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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Dammit, why not the morning too?
  2. This sounds promising. I might be able to have a little tender behind now.
  3. Ray (Regulo), You gotta stone.... You're lucky! I used to dream of having a stone.... etc.etc.
  4. Whoa Mike! Not sure I can go along with you there! All this is rather my fault. I was the one who wrote a few weeks back that I hadn't read the "Three rivers thread" because I'd thought it only of interest to those involved. I was the prat who subdequently found himself trying to navigate through what appeared to be a couple of thousand mad sailies all trying to kill me. So I was the one who specifically requested that TheQ publicised such sailing events to the likes of me, in a manner likely to make me read it. This he has done and I am grateful to him for it. Sadly however, it has also set him up as a target for some pretty vitriolic comments. The Horning sailing club has also been the recipient of a certain level of venom. (predominantly in the other place) I feel profoundly guilty for this as had I not asked for this information Mr Q would have avoided this nastiness, so to TheQ, I apologise unreservedly. I no longer post on the NBF, but in this instance I shall be posting a slightly edited version of this there. Horning is one of the greatest gems of the northern waters, and it's sailing club is an asset to it.
  5. Anyway, Isn't "Innuendo' an Italian gay position?
  6. I'll be down on southern waters (thank heavens) but Thanks for the warning.
  7. Be fair Poppy, not everybody knows what an 'Innuendo' is. If anybody is in doubt, ask me and I'll give you one
  8. Iain, just a small point from a pedant. Know... to be aware of. No... (as in 'No problems') Zero.
  9. I wonder if mine works Edited to add... "Whoopeeeee"
  10. Come along now, It's still far to early to start talking about charisma!
  11. Hmm, possibly came in to moor, and turned engine off before stepping ashore to tie up. (I've seen that mistake made several times.) Tried to reach the bow rope and fell in trying. Obviously alcohol wouldn't have helped in that situation but I'm reluctant to blame it without having ALL the info to hand.
  12. While the boat was adrift, was the engine running?
  13. Back in the day, cooking and heating water was done by gas. now, one way or another it's done by the engine. Result? engines have to be run for longer than they used to be. Perhaps we should all have been a little more careful what we wished for.
  14. Be it boating, glamping or just staying in an hotel, the modern customer considers these luxuries not as luxuries but as essentials. We are all guilty of it to a certain extent, just look at the ever growing number of comments regarding Horning and the phone signal. It has always been like this! many of us will remember (with differing levels of pleasure) collecting ice for the ice box, commenting on the black stains on the sides of hulls when central heating on boats was new, and of course looking down noses at boats displaying TV arials. Go back further and you would have heard disparaging comments aimed at boats equipped with one of those infernal combustion engines! So what do we have to look forwards to? Well I for one have no idea, butwhatever it is, I shall have to tolerate it or go elsewhere for my leasure time. Hire fleets will never " go beyond the point where all the extra luxuries provided for their customers will; be detrimental to their full enjoyment."
  15. Without knowing the facts I wonder if there was a simple and fairly innocent explanation to this situation. perhaps a following tide in addition to just a little excess speed might be enough.
  16. I'm very sorry but I can no longer hold my tongue (Ok then, typing finger) on this one. Running engines to charge batteries between the hours of 08:00 and 20:00 has been, is, and has to remain a perfectly acceptable activity. I am well aware that hundreds of holidaymakers die each week on the norfolk broads alone just because someone within 2000 yards of them decides to boil a kettle. Oh come off it gentlemen, get a grip.on reality! So a person's Co alarm goes off when they run their outboard with the canopy up. All that proves is that the alarm is working and that it has something of a 'hair trigger' It does not mean that their death is imminent. It has already been stated that one should have (and not block up) sufficient ventalation. That is all that is needed. Nothing more, nothing less. There are thousands of boats on the broads, the vast majority have diesel engines. Live with it! Many will; have batteries that requiure a bit of charging. Live with that too. and some albeit a minority need to run their engines to cook things. Sorry fellas but you are going to have to live with that one as well, cos I don't see them being removed from the fleets any time soon. I used to smoke 60 Marlboro a day, and I expect I have done irrepairable damage to myself by doing so, but I bet I've damaged more innocent folk through passive smoking than I have through charging my batteries. I'm sorry for the rant Wusszername but your comment and worse... was a whinge too far.for me.
  17. Carole, Just make sure YOU get custody of BOTH engines.
  18. If the boat next door is running it's engines, just remember how lovely it is when they turn it off and look forward to the event in joyful anticipation. If they are laughing and joking late at night, just think back to when you laughed and joked till the small hours and enjoy the trip into Nostalgialand. I find excessive tolleration is good for the soul whilst at the same time giving me the justified feeling of superiority and smugness. The alternative is a holiday in a monestry but be aware, them monks don't 'arf chant a lot!
  19. I have to say, think very carefully before putting a pulpit on your boat. Yes they look good but are they REALLY practical? I would suggest not. Rarely are they at a height or in the appropriate position so as making them useful to lean on. People usually mount them too far forwards and too low to use. As a piece of decorative metalwork, they look sleek and add style to the craft... but only if mounted low and forwards. HOWEVER... your mooring rope will always be going over it when you want it under and viceversa. It will stop you from stepping ashore from the bow and will always catch branches and such-like whenever it can. I've owned boats with and without and I know which I prefer.
  20. I'm sure that there can, and indeed will be many changes but they'll be quite a while away at the moment. There are many things that I wish the EU had done but a longer list of things I wish they'd left alone. I have little doubt that everyone has the same view albeit about differing things. It has been a pleasure reading this forum where the whole issue has been kept so low key, making it an area of sanctury much to be valued. Well, the vote's been done and a result has .... resulted, now the long job of reuniting the nation has to begin. Once all the "I told you so"s have been said and the dust settled we can all get back to arguing about the important things in life, like 'why no decent boat needs a stick' and 'why don't the woodworm eat your hull?'
  21. I'd like LO05 NYX I have no idea what car wears it it the moment.
  22. Richardsons have used that name on two different craft in the past, a 27ft Elysian Bounty and a 25ft Birchwood. Which one do you have?
  23. Doug, Is there any truth in the rumour that Timbo head butted the hull of Royal Tudor because he too wanted a finish he could see his face in? Yours looks really good.
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