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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. But we shouldn't have to Gracie, we know we can stand fast against the enemy, we have proved it time and again, usually against the enemy without, not often the enemy within. The problem is how to root out the extremists without becoming something our fathers fought against in 1939. If proven guilty, get rid of them but wide-scale interment on whisper, suspicion or the wrong beard is not our way. I f they choose to go abroad to join a proscribed group then that is a one way trip.
  2. Having posted on the other thread I offer these words I came across on facebook. I don't fear for myself, I am old enough to not worry about having a go if I saw a situation developing and young enough to give others a chance to get away. I do fear for our children and grandchildren. All we can do is prepare them. Dear Baby Boy, The news this morning about a terrorist attack in Manchester is breaking my heart. For the victims. For their families. For you. For you, your friends, and your generation. I fear that these incidents are only going to happen more and more as you get older and it makes me so sick to think I cannot protect you from the barbaric individuals who do things like this. As you grow up, you may think that it makes more sense and is safer to just 'stay in and not do anything'. As your mother, who loves you so much it hurts, I have this message for you. 'Do not do that. Go out.... and do EVERYTHING.' Do everything you want to do. Go everywhere you want to go. See everyone you want to see. Go to that party at the club, go to school and university, go travelling and get on that plane, ride on the underground and go to that sports match, go on that holiday and see those sights, go to that shopping centre, go to that concert, go see that movie, go eat at that restaurant.... And you may think that is a strange thing for me to want you to do. But my reason is this: All your life, my job... is to protect you. Protect you from monsters. Most of those monsters, I can keep away from you, scare off, reassure you have gone away and won't come back. But not these monsters. These monsters do horrible things all over the world. These monsters I cannot always protect you from. And as a parent, that is the hardest thing in the world for me to come to terms with and admit to you. But if I cannot fight these monsters for you, I'm sure as hell gonna teach you how to do that yourself. By. Just. Living. Your. Life. They don't want you to do that. They don't win if you do that. So do it. Everyday. Never be afraid to enjoy yourself and live your life to the fullest. I cannot guarantee that one day, you may not come face to face with their horrors and destruction. I cannot guarantee that you may not know someone who is killed in a terrorism related incident, or god forbid, are hurt yourself in their bid to injure and kill people. But remember this- They cannot kill strength. They cannot kill determination. They cannot kill love. And your generation are going to be the strongest yet. You are going to be the most determined to beat this . And you are going to have the most love to give, because we will teach you that you mustn't be afraid of these monsters. No matter how scary they seem. Remember that in every story, there are goodies and baddies? Look for the goodies, my darling. Look at those who, like last nights attack in Manchester, are helping others. Look for the doctors, the nurses, paramedics, hospital staff, emergency services who are at the scene and working to save and protect people. Look for the hotel staff, taxi drivers, bus drivers... all offering to help at no cost. Look for the passers by who are looking after each other and hugging strangers. Look for the parents and families who have lost their children to this tragedy, speaking out to show solidarity and unity instead of hatred and revenge. Look for the strength. The determination. The love. I will not always be there to protect you from the cowards in this world who pray on the innocent and defenceless, but I will teach you to find reassurance in the courage, unity and bravery you see. I will teach you to be brave yourself. We will teach you, our children, not to be afraid and to live harder, happier and stronger than any of us ever did.
  3. I am up Thursday evening , then about Brundall till Monday but back again following Thursday for ten days. Let me know your plans nearer the time.
  4. I am up in Brundall, I can always call over to Stalham to dribble over B. A's fresh varnish if you are in the wet shed and then arrange to get it to Grendel.
  5. Nice photo Peter, what camera did you use
  6. So is it now classed as a house boat and does that make a difference to where it can moor, wild, 24 hour or Marina. ?
  7. Confusedus say, When a hobby becomes a job it stops being fun. When a job becomes a hobby it starts being fun.
  8. The weekend will be fine, the sun shines on the righteous
  9. Is it only a week ago that the news headlines were full of predictions of a drought.
  10. I might have to upgrade the 20hp outboard
  11. I really want to fit bow and stern thrusters together with an electric mud weight, all on a remote control. Would this be too much for a Broom Scorpio
  12. Is it a boat or a house boat,? If it is a house boat I assume it can still be moored in a marina just not used as a residence ..
  13. Probably more space down south although I don't think I would want to drag it across Breydon. I wonder if you could continuously cruise and tow it as shown in the original photo. ? Probably a bylaw against it.
  14. Sorry, should have added, use carefully , and avoid run off. I plug the drain holes with blue tac and let it sit for an hour then drain into paper towel.
  15. I use vaseline to lubricate , don't titter. Cilit mould and mildew remover to slow down regrowth
  16. BLUE FENDER, whats that about
  17. At Yalding in Kent they had permission for a 200 berth marina extension ,, it was held up because a marine survey costing 8 thousand pounds found a small colony of Roman mussels, the cost to move these 50 feet, 12 thousand pounds. By the time planning was given the nearby quarry had closed, that added an extra half a million to the costs. The marina hasn't been built because the demand for moorings has gone. The site would be ideal for floating homes, it is adjacent to a small caravan park that is very popular and has all services. The planners say no, they can't be residential homes , owners must vacate for one week a year and have another address .. The land is not suitable for conventional housing as it is subject to flooding. Then it must be suitable for houses that float and are affordable. The very wealthy locals don't like the mobile homes, the boats, especially the dirty ones and are horrified at the thought of floating houses. Guess where a number of the local councillors live. I am about as far as you can get from being a socialist but even I recognize we need to do something about the housing shortage . We need to be creative ..
  18. Put the bloody marsh on the roof , we really do need to get our priorities right in this country. It is all very well for those of us that have nice comfortable houses in lovely areas with nice views. We have to provide affordable housing that is nice, in nice areas, even if it does encroach on someone's view or upsets our feathered friends. The time for, I'm all right Jack is gone. If Holland can allow floating homes without turning the rivers and lakes into an eyesore I am fairly sure we could.
  19. How much potential is there for those floating homes, a ten room home for 150k, yes please. This has got to be part of the answer to our housing shortage especially in areas not suitable for traditional building because of flooding.
  20. ExSurveyor


    I tend to find a debate is based on facts, often conflicting ,, and an argument is based on opinions ,, often conflicting ..
  21. "on passing Brundall Gardens we both commented that we had not seen the floating bedroom away from its riverside moorings, it is however well looked after by the look of it, always clean." I spend too much time playing with the little Broom and cleaning both boats. I have been a bit off colour the last year so I have tended to use the boat as a base to rest up in and watch the world go by and the Broom as a day boat. The replacement burgee will be up by the end of May when we are up next. Enjoy your holiday.
  22. Alans got a new toy, that looks like fun. How easy is it to fly ?
  23. My little Broom produces a lot of wash due to the hull design, because of this I slow down when passing moored boats, I judge it by the wake not the speed. I guess I have answered my own question
  24. I knew a technical bod would know the answer. Thanks Vaughan
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