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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Alan (JawsO) I agree with you pretty much word for word there, but aside from pricing customers out of the market, there's another underlying irritation for me. However did businesses survive before "rebranding" was invented? Whatever did we do before we discovered we could "reinvent" ourselves? Another way of asking those two questions is How did society exist before "marketing" became a university degree subject? If we look at the BBC, we will, after just a nominal amount of research, discover that some time ago a vast amount of money was spent changing it's logo from "BBC" to "BBC". Then a few years later, even more money was spent changing it back! All the letter headed paper, all the vans and all manner of other things had to be changed. The cost was phenomenal. The Post office (or bits of it) became "Insignia", not that anyone noticed, and I believe that has since reverted to it's original name. So now Hoseasons has fallen for this ridiculous confidence trick, not by changing it's name, but like the BBC, a change of logo. Hoseasons say that it won't be the boatyards who will have to pay for any changes, Hoseasons themselves will foot the bill, Well guess what , the people who will ACTUALLY foot the bill will be one of the following... The Shareholders. The Management. The Customers. I wonder which!
  2. Sunset that Friday is about 17:42 and will be dark not long after. You are not giving yourselves much time to get to Womack. (I estimate it to be a 3.5 hour trip from Richardsons). Ranworth would be an easier bet (I guess 2.5 hours)
  3. Hope Blue is recovering well, and welcome from me too
  4. I've had an idea that needs much the same sort of material that boat canopies are made of. Part of the problem I have is that I'd very much rather not say what this idea is, however, I'm going to need a lot of the material. (quite a few rolls) so for it to be economically viable, I rather need to order direct from the manufacturer. It rather follows therefore that I'm going to need quite a few samples of the available materials too. Further information I need now is... Does anybody have any experience of the acrylic canvas style canopy?... and Does anyone know the names of companies who manufacture these materials?
  5. Are there any caravan centres around? They seem to be a bit cheaper for the same goods IMAMHLMD.
  6. When I read the title, I thought it meant that Brilliant was out of the water this week! "Oh, that's a shame." I thought. Then I realized that you meant that Brilliant was out ON the water. "Oh, that's nice." I thought. You see, I understand that Brilliant can only be out when she's in because when she's out she can't go out. When she's in she can either go out or come out, but If she's out she can't come out as she's not in. I really don't understand what people find so difficult about this boating malarkey.
  7. Casualty in the water, person runs up my deck to assist. That is one thing. Ducks in the water, family walk up my deck to feed them. This is another . The question is, "Where do I draw the line?" And that one has to be for each individual to decide for themselves.
  8. Ok, Yes I can fully understand your anger and frustration, not to mention the temptation to offer physical assistance to introduce him to the fishes that had previously been ignoring you, but for the moment I'm trying to understand his thinking (not excuse him but understand him) My guess is that he... A. thought that his actions were the norm when assisting another boat, and B. that he thought as most boats were hire craft, yours was too and C. that your response was (given the other two points) unreasonable. Your restraint was admirable and I can only hope that his son had a chat with him and straightened him out. Alternatively, you have just met a complete slob who should be held under with a boat hook. Edited to add, Matt, an excellent course of action. we all try to 'defend' unattended boats or at least should.
  9. Hey you guys, JSP is hot! I don't get out much...
  10. Ahhh, Here's a man who likes to see Lawn Order!
  11. Jonathan, Welcome and thanks for the info, I'll have a word with Jason when I'm up for a while re a bigger/better screw, and a word at Ricko's for the bow. Get some numbers that sort of thing. Thanks all for the input.
  12. When is that Griff, I might be able to join you in Nyx for a day or two.
  13. Looking at the state of her, offer £5000 cash. well you never know! Especially as you have the "kills" to diy
  14. Hi Jill, There is already a thread called "BA at it again" that rather covers this.
  15. For looks I think my favourite hire craft was Diamond Emblem (when run by Ernest Collins not the Ferry Marina one), but for layout it's 50/50 between Royall Diamond and Royall; Ambassador.
  16. I like my boat, but I do not cherish it. I cherish my time on the water which the boat facilitates. That's why my boat spends most of it's life needing a damned good clean.
  17. I prefer not to use a keep net, but that is my choice, and while I agree with Dave that a suitable net, set out properly shouldn't harm the fish, I have two worries. The ability of the novice to know how to set it and use it, and The amount of time the fish is so kept. I can see that for match fishing, a keep net is essential, as it is should you wish to photograph your total catch at the end of the session, but for the casual fisherman/woman I think them an unnecessary piece of equipment.
  18. I'm rather hoping Clive (Richo) will know what I'm talking about. It's a sort of shield that wraps round the bow from the top to about 6" above the waterline.
  19. In my own defense, it is when I mess up and ram the bank that I was worried about.
  20. May only be a small saving but Mooring fees too! That really does look like a tidy boat with a smart looking outboard. Just the job! Antifoul is the blue paint on the bottom of the hull and someway up the sides. It stops things growing there!
  21. I'm curious,. firstly... What are the advantages of having a four bladed prop over a three bladed one? How much will one cost and how much to fit? And secondly... I've noticed many hire craft have a metal reinforcement on the bow. How much to have one of those fitted to my Elysian Bounty, and where could I get one? (I make mistakes too you know)
  22. I suspect that since the BSS came in, most insurance companies may have rethought this policy, though not necessarily immediately.
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