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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I know what you mean Dave, but especially at this time of the year feelings run high and sometimes things are written where the authors intent isn't made clear. in many ways "Pointless" and "Senseless" can be synonyms, where in others they are not. It might be reasonable to say that all deaths in war are senseless, in that war in itself is senseless. some might use the word "pointless" instead and arguably rightly so. However, nobody is saying that the sacrifices made were either pointless or senseless. Please don't let the thread disappear into the void of semantics. As far as historians "re-writing history" In some cases I believe you to be absolutely right, in others less so. There is a danger that many people will start to believe Hollywood's version of events unless the historians keep us on the right track. I cite Shakespeare's Richard III as both a parallel and as evidence. Many believe Richard III to have been an evil hunchback who charged around battlefields looking for horses. This is untrue in every detail. It takes historians to correct us on these points. The Cinema would have us believe that Douglas Bader was an amiable fellow liked by everyone he met. Also untrue, he was not a pleasant man, far from it! BUT... if you were looking for a man who had guts and wasn't afraid of doing very nasty things to Messerschmidts irrespective of being hugely outnumbered and the appalling odds against survival, he was the best. ( I wish I'd chosen "Fokkers" so much easier to spell!) Facts may not be pleasant but best we know them eh? If you have examples of historians re-writing history, I'd love to be aware of them. I have suspicions of some but few I am sure of. Back on thread subject, I think this year has done much to put the sacrifices made, to the forefront of most peoples minds, I think the same will happen, perhaps even to a greater extent, in 2018. There will be unpleasant truths brought to light between now and then, but even if those truths are massive, they are but nothing when compared with the sacrifice of a single soldier.
  2. In their later years my parents used to hire just one of three boats. Royall Sovereign Royall Ambassador or Royall Diamond. All three boats were, in their eyes, "their boats", and frequently Alan Royall would be chastised by mother for having the audacity to charge them for holidays on their own boats!! Yes, I too have soft spots for the hire craft we hired in the past, but the oddest (ok, stupidest) thing is that when I pass a craft we had hired in the past, I normally wave like a frantic idiot to the hirers as if I know the people. One thing this thread does make me ask is... How do people feel if they have hired a generically named boat? Connoisseur for example. Do they know which one they hired? Do they have the soft spot for all of them? or Are they missing out on this rather strange unexpected pleasure?
  3. We are planning on running some thin covering strips along the joints so the odd mm here and there can be hidden.
  4. Nah, He'll be just dandy! Hi from me
  5. What's the point? Yes, fair question, and no really meaningful answer. The idea sort of grew from a succession of rhetorical questions I was asking myself whilst mulling over a beer or six. I wondered what the maximum distance was (using the shortest route possible) between two places on the broads. According to the information available to me at the time, it was Coltishall lock to Geldeston lock. I wondered (like you do) how long it would take and if it was doable in a day. The answer to that was "That depends!" As soon as it became questionable depending on daylight and tides, it started to become more of a challenge, with the "because it's there" kind of justification. And there it sat, quietly fermenting in the back of my mind until now. Then I considered the possibility of being just a tad more constructive, and doing it for charity. For this to work I'm going to have to put a couple more hurdles in the way. Not sure what they will be yet. I need the challenge to be doable but not having success as a forgone conclusion. Probable yes, inevitable no! Any suggestions welcome!
  6. Can someone please confirm that I have picked the longest trip from head of navigation to head of navigation as there seems to be some conflicting information here. The BA tide table says Coltishall to Geldestone is longer than Coltishall to Norwich. Other guides imply/state that it's the other way round. Which is right?
  7. Hey Jon, If we leave Coltishall at the same time, you can shoot off ahead and beat the bushes for floating fuzz
  8. Posts 10 to 19 inclusive in "Location location location" are on this subject alone. Any chance of pulling them across to here Iain?
