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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. ExSurveyor

    Bilge Survey

    It was used to treat the timbers of The Ropery in Chatham Dockyard in 1985. Quarter of a mile of structural timbers, and four floors. That was the only time I have ever had to get my hands dirty. 12 x 45 gallon drums and no working lift because of the fire risk.
  2. When people are considering buying a boat the advise is usually given, buy bigger than you think you need or you will end up changing it after a year. Glad to see you have listened Robin Boat age and size are only limited by budget, glad you are following your dream and letting us all tag along.
  3. ExSurveyor

    Bilge Survey

    Cuprinol 5star, I bet I hold the record for usage. 540 GALLONS over an Easter weekend
  4. You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. John Lydgate
  5. ExSurveyor

    Bilge Survey

    Calypso 1. Does your boat have a completely dry bilge, or does it have a small amount of water controlled by a bilge pump? NO, 2. Does your boat have a shaft seal designed to let past a small amount of water or is it dripless? Yes 3. Does your boat have any wells, shower tray, gulleys or other drains directly into the bilge? Large rear well. All deck and well drains should go via rubber tubes to skin fittings although a couple have perished in the last 45 years and are impossible to get to without employing small children. 4. How many bilge pumps does your boat have? Two, set at different heights. 5. Are they on separate batteries? Yes Topcraft Topliner 1. Does your boat have a completely dry bilge, or does it have a small amount of water controlled by a bilge pump? Wet, contained in a deep keel gulley 2. Does your boat have a shaft seal designed to let past a small amount of water or is it dripless? Yes 3. Does your boat have any wells, shower tray, gulleys or other drains directly into the bilge? The huge flat roof drains overboard via concealed pipes (thank goodness ) The front well drains into the bilge but now has a cover. The covered side and rear walk ways collect a lot of rain that goes straight into the bilge these areas are below the waterline. This ingress is mitigated by partial side canopy screens. I plan to try and get these areas to drain via a sump pump or just extend the canopy covers right around the sides and rear. 4. How many bilge pumps does your boat have? Two, set at different levels plus a really weird mechanical one as a further back up. 5. Are they on separate batteries? One off dedicated fridge battery and two off the 360amp domestic bank. I fitted a pump to the little Broom Scorpio just because the canopy leaks.
  6. Landed on the mat this morning, best one yet. Thanks to all the team involved.
  7. My Calypso is 45 years old and has some drains to the bilge, no osmosis on last lift out. I run two pumps from the main batteries and a further one , higher up from the separate fridge battery, just in case.
  8. I think the odd bogey thrown in a conversation is acceptable. The problem here was attaching it to the OP. This personalized the comment and could have caused offence.
  9. Griff, you need my hoodie, If grandad can't fix it, no one can . Even my 2 year old granddaughter says "grandad fix it" Well done on rescuing the worktop.
  10. Good job nobody noticed the edit.
  11. Marinepower at Brundall Gardens have a full stock of LEHR, Suzuki & Tohatsu. http://www.marinepowerltd.co.uk/
  12. Is it wrong to pick on bogey I will poke my nose out
  13. I seem to recall that they had to post one to me last year as they couldn't email it.
  14. Are the moorings free to use in the season ?
  15. The yacht stations are closed because the demand for moorings over winter is much less and the cost of collecting a few fees is uneconomic. As far as I am aware Reedham is free to moor, so that argument doesn't hold water ( unlike the power posts )
  16. If I designed and installed an unsafe installation I would be forced to rip it out and design it so that it was safe in all foreseeable situations. I doubt that I would be allowed to fudge the issue and suggest it was not used when the majority of the danger was likely to happen. This is sheer incompetence, from design to supervision of the project. A classic example of too many of the wrong staff. They quickly get outside consultants in to advise on saving the three spotted whibblewobble.
  17. The power is left on at all other 24 hour moorings, these are considered to be safe enough. What makes the power posts unsafe at Reedham, poor design and the absence of an attendant, who shouldn't be needed to reset a trip switch if the original installation was thought out by someone who actually visited the site and understood the problem.
  18. I know of a couple of members have expert knowledgeable of this subject. Ricardo has called BA, The answer given by BA is a typical half answer favoured by quangos, No doubt considerable expense was incurred to install them. Sadly the design is inadequate for the location and with a bit more forethought they could have been suitable for year round use.
  19. We are not in the same league as some other places
  20. Thanks for posting the update Robin, the boat is looking good, your hard work is paying off. You might want to fix the tube heater to a bit of timber to keep the heat away from the vanished surface, the can get quite hot. I am thinking of filling my fender key floats with expanding foam to improve buoyancy
  21. Listen to the doctors and Ellie, you know it makes sense. Take it easy and get well soon.
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