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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Was that the large pink flag. I did hear a horn, sorry I didn't wave.
  2. Well I think the answer to my question is that the Brooms fleet have a sea going hull that creates a different wash to traditional hire craft hulls and this is made worse over a certain speed against the tide. As a smaller craft they tend to come closer to moored boats They have a speedo rather than underestimate speed They are fresh out of the yard and excited, ( who can blame them ) I am not attacking Brooms, just trying to understand what are the factors involved. The hire fleet is a very stylish addition to Brundall. The infared camera would be of no use unless I wanted to record the heat signature, other than it is big and bright yellow. I find most crews will respond to a polite request to slow down. Speeding is not a major problem, just an occasional hazard ..
  3. A small greengrocers in Gillingham became the original importer of garlic in the late 50s early 60s. Just a humble store, Always remember seeing him sweeping outside the shop and setting up his display each day. he became so successful that he distributed all around the UK. The guy made a fortune and set up trust funds that his grandchildren and great grandchildren still benefit from today. Shrewd old fella he was.
  4. It has become worse over the past few years as the fleet has increased, It is the silent approach that can catch you out. When they are going at 4mph they are no worse than any other boat, 5 mph is noticeably worse, when they go by at 6mph it gets silly. Part of the problem is the 6mph speed limit for this part of the river, some see it as a target . just past the moorings it drops to 5mph. I will live with it, the price I pay for not being in a marina it having a great view . I might get the high viz jacket and the big infared camera out and have some fun.
  5. Perhaps the seagoing hull design explains the different wash, it seems to move slower but build higher, producing more movement of the boat and a more pronounced slap to the hull and quay. It was a case a shouting Brace brace brace to the grandchildren this weekend when one appeared from down river
  6. Scrumpycheddar, my question was about the hull design. It is very apparent that the Broom fleet are producing considerably more wash at the same speed than other boats. It is NOT a mountain out of a mole hill when cups are bounced across the table because of the excessive wash. Having had a river front mooring for over five years I think can fairly judge acceptable levels. Occasionally we have stag crew heading for Norwich at speed, these produce very little increased wash. Being close to Brooms it may be the case that the new crews are concentrating on steering and not seeing the results of the wash. Was wash mentioned in your handover ?
  7. The wash from some of the hire fleet is bordering on dangerous with no thought about slowing down when going past moored boats. I think it is about time the hand over staff mentioned this or had a sign installed on board. Speed isn't the problem but the wash is.
  8. A question for the technical bods, I have noticed that the new Brooms hire fleet create one hell of a lot of wash in comparison to other hire boats at a similar speed. The wash is very aggressive and throws the boat around a lot. Have they used a new hull design that is a lot different to older boats. I have also noticed that the new Richardsons boats don't cause this problem. Are Brooms based on a sea going hull ?
  9. I can guarantee my 9 year old granddaughter Ellie will remember yesterday. She cast off and drove the Broom Scorpio up river and returned after an hour and moored up, all with a proud granddad sitting in the passenger seat with a beer. She needed very little guidance other than, relax.
  10. Just to prove I have flown a pink flag. The things we do for grandchildren.
  11. Onboard with two of the grandchildren. The pink flag is flying. How do you do an Easter egg hunt on a boat, carefully
  12. I gave up trying to find replacements and went for a filter jug.
  13. I have noticed a few scam emails at work lately, the latest are requests for urgent quotes, you have to login to get the specs. Now I smelt a rat when the guys name was spelt differently in his address and his email. I traced it back and it "appears" to originate from a large firm of consulting engineers who are working on the new Royal Navy aircraft carriers. I seem to think they make them out of metal these days. Not sure what specialist remedial building works are required on these although we have an amazing range of repair resins and wood preservatives.
  14. He is busy getting his uncle to send ten million to my account , should be easy, I gave him my password
  15. Bit of sand paper should sort that out. Or a couple of discarded red rubber bands around it. I do like the latest gadgets but the have to be usable as well as looking good.
  16. I have a lovely slim phone, except as you say it is slippery ,, so I put a gel case on it to protect the back and sides from impact if I drop it, because it is slippery. It ends up thicker. It must be easier to coat the back with non slip coating. Progress
  17. I think you know the answer I will get Dinger is officially part time now and has moved out the wet shed. Rumour has it they are going to pump dredge the new basin in the summer, just not sure which summer .
  18. I have sat on the bottom once last year at BGM, and that was out on the river, first time in five years. The marina does sometimes suffer but I think they are planning some dredging The new half is worse as apparently the peat swells up after digging out because of the removal of the upper weight .
  19. It does happen occasionally on the southern side, I think it is affected by pressure and tides rather than rainfall.
  20. I suppose the obvious question is would it actually sink even if it did flood. I suspect the amount of wood versus the motors and gears means it should float, although I survey houses not boats Perhaps some shaped polystyrene inserts for when the models are afloat.
  21. What about a couple of those key floatation things that are activated by contact with water ?
  22. My experience of calling the tolls office was on a par with Robin's, . very confused because I had two to do. The EA were quick and professional for the Medway boat. And cheaper. A very big contrast.
  23. Welcome Londonlad, you are hooked now.
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