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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I like the idea of a pub called "The Duck 'n' Fish" in fact I think there already is one. I'm sure I've overheard anglers talking about it.
  2. I quite shamelessly hoover this topic or at least the gist of it, from "another place" as I think it important that it be aired where ever possible especially where people new to boating may be found. What should a cruiser skipper do when approaching a sailing craft... and... What should a sailie skipper do when seeing a cruiser approaching... also... What should a cruiser skipper do if the sailing craft skipper appears not to be doing that which the cruiser skipper thinks he should be doing... and also... What should a sailie skipper do if the cruiser skipper appears not to be doing that which the sailie skipper thinks he should be doing. My objective here is to scupper the "them v us" feelings and get a meaningful dialog going. So, let me start the ball rolling using a situation that happens to me so often as to make me wonder who is in the wrong. In this situation we shall say the river is relatively straight and wide. the breeze is generally gentle but constant and blowing straight towards me. Also heading straight towards me is a sailing boat "gull winging" (that is to say running with the wind, boom out to his port side, foresail out to his starboard) He is on 'my side' of the river. there is room for me to pass port to port, but it's perhaps tighter than I would like. There is a mass of room if I were to pass him on the 'wrong side'. FROM MY PERSPECTIVE... If I squeeze between the end of his boom and the bank (thus passing port to port) I shall be technically in the right as he has no business being on my side of the river. If I try to pass starboard to starboard, and he changes his course. I am in deep poo. My guess at his thoughts is... Why is this pratt trying to pass this side when even the Torrey Canyon could pass the other side without hitting anything. Right, This is the first situation I put to you all. I would like to know all the opinions, and other situations that can be described, but please remember to keep it polite and constructive.
  3. Choose your recipe with care Frank. My sister makes a loaf that, granted I prefer fresh but cold, rarely lasts more than a day or two. Full of nuts and seeds, I feel it doing me good while I'm over indulging.
  4. Is it my imagination or are Clive's boats getting bigger?
  5. I Can't remember who said.... For happiness you need to want what you have, not have what you want. A deep and meaningful remark, and therefore of course, complete gentlemen's spheres.
  6. If I were to refer to this thread as "A Boating holiday around the end of December" I think I might just get away with it Well, I can't do it this year, nor, I suspect, next... but a boating holiday around the end of December in 2016 may well be on the cards. Hey... A Forum Chr....End of year party might be fun!
  7. I have a little hankering (but enough about my problems!) but need some info. What are members best guesses for the following... How much would it cost to have my boat (27' Elysian Bounty) craned out, put on a low loader and transported to the mouth of the Shannon? How long would it take to "do the Shannon" at a relatively gentle pace? Would the return transport back to Norfolk cost the same? My idea was... Take Nyx to the Shannon, explore it to the other end, Lend Nyx to somebody else to get her back to the Shannon's mouth and bring her home. It's very early days, and I was only wondering at this stage!
  8. No 10B, it is for ME to apologize, I'm a bit slow on the uptake just now.
  9. Hmmm, That's a bit unfair! If they want the views of a certain age group it could be for any one of a great number of reasons. The leap from only wanting the 18-54 opinions to "all others will be got rid of" is illogical in the extreme! Perhaps the younger ones might be being prepared for age related toll rates with over 54s being exempt!
  10. I went across Breydon in the fog once. It's very disorientating when you lose sight of one post long before the next is ready to loom out at you.
  11. Quote "There will be a lot of boats for sale when the age limit is 54 to navigate the system," Can somebody please enlighten me here, I have no idea what this is all about!
  12. Robin, I don't know who has the problem here, you, me or Frank. He doesn't take you seriously, but he does me!!! Be afraid, be very afraid!!!!!!!
  13. I think you will find the Pleasure Boat Inn (Hickling Broad) is fishing very well at the moment. Lots of different beers and good food. Set the rod up using a small lump of clay as bait. No hook, just wrap the clay on a small knot in the line. Put the rod in a rod rest, and allow the clay to touch bottom right under the rod tip. Wind up to about 3 inches from the surface and set the rod tip to about 5 inches above the water's surface so all in all only about 8 inches of line from rod tip to bait. Go into bar and enjoy a beer or six. That's the way to do it!
