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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Can't argue with any of that SpeedTriple, It's what's going wrong at the moment ! What are the chances of the top brass agreeing with you though?
  2. That's almost a good enough reason to pick it!
  3. And those oh so happy days when using rhond anchors was the normal method of securing a broads boat
  4. It is with considerable regret that I have to say my experience with footpath walkers is far more in alignment with Jasons. There is a public footpath at the back and one side of our property here, walked by little short of 1000 people per month (my estimate). Obviously many of those are regulars who cause no problems and of the rest the vast majority are pleasent law abiding citizens. But it only takes one in a thousand to be obnoxious or litter throwing and we have an unpleasent issue once a month.
  5. Lead in the water? Heaven forbid, unless of course you use old water pipes what nevver urt nuffin. For melting lead when I was doing it often, I usewd an old wok on a gas ring (butane) and ladled the molton lead into the frog of a brick. This gave me ingots of lead weighing about 10lbs (4.5kg). These stacked quite nicely, made excellent boat ballast and were useful for any number of things.
  6. Or you can mix bits of lead in some cement in a tin to gain the weight. That's if Jon's auction doesn't have one
  7. When do you need it by Mark? I have one you can borrow if it's not urgent.
  8. Well!!! I was born juss art side Sow Fend in Leon See annat you know. So like I'm a Essex bloke innit annat you know. So like you know I can say like catagorick like annat that Essex blokes an Essex gurls aint a bit like that like annat you know innit like.
  9. Hey Speedtriple!!! I am starting to agree with you in a way that might be thought of as 'unhealthy'.
  10. Someone who knew about wine once discribed white CNP as a "fat wine" best enjoyed with cheese in the samer way as one would with port. I had a white CNP with stilton, lying at mudweighjt in Salhouse once. It was my finest day on the broads in my life.
  11. True! It only gets really cold after the shortest day, and it only gets really warm after the longest, and the broads are only 'really' beautiful when there's a 'Y' in the day.
  12. I agree Speedtriple. The cheapest way is to keep it as it is. If it were changed in any great way the price would soar for the great majority, giving the BA not just a nice bonus, but increasing any future rises. However if change it must then I vote it be based on CUBIC VOLUME, that being ... 'Tip of bowsprit to end of straightened rudder/outboard/swimdeck' times 'the beam at widest point' times 'the tip of the erected mast to the bottom of the keel (lowered to its greatest depth)
  13. My favourite Christmas record is Roy Orbison's "It's over"
  14. Don't forget to have the iron on it's coolest setting.
  15. Oh Peter, you do tell some whoopers
  16. Asked if it had anything to say it maintained it's right to stay mute.
  17. If salt is on the menu, does it kill the snails?
  18. "Toilet bar going" Good news for me, I shall become a regular again... Bad news for you, I shall become a regular again. As soon as the news gets around, I reckon you'll soon get a lot of the old regulars back. Good luck, can't wait to see it all emerging.
  19. I think (and certainly hope) that Stuart's post was a continuation of the awful puns and wordplay that this thread has become.
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