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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I don't follow 'Strictly' closely (ok hardly at all) but I have to say I disagreed with the judges!! I suppose that's normal. For my mind the couple who did the Foxtrot as their second dance were worthy of 4 tens rather than the couple who got them. At least the Foxtrot was recognizable as one.
  2. Yeah, and if you'd taken it earlier there would have been more light too
  3. Still upside down for me... or am I upside down?
  4. I suppose they HAD to be of use to someone!
  5. For anyone who has trouble thinking of memorable passwords. I have a system that works for me and that hackers would find next to impossible to crack. I use anagrams of the first number plates of cars my parents owned so all you need to keep written down as a memory jogger is the make of those cars and the format of the anagram. So, for example lets say my dad owned a car with the number ABC 123. I would have a record that would say "Bentley 3A" indicating that my anagram was simply a reverse. Unless your would be hacker had access to the history of your families cars, he's pretty much stuffed. Please remember NOT TO USE YOUR CURRENT VEHICLE !!!
  6. This rather reminds me of my mother, and thew time I had to explain to Alan Royall that she believed that 30mph was the correct speed where ever you were. Duel carriage way, Motorway or single carriageway. Through towns villages or countryside, it was always 30mph. It didn't even matter if you were in a car or a boat, it was still always 30mph.
  7. Marina, how long does that journey take, particularly from the M25/A12 junction to wherever on the broads?
  8. Sorry Tim, My comment about the colours to paint boats was a response to the suggestion that purple was in some way an inappropriate colour. I thought it perhaps just a little harsh.
  9. Yep Dave, I agree with that! (being careful what you wish for) As far as the colour scheme of fibreglass boats, that should remain firmly the current owners choice. There have been some horrors, and some true gems, but that is a matter of opinion and taste.
  10. "Oh dear it seems Yodel can't cope, that's fair enough by why be straight with customers?" Sorry Dave, I'm not being picky and I know it was a typo, but I'm not sure what it was supposed to say! The obvious doesn't seem to make sense to me!
  11. Ok, so call it £7.50 for a magazine that comes out 6 times a year. I'd buy it once or twice to see if it was any good. If it was I'd buy it on a regular basis, probably by subscription. What do you want to know now?
  12. Whispering Reeds might be able to assist you, they use a purpleish colour as a band just below the gunwhale
  13. I am reminded of the "Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy" where they talk about a word that is SO offensive it is illegal to use it anywhere in the Universe, except on one small planet where they don't know what it means. I rather enjoy Fascinating Aida and I am well aware they go close to the line very often so whilst I admit I was expecting to hear one word, I was rather, no, very, surprised to hear another. On this one, I'm with you Hylander.
  14. I couldn't see it on the on-line page I was looking at. Could be me though.
  15. Do it all the time sir, do it all the time!
  16. Last time I bought a magazine it was 4/6... perhaps I should have mentioned that.
  17. I would expect to pay £3 to £4 for a quality hard copy magazine irrespective of how often it came out. having said that, I reckon 6 issues per year wouldn't be unreasonable.
  18. Bit of a catch 22 there BowWave. If the customer can opt out, this must make it less attractive to the advertiser. Those who can easily afford to opt out almost certainly would. Those would be the people to whom the advertiser would be aiming his adds. If the customer did not have this option, more companies would advertise. This extra revenue should be used to maintain a high quality journal with equally high quality articles. This would encourage greater readership, which in turn would encourage good companies to advertise. Just my view of course, but it is correct
  19. When I was a lad, we used to hire boats from Blakes, and the catalog advertising the boats always had a small footnote along the lines of... "This boat will not normally pass under Potter Heigham bridge". I assume that Hoseasons brochure was much the same. I've just looked at a boat in an on-line brochure but this info wasn't there. May I ask the hire fleet people here why this info seems to have disappeared? Ok, I know the correct answer to that question should be "Yes you may"... so... Why has this info seemed to have disappeared?
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0wbrGlSFHY I hope that works, certainly my favourite Christmas song. Have a really great one, one and all.
  21. What seems to be required here is an interface between the live website and the beta one. This would be the System Monitor and Control (1.0) version. So, next time you lose your picture, or the computer does anything else you didn't want it to, just look at it and say... "You're asking for a SMaC Interface". I find this sorts out most problems and even if it doesn't, it makes me feel one hell of a lot better.
  22. Many people arrive by car, that doesn't mean they're all driving (2 or more in a car) so car parks are necessary. I too favour the 0% in blood, everyone knows where they stand when that's the case, but that's for cars... NOT BOATS!!!!!
  23. We all admire vice John, it's rears that I'm questioning! Yes, Hoops and red tape a plenty I'm sure, but insurmountable? It still seems a good idea to me.
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