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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Gracious Me! Over a grand for a jumped up satchel !!!! What's wrong with a Tesco "bag for life" ?
  2. It's always amused me that people only stand up for freedom of speech when they agree with what's being said. I completely disagree with what D&G have said but fully support their right to say it. I am almost of a mind to go out and buy one of their products.!!! What do they make?
  3. However awful I may think a boat's name is, I have to keep telling myself that it's the boat owners choice. There are one or two I've had to "look into" to find the origins, (Dilligaf being one,) and having done so appreciate the name more for it. I never did understand "Bod the Pea" perhaps someone will enlighten me, though it always did strike me as a strange choice of name. People seem to struggle with my boat's name "Nyx". I have been asked "Are you Nick then?" or "What does N.Y.X. stand for?". To the latter I normally reply "Pretty much everything, she's very broad minded."
  4. Hmmm, that gives rise to an interesting question. Let's say a person owns a boat on the broads and it's called "Bladder Rack" He (or she, lets not be sexist!) decides to upgrade to a bigger boat and sells Bladder Rack to as new owner. This new owner decides to keep the name of the boat. Original owner buys new boat and want's to call it Bladder Rack. Is there any etiquette to be observed? I am aware that it is permissible to have more than one boat of the same name on the broads but as a matter of courtesy who should ask whom for what?
  5. Barry, yep I capiche, but you gotta admit... Springsong is a rather nice name for a boat
  6. Being a bit of a dinosaur myself, I understand little of what you speak. I'm running Windows 7, and Microsoft XP (which I purchased at enormous cost back in 2001 ) I'm still very happy with both!
  7. Derogatory? Yes. Uncalled for? Certainly not. Such comments should have been listened to at the outset. Listened to and acted upon. Either those who should have been making such comments at the time were silent, or they were not listened to. Either way, a failure in my book. I don't ask the guy who runs the Circus if it's cruel to treat elephants in that way, so I'll not be asking the guy who runs the BSS if it was the right way to go about it. I posed two questions regarding the new (note, 'new' not 'changed') rule about portable fuel tanks. Those questions still stand. "I don't think he is a member of this forum, though. Hardly surprising." I don't see this forum being any more confrontational than any of the others regarding the BSS, do you? Perhaps you might care to enlighten me.
  8. As long as he doesn't claim that at the time of the burglary his fingers had been stolen and were being used by somebody else, all should be fine. Even I worry about me sometimes!
  9. Is that why it reads... SPRINGSONG . Free House
  10. Andy, I couldn't agree with you more! I have said all along that the boat safety scheme should have been controlled by the insurance industry rather than the bunch of illiterate children that seem to have been given the task. "One new mandatory check has been introduced concerning portable fuel tanks in inboard engine spaces" If it had caused problems why hadn't such an obvious point been included in the first place? If it had not caused problems then why include it now? "Some editorial clarifications have been introduced" Or "We found a less illiterate kid to replace one of the earlier ones" ;
  11. Typical !!! Give a Yorkshire man two options and he takes the fifth!
  12. "Eenie meany miney mo" is a 'dip' that goes back well over a century. It was used in playgrounds by all manner of children without any racist motive whatsoever. If you are of an age where you used this dip in it's original wording, it will be quite difficult not to use the same offending word should you recite it now. A conscious effort not to use that word might well actually cause you use it. All that incident was about was someone trying to give Clarkson a hard time. Now for this current issue. I would imagine Clarkson to be one who has a short fuse and does not suffer fools easily. Further I would also imagine that anyone working with the man would be well aware of this. I think it fairly unlikely that Mr Clarkson just thought to himself "I think I'll just go over there and hit someone", so any level of provocation must be born in mind. Without knowing what went on before the fracas, any condemnation of either party is both unfair and unwise.
  13. If it's a skills shortage they need... I'm their man!
  14. Best if I don't get started on what I think about what happened to the "proper" (Royal Yacht) Britania, but as far as appearance goes, this one's a pig! One of the few advantages of being on-board is that you can't really see it from there. Do modern cruise ship designers have any idea about the concept of "Beauty"? At least in the event the ship visits either Canvey Island or Great Yarmouth, it will make either place look very attractive by comparison.
  15. Never mind the thread, watch out for the Black Pig!
  16. SO! Do I need a long thin ironing board to do the ropes on?
  17. Hmmmmm, Option 1. Work out how to use washing machine (but keep quiet about it) Option 2. Ask my sister if she'll wash my mooring ropes in her washing machine. Decisions decisions. Now, back at the real situation. Do they need ironing?
  18. There's a small coil of wire down in my bilges. Could this be Spring. sorry
  19. Boy does a tumble dryer know how to tangle rope or what!
  20. I've just put some ropes in my sisters washing machine. What flavour fabric conditioner do people think I should use?
  21. I don't think there is really much "difference of opinion" I would liken this more to the banter we all like on these forums.
  22. I have to say I agree completely with Strow on this, the post is about the guide not NP status. I look forwards to reading the guide and hope it gets widely distributed. My view is...,Either start a new thread about the guide or another one about NP status!
  23. Hmmm, I want to see the picture for... "This boat will not normally pass under Potter Heigham bridge."
  24. Nah, just chuck the mudweight over and ride it out. Did much the same in Ranworth once.
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