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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Hold your nerve Robin , Brokers are like estate agents, they suddenly have other viewings when they get a bit of interest. If it is a real viewing and they aren't interested, knock the price down, you can always go up but not often reduce on your initial offer. Are you concerned about the osmosis given that it has been dried each winter, will you want to continue that practice, that has got to be worth a reduction on its own. Remind me never to sell a boat to you. Good luck.
  2. He has blown his undercover cover, burn it Stuart and choose Phoenix as a new undercover cover, no-one will know.
  3. I am so sorry to hear this John, My little sister passed 16 years ago, it was a very difficult time, it still hurts a lot now. You will get through these awful days, weeks and months, the years will still hold tears, but less often. If you need 3 drinks today, promise yourself and your sister only 2 tomorrow, 1 the day after and stick to it or that bloody cancer has claimed another. I will raise a small one tonight to you and your sister and to all brothers and sisters who can only share memories now. Take care.
  4. I think you will find that if Prince Charles were to "withdraw" (before being made king) from the existing line, then the Queens eldest son (or perhaps now her daughter) would be the next in line. I can't see him quitting this near the finish line, 60 years of waiting must give you great patience He also allegedly has a very low opinion of his brothers and his nieces..
  5. Well you lot jinxed that, mid shower this morning the water went cold. The boiler had gone into " I'm not playing anymore " mode. A few curses, a bit more water pressure and an engineer reset soon had it working again. I have booked the engineer to come and do his biannual dark arts thing. Been a bit of a week for problems. one van blown head gasket, one van broken starter One car engine light on My new phone disappeared down a 40' shaft. Goodbye phone. Pipe came off the pond pump, one very large nearly empty pond. Tomorrow we go up to the boat, I will not touch anything until next week
  6. Pleased to confirm the order of succession is Charles, William, George, Charlotte, Harry, then Air miles. The expected new arrival fits in after Charlotte.
  7. My favourite royal photo showing duty and marriage ..
  8. Brundall Gardens Marina is very pleasant and close to Norwich, it even has its own train stop.
  9. Live your dream Robin, before life overtakes you.
  10. Top notch, all the time you can get parts you they keep going. Mine has been going 17 years without a problem, fingers crossed. I have it serviced every few years when I remember. It is fitted with a magnet on the pipe to collect the rubbish. I used to fit the cheap boilers in my rentals, false economy, I only fit vailliant now, fit and forget.
  11. Haha, I have one of those, every morning, out with the broom, goes over the same area with a blower and follows up with a dyson. Mad as a box of frogs.
  12. Heating overnight, whats that. A thick quilt, a blanket, a pair of thick wool socks because my feet hang out the end of the bed. The window is wide open and the blanket and quilt are regularly thrown off, the joys of a wife of a certain age. Our boat is well insulated and does keep its heat in well. We tend to use a 1kw fan heater to heat the whole 32' boat and turn it off overnight.
  13. Seems to be a bit of a thing going on on this forum with sorting out workshops, I hope it isn't contagious
  14. Great write up. Waters Edge and the Ferry House, two of my favourite destinations, 5 and 20 minutes from my mooring.
  15. Oh dear, me again, guilty. yep I have got a wing mirror on my Calypso and one on the Topliner. They are surplus to requirements now as I have rear and side cameras fitted. They are kept folded in but I keep them in case the cameras fail, completely blind to the rear and starboard without.
  16. How many infringements is this worth It was only worn whilst on our home moorings with grandchildren onboard.
  17. I can supply a list of my favourite ones
  18. Timbo what a cheeky sod , I am mostly house trained, I also take my shoes off without fail unless the floors are dirtier than the pavement, then put overshoe covers on. I have been locked in a cellar once by a lady who had a few mental health issues but a phone call from her health team resolved the problem.
  19. I go in a lot of houses to do surveys, dog owners tend to say, do you mind dogs, they will jump up and bark a lot but won't bite. I tend to reply, that's okay then if you don't mind me jumping and shouting at them, if you do mind perhaps you should put them outside. That works. I gave up being subtle after being bitten three times in one year by different peoples dear little fur babies who had never bitten anyone. I really hate Jack russells, one little git would not let go until I had to take forceful steps. I do find the crazy dogs have crazy owners. I am 6'3", Big dogs are never a problem, it is always the small breeds with an inferiority complex, a bit like some small people, they think they have to prove something. My son is an Estate agent and is 6'6", he has worse problems with small dogs and some small youths. Funny old world.
  20. Grace, stag parties miss the moorings as they go full steam ahead for Norwich.
  21. Oops, Thats my favourite least offensive description of somebody who winds me up, usually in a shopping emporium. Matron says I can't use my other favourites.
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