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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I'm sorry, I can't resist it any longer.... It don't mean a thing if Trowse ain't got that swing. Doowah doowah doowah doowah doo doo doo!
  2. A fish ate my maggot. Chrysalis averted!
  3. I quite like the DC30, but as was said at the start of this thread, beauty is very subjective. For my part, the design I find least attractive is the ferry marine's "Diamond Emblem". It further rubs salt into the wound as the Ernest Collins boat of the same name was, in my opinion, one of the best "lookers" on the broads
  4. If they're dredging Heigham Sound and putting the spoil in Duck Broad, it is an action that was very acrimoniously discussed on the NBF last year, blaming it for an outbreak of something rather nasty. I can't remember what! With the current outage of the NBF I hope and trust that should it be discussed here, it will be so with better control of tempers.
  5. Looks like a good battery to me... wots the prob?
  6. Hi Grace, Wanna come see my maggot? OOOOps sorry about that, I've had a beer
  7. Hylander, in my defence It wouldn't let me use my normal name, it wouldn't let me have a space/hyphen/underscore between the two parts otherwise I'd have used it in preference.
  8. Hi Jason. Nice to see you here. Just in case you are unaware of who I am, I'm ..... nah that would spoil the surprise though I reckon my avatar will do that!
  9. OOoooh ....... Boat cleaning....... What an interesting concept Maybe I'll try it sometime !
  10. Was that a "Reed Bunting" the narrator identified as a "Reed Warbler" ? Didn't notice anything else
  11. Peachy, where are you moored now? £100 per month for a 20 footer seems a tad excessive!!!
  12. It must be a very difficult balancing act Richard is attempting. On the one hand, he wants the system, the control the whole lot. It's his hobby and that's what he wants to do. On the other hand it will not have escaped his notice that there is a great number of people who have come to rely on that site, and have quite unwittingly placed a heavy burden of responsibility on his shoulders I'm sure Richard never expected or perhaps even wanted it to grow the way it has. I await with eagerness to see what happens to it now.
  13. Hmmm, a sailie huh? A pressie for a sailie, hmmm! Something a sailie will always find useful..... I know, I know........................ An outboard motor.
  14. Garden furniture on the top eh? They've probably hammocks in the garden, a house full of plants and a garden full of furniture..
  15. Who? Edited to add... Don't bother, I've just googled him! Add me to the 'avoiding' list!!!
  16. Hey Trevor, That big ceramic glass with the hinged black lid... That wasn't the one you were supposed to be drinking from!!!
  17. On a level crossing not far from here, two 16ish year old schoolgirls were killed because they crossed the line after the barriers were down. There was outrage that there were no special gates that would lock automatically stopping people going through. The probability that the girls were not paying attention to the track and that they crossed when the traffic barriers were down was largely, no, totally ignored. Railtrack were heavily fined. A schoolgirl was killed near Bishops Stortford when she crossed the line at an official pedestrian crossing point. It was established that she was listening to her I-Pod (or whatever they're called these days) and didn't hear the train. It was largely, no, totally ignored that she didn't look either. A bridge will now have to be built there. Three young lives lost and all because they didn't follow the most basic of rules. Look before you cross! These gut wrenching tragedies could each have been simply avoided if even just a speck of self discipline had been instilled into these children. But who can possibly teach children to be careful when ADULT cyclists wipe their brow because, by luck, they just avoided death from their stupidity. Whoops, another rant. Sorry.
  18. I suppose I could take my roof down.....given a tin opener.
  19. This is another "Blood Boiler" for me" ... (puts tin hat on and starts to rant) I am in no doubt that should the worst have happened, there would have been an outcry about how dangerous these crossings are, and how things must change to make them safer, possibly leading to railtrack being fined for negligence. If people are incapable of doing what they are told (like stopping at a red light) they should be punished, and punished severely. That train driver will be having nightmares for months because of that woman's stupidity and, lets face it, selfishness. "Why shouldn't I cross when I want to?" and "Who are they to tell me to wait?" I can ruddy well hear her thinking it !!!!!!!!! Personally I'd like to see a four figure fine for actions like that or 6 months inside, Whatever it takes to get cyclists to obey the law. Sorry my views are so very strong on this, but not without VERY strong reasons!
  20. If you are going to use a disposable nappy on a stick, please remember to take the baby out of it first. Too many babies in the bilge WILL block up the bilge pump very quickly.
  21. Thanks Strow, and Little sprite, That's the what, now please tell me the how? I think I have a problem, so how do I deal with it? Ps, I am running both Norton and Microsoft Essentials.
  22. What is a boot scan? How do I do a boot scan? Be gentle with me, I'm not very bright!
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