  14. What's the boat? Where's it moored? Pics please! Oh and a warm welcome from me too
  15. I've just re-read Robins original post and to be honest the idea was fairly sound as long as other things became involved. It was NOT suggesting a riverside supermarket but a riverside general store for the essentials, plus fuel and water. Yes this is a seasonal business but there are other seasonal businesses it could engage in as well. Fireworks, (I like the idea of a petrol depot doing fireworks too) Christmas things, Coal and Easter bunnies. Whatever it takes to turn a profit outside the main season. Where it does fall down is that the basis of the idea already exists yet doesn't happen. If Jason will forgive me I shall use Ludham Bridge as an example. Here we have a pretty central position on the northern rivers. It has a shop, water, pumpout and full highly recommended boatyard facilities. It sells neither diesel nor petrol. Why might this be? In my far from humble opinion, it would have to be the costs involved in installing the required facilities to the standard required by the relevant authorities. Jason can't just have a stack of petrol filled jerry cans tucked round the back, for a kick off, Griff would have to give up smoking whenever Jason held a party! It aint goin' to happen!!! No, the costs of providing this service must be prohibitive, otherwise Jason would be providing it, as would one or two others!
  16. Maurice When I stayed at the Gunfield Hotel, it was run by a chap called John Brown, a terrific character who had a great sense of humour. He always said he had the second best view of Dartmouth, looking up the river at the naval collage. He added that the best view in Dartmouth was to be had from that collage, looking down river at the Gunfield Hotel! That was in 92, but I went back a few years later and he'd moved away. John (aka Maurice Mynah!)
  17. Ahhh Dartmouth! I stayed there many times and it ranks as one of my favourite places. I stayed at the Gunfield hotel once, a great place
  18. Alan (JawsO) I agree with you pretty much word for word there, but aside from pricing customers out of the market, there's another underlying irritation for me. However did businesses survive before "rebranding" was invented? Whatever did we do before we discovered we could "reinvent" ourselves? Another way of asking those two questions is How did society exist before "marketing" became a university degree subject? If we look at the BBC, we will, after just a nominal amount of research, discover that some time ago a vast amount of money was spent changing it's logo from "BBC" to "BBC". Then a few years later, even more money was spent changing it back! All the letter headed paper, all the vans and all manner of other things had to be changed. The cost was phenomenal. The Post office (or bits of it) became "Insignia", not that anyone noticed, and I believe that has since reverted to it's original name. So now Hoseasons has fallen for this ridiculous confidence trick, not by changing it's name, but like the BBC, a change of logo. Hoseasons say that it won't be the boatyards who will have to pay for any changes, Hoseasons themselves will foot the bill, Well guess what , the people who will ACTUALLY foot the bill will be one of the following... The Shareholders. The Management. The Customers. I wonder which!
  19. Sunset that Friday is about 17:42 and will be dark not long after. You are not giving yourselves much time to get to Womack. (I estimate it to be a 3.5 hour trip from Richardsons). Ranworth would be an easier bet (I guess 2.5 hours)
  20. Hope Blue is recovering well, and welcome from me too
  21. I've had an idea that needs much the same sort of material that boat canopies are made of. Part of the problem I have is that I'd very much rather not say what this idea is, however, I'm going to need a lot of the material. (quite a few rolls) so for it to be economically viable, I rather need to order direct from the manufacturer. It rather follows therefore that I'm going to need quite a few samples of the available materials too. Further information I need now is... Does anybody have any experience of the acrylic canvas style canopy?... and Does anyone know the names of companies who manufacture these materials?
  22. Are there any caravan centres around? They seem to be a bit cheaper for the same goods IMAMHLMD.
  23. When I read the title, I thought it meant that Brilliant was out of the water this week! "Oh, that's a shame." I thought. Then I realized that you meant that Brilliant was out ON the water. "Oh, that's nice." I thought. You see, I understand that Brilliant can only be out when she's in because when she's out she can't go out. When she's in she can either go out or come out, but If she's out she can't come out as she's not in. I really don't understand what people find so difficult about this boating malarkey.
  24. Casualty in the water, person runs up my deck to assist. That is one thing. Ducks in the water, family walk up my deck to feed them. This is another . The question is, "Where do I draw the line?" And that one has to be for each individual to decide for themselves.
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