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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. The whole organization could function better without its existing head, just a thought.
  2. I wonder why they would need to have political awareness ..
  3. Congratulations to you both. Matron was 17 and a half and I was just nineteen ,, ( no shotguns were involved ) they said, give it six months. Coming up for 39 years later we stay together to spite them.
  4. I have used cilit bang mould and mildew remover, carefully. Don't leave it on very long and lightly agitate it with a soft brush then rinse off straight away with lots of water, away from the river. Dry and reseal. It a very good but needs respect. It is also great on textured areas of gelcoat but be careful of where the rinse water goes.
  5. I had the two way securicor radio telephone wired to the car, patched to a land line via an operator. I was at the cutting edge in them days.
  6. In memory of an officer who gave his life to protect us today and won't be going home tonight ..
  7. I have friends who are armed response officers and one who would have to make me disappear if he told me what he did. Another is a major trauma paramedic. All based in central London. I take them all for granted, except for days like today
  8. As stupid as we think they are, the police are requesting copies of any footage. The original motivation may be odd but the footage can be useful.
  9. A reassuring response so far, we will never stop these attacks, we can only hope to respond well and effectively ..
  10. I have got the urn but it is still empty
  11. Bit like the old mother in Law
  12. Norfolk is our place of retreat, I hate airports and long flights. I work on the basis that it still costs me less than two weeks abroard. The other boat is fast becoming an unnecessary luxury and when we have more opportunity to take 4 day weekends it will go in favour of more trips up the M11 Also one less boat to clean, having just spent the day on the end of a pressure washer, that is a distinct advantage.
  13. Who remembers waiting lists. At Yalding, in 2007 they had a waiting list of 30. Big plans approved for a 200 berth marina, that was never built and now there are spaces always available. Norfolk marinas always seem to find space for a newcomer these days.
  14. I think the final decision for all of us will be the amount of use we get for what are fixed base costs. For say 2500 pa I will get about 70 night this year, about 35 pounds a night, that, to me, is worth it. The boat I still have on the Medway costs 2000 pa and I might get 20 nights on it this year. Keeping this one makes no economic sense at all but having a 92 year old mother in law in residence restricts our freedom. Decisions on boats aren't always rational but we all have a line that tolling authorities and Marina owners push us over at their peril.
  15. To be honest the rise in tolls will be nothing compared to the increases in all forms of insurance people are going to get hit with this year. Three vans, extra 500 this year. Ten cars, I dread to think. No doubt boat insurance will also rise.
  16. I have a 32 foot boat and a 15 foot boat. The mooring fees for the small boat are 2/3 of the larger one. The insurance is 1/2 The toll is less than a 1/3 My mooring fees are more unjustified on this basis.
  17. Such a sad time Robin, My Dad passed away some time ago, it still leaves a void. I hope that when my time comes, my sons can say something as nice as you have. As fathers, we can only hope to leave our mark on the the world in the form of good, honest sons. I think your Dad achieved that. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  18. I have got a huge 28x12 flat roof deck on my bath tub, I might have to sit up there on a deckchair next time Matron drives
  19. I have an electrical safety test carried out around the same time as the BSS. I choose to do this as water and electrickery are not good bedfellows and the boat has a built in generator that runs when the engine runs. Once a year I use a plug in fault detector in each outlet. Two weeks time is booked for the big clean, depending on the weather outlook the water will remain filled but I leave the heaters and dehumidifier in place until at least Easter. I will also put the little Brush ( Broom ) back in the water ready for the grandchildren's Easter visit. The new season is within touching distance
  20. Just realised that blooming Doris has run off with my NBN burgee, bug#er
  21. Ah, that helps not. Λυπάμαι, δεν έχω ιδέα τι λέτε Its all Greek to me.
  22. Someone has stolen the river, might have to exit off the roof. Most boats in the Marine are sitting on the mud. Even on the riverside we are sitting on the bottom and still the tide goes out.
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