an antique shop (for old tools or china) her main concern was always the smell of old musty books. In general you know us men have an idea of what we want to buy, where from and at what price (how much) and walk into the shop and walk out with the purchased item, no fuss and none of this window shopping. Regards Alan
  6. A number of our owners do likewise with our canopy, front, sides and all of the back zipped out. Personally I just take down the canopy, both Tan and myself prefer to be in the sunshine. Regards Alan
  7. I have yet to meet any syndicate owner who wished they had bought into a boat years ago, as you get older and have more time available then some do buy their own boat, but for anyone still working, limited holidays, or a range holiday destinations are required then boat or syndicate share is the preferred route for many Broads and Canal users. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Jayfire, Great pictures and reports to match. I take it that you are now fully committed to syndicate boating. Breakdowns or faults can be an issue for syndicates but then again it can be the same for hire companies on popular boats. I take it from your reports that you had an issue with the bow thruster, sadly it happens, by the look of all your pictures you did not have to rely on the heating, again a common issue. Not too long until August, we have to wait until September unless I have to fit in some training for new owners. Regards Alan Regards Alan
  9. Hi Q, What are your specifications on your required transformer? voltage trappings and VA rating, I may have something suitable. Regards Alan
  10. It is called the Angel, as you say up the road from the Swan. Regards Alan
  11. I can see the trend, but you missed out a pub in Loddon? Regards Alan
  12. I think Robin would prefer to be joining the team on Amazon Prime Regards Alan
  13. Just been on the Barnes Brinkcraft webcam with all the rain on the lens it is like looking at the view through a fog. Regards Alan
  14. Anyone who wants advice on syndicate or boatshare please feel free to ask via PM or in the boatshare section in full members forum. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Jayfire, More than likely it would have been Phil & Caroline on Ranworth Breeze, I am glad they could help. Your first time on any syndicate boat with you totally in charge is a mixed feeling, you feel great but scared at the same time, back in 2001 on second week after launching Ranworth Breeze I was in charge, although I had been on Narrow boats for over 25 years it was a leaning curve of tides and wind both of which effected the boat. I hope that you get the buzz out of syndicate ownership that we have done over the last 17 years. Regards Alan
  16. One of the issue with the electric toilets is if someone has put something down the toilet they shouldn't have done such as any wipes of any kind or the contraband toilet tissue other than the cheapest 2 ply then there can be a problem with the macerator which may come to light one or two hires after the wipes have been put down the toilet. One the last boat we were on was an A4 sheet of all the things that should not be put down the toilet unless eaten, sadly I did not fancy bottle tops and razor blades Regards Alan
  17. Hi Simon, To be honest I prefer the manual type, we have been on a number of narrow boats with electric toilets, combination of single or dual flush, on one boat there were two different models of toilets, one used twice to amount of water than the other and we required a pump out after a few days because the tank was full. On our last trip just over two weeks ago on an Elite craft there was three toilets and the design was not very good, the use of a green toilet fluid rather than blue loo did not help the situation because before the end of the week we were getting a smell on every flush. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Jean good sound advice, ideally everyone should pick a driving instructor by recommendation, and does not include the next pupil sat in the back of the car. Far too many years since I passed my test and it took me until the third attempt, first was in 3 inches of snow, failed for non progress. Second the clutch was changed in the car the day before and even with 2 hours in the car I could not get used to it. These days it is uncanny that you can get into any vehicle and just drive. Mind you driving in any city has got to be the worst experience for any new drivers. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Grace, It could be but that hardly lasts for a couple of days, well not the way I drink wine Sitting on the toilet is the worst effect of all. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Grace it makes no difference if you own or hire, we hate to leave any holiday be it at the coast, canal or Broads based. Getting back into any car after all that time spent relaxing is a pain, far too fast from the earlier 4 to 6 mph, then of course is the swaying motion that you get after being on a boat for a period of time. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Doug, Not yet but who knows what might be in the offing. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Stuart, I thought you were in the Intelligence Unit, not the cold case division Regards Alan
  23. Hi Stuart, It sounds as if you are just suffering the joys of boating. Regards Alan
  24. We had to have the fridge replaced last week, we bought it from Brian Ward's with 25% discount and Alex fitted it for us. 17 years old so I think we did well to keep it that long in service, at least the ice compartment on the new fridge has a door. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Minifer, Welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
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