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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Hi Jayne and welcome, my friend has just sold his boat, identical to yours, the money came through today, bit late for you. It was in very nice condition, 18k. It was a twin petrol merc engined, Good luck with searching for a new boat, what are you thinking of going for ?
  2. When I saw the boat around Brundall early August, the crew didn't strike me as the type you describe. The boat had quite a list, so much so that I reported it to yhd yard, they said the owner was aware and awaiting work. I guess time ran out. Sad really as they are a nice boat, all be it with a pair of big petrol engines. My friend has the same boat on the Medway, over powered for inland use but nice layout and finish.
  3. Well it appears to have been raised, after a fashion, I saw it at our home mooring in early August with a very pronounced list. From the photo in another topic it seems all didn't go to plan ;(
  4. Someone's joy, probably not pride. A least the new addition can be recycled
  5. ExSurveyor


    Lets not spoil the area with barriers and more posts, now if the area were to have random mines laid it would be a deterrent but be nice and tidy.
  6. ExSurveyor


    What a small world, David was my boss when he was an area manager, i covered Kent and Sussex. He was a really nice guy. I think he climbed the slippery pole very quickly. I worked for him between 1982 and 1984. I left to start my own company and still run it now, I was never very happy having a boss
  7. ExSurveyor


    I was dealing in lamps (that is the term that some people call bulbs, but bulbs grow in the ground, lamps are a light source, that when you click the button on the wall they illuminate Snap Donnygeoff, 35 years ago I was working for Osram lighting, never specified a bulb, only lamps. Bulbs are best left to gardeners. (nearest I could find to a lamp )
  8. ExSurveyor


    Thanks for the info guys, I stand corrected . So the Topdeck was the very ugly version of the slightly Ugly Topliner I have never heard mention of the Topdeck and would be interested to see any pictures.
  9. ExSurveyor


    Speedtriple, You are 20 years out on your Topcraft date, the first purpose built one was built in 1992. They have a clearance height of 7' 6".
  10. I had the same issue with my Calypso five years ago. The surveyor said the same, they are only small blisters. Had it out for four months at the beginning of the year, no change. Forty year old boats seem to have a very thick hull. Be guided by your surveyor. Good luck
  11. A witness described it as like a pen#s,,… only smaller
  12. The driver ( helm ) did get distracted waving to people and nearly hit the bank
  13. Busy fitting the new winter boat cover on the Medway today and had this "driving" past. Not sure if it had a river toll or a road fund license.
  14. Brace yourself Grendel, its Friday already . good luck.
  15. Sorry to Butt in, only Kidding I used to keep a couple of goats a few years ago, they were forever wandering off.
  16. Kind of hope the signature is now working again No still not working for me, HELP
  17. Just a thought, The rise in staycation and increased advertising for the broads have resulted in increase bookings for the hire companies. Many, if not most, will be first time visitors. An increase in novices will lead to an increase of incidents. Regards Mark
  18. Peter said, Thankfully we don't see too many on Oulton Broad! Less since Topcaft sold off the Topliners. If you are missing ugly, I can do a sail past for you
  19. We have a somewhat different approach to cremation in this country and as far as i am aware, only a few areas in the country are licenced for open air cremation, no riverside cremations, by anyone, are allowed.....yet
  20. Hi Peter, if the heavy rain hits Thursday evening, do they usually cancel the powerboat racing ? Regards Mark
  21. Hi Robin, I blame it on the forum upgrade..
  22. Fantastic sunset at Brundall and no sign of the threatened thunderstorms..
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