  9. There is room for how many boats at Gelderston (The Locks)? How many boats can we moor at Horsted? For the light factor, shall we say within 14 days either side of the longest day (but not the first weekend one side or the other, as I wouldn't wish to clash with the other event that occurs then). Are tide tables available yet? If this does get off the ground as a charity event, I would like to do this as a fund raiser for MTB 102. (well they did fly the forum flag ! ) Any suggestions or advice most welcome I don't think it will be a doddle somehow Peter, Coltishall is further than Hickling and Gelderston is further than Oulton Broad. Finally, sorry JimG I didn't mean to hijack your thread.
  10. Coltishall lock to Geldeston lock, I reckoned 14 hours if the tides were right.
  11. SteveandDeb You paid £600 to see Timbo's frozen whatsits on line????? I agree with you about the portable gas heaters, the list of dangers and disadvantages is endless! I used to use one on my old boat, which subsequently suffered very badly from the effects of the condensation the heater produced.
  12. New years eve for me. Probably not moving much, see what the weather does.
  13. Timbo, Hove (as in "Brighton & Hove). Small houses are much more expensive there.
  14. I have often wondered if a certain run is possible in one day without breaking the speed limits. From Coltishall lock Horsted, to the locks inn at Geldeston in one day! Wondered about doing it as a CinC for charity! Any ideas?
  15. mine still costs me 25p per litre. If the price of fuel keeps coming down, soon it'll hardly be worth making it
  16. As answers go Tim, that one only scratches the surface.
  17. Surely I can't be the only one who laces fun sized Mars bars with Ex-lax chocolate. "Trick or Treat" night is just begging for jolly japes like that.
  18. Now, if I've understood things correctly the problem is more to do with the name. "The NBO Broads awards" seems to be acceptable where "the Broads awards" rather less so (irrespective of the NBO logo being prominently featured). This reminds me of the tale about the fish shop and the Business consultant. A Business consultant was passing a fish shop as the owner put out a sign saying "Fresh fish sold here" The consultant said "Well you're hardly going to say "Stale fish sold here", the word 'fresh' is pointless." The owner wiped off the word fresh but that didn't satisfy the consultant who added "You're not planning on giving them away nor is anyone expecting you to. The word 'sold' is unnecessary". The owner wiped the word 'sold' from the sign and looked up at the man. "Still not right! Your shop is here, the fish are here, we can all see that. Why do you need your sign to say "Here" It's unnecessary." The owner threw his eyes skywards and wiped off the word "here". He and the fellow looked at each other and then at the sign that now had just one word on it..."Fish". Business consultant smiled and said "You have "fish written on the window, and over your door. Those slippery silver things on the slab couldn't be anything other than fish, we don't need telling that. Still, up to you!" The shop owner wiped the word "Fish" off the board which was now blank so he took it back inside the shop. The business consultant rubbed his hands together in self satisfaction and carried on his way. Sadly, the fish shop didn't get any more customers and went out of business!
  19. What I will say is that there is an awful lot of work being done to produce these awards and its accompanying ceremony. They are not perfect by any means but the motive behind them is well meaning. I doubt very much that those that do not win an award lose any business as a result (nor sleep for that matter) but it is nice for the winners to get some form of tangible recognition for their efforts.
  20. The wine cooler is probably the only thing that gets empty before the batteries
  21. This has nothing to do with the winterisation as such, more to do with security and the catching of those nasty little fellows who break into boats. The idea behind this new innovation is that the bubble wrap is used in conjunction with a silent burglar alarm. The fellow breaks into the boat, setting off the alarm. He then starts collecting up the gear he's planning on stealing. when doing this he will undoubtedly notice the bubble wrap. His inability to leave it alone will result in delaying him as he pops the bubbles. Meanwhile the long arm of the law will arrive and finding matey distracted thus, an easy arrest will result. The only weakness to this plan was highlighted a few months back when as some backup arrived it was found that the villain had scarpered while the two officers were themselves distracted and were bursting the bubbles. You can't win 'em all
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