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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Sorry, no Pole dancing here, they have moved away. The Greeks have a party occasionally but they just smash the plates.
  2. Baa London Humbug, Happy Winterval celebration. Getting into the festive spirit, I went out with Matron and found a christmas tree, bigger than Trafalger Squares. Being a surveyor I knew how it needed to be supported. Wedges and clamps installed, lights thrown at it, it looked good. This morning it was flat on the floor. Matron was not impressed I have found a new use for fishing line and am back in the good books. I just love Christmas
  3. Its the best club in the world, congratulations grandad
  4. I had to get off by the roof rather than the front
  5. I had to let out ropes on a couple of boats earlier as they had quite a lean, fortunately the owners had used the correct knot.
  6. Bouncing around a lot still, hope this wind drops soon. The Tide dropped to very low levels earlier. Most boats in the marina were sitting firmly on the bottom. Probably not the best time to have a week onboard
  7. MM, they don't have kettles in Suffolk, too modern
  8. Grendel, that's a wheel clamp, how did you get the yellow paint off
  9. An inch of snow in the South East has people rushing to the shops to by milk and bread, I need to be first in the queue , I do need 4x4 the rest of the year for work, honest
  10. Glad you are going to be afloat again, put this poxy incident behind you and enjoy the Broads.
  11. Down the laundrette, if they still exist.
  12. It was the ten million a year running costs that would put me off
  13. If you are spraying you should use a course spray, not a fine spray. On fine you will have a lot of drift in any breeze, this will etch anyone aluminium nearby.
  14. Poppy, levitation is overrated
  15. Peter, The detail behind the headlines are that the cuts are 8% a year over the life of the parliament and are for the running costs of the department. Capital expenditure is ring fenced., allegedly. I suppose it depends which budget the grant comes from..
  16. Hi Alan, I find that for the small space it uses, and for heating on a mooring with electric, it saves the noise of warm air heating disturbing others if it runs late at night or early mornings. I suspect you won't have many neighbours over New Year It is handy to shove away for occasional use, less space required than a panel or oil filled heater.
  17. This is a warning for anyone tempted to decorate the 'Winterval' ( what a stupid word but we can't use the other word yet) tree early
  18. Best tip, take a smallish fan heater, for rapid warming as well as a radiant heater, (keep the temp up) Hot Water bottles, Another warm body, We will be up day after boxing day until after New Year .
  19. I run electric dehumidifiers in my boats combined with small heaters on thermostats. This year I have been delayed installing it on the Norfolk one. The relative humidity was measured at 76 degrees @ 13 degrees. The dehumidifier will still work at lower temps but is more effective above 10 degrees. I leave certain curtains slightly open to harvest any heat from sunlight. I find this method works well and costs around fifty pounds over winter..
  20. I have spent this weekend in Norfolk, sadly writing the funeral service for a dear old friend who lived in Norfolk. Remembrance Sunday always make me a bit maudlin, they only time I remember my Dad crying, silent tears, was during the Cenotaph service. He was a Royal Marine and served throughout the world, from the Pacific to the Far East. He earned an impressive array of medals but never spoke about his service career. A thoughtful weekend
  21. I have been dodging the news all day as I hadn't seen the race, thought it might be safe to look at the forum, Ian, I had to forget i had seen you post, Excellent race. I have just booked to go to Hungary next July
  22. I had the same problem on the Calypso, plastic fittings and plastic key. I obtained a metal key with a proper tee handle from a chandlers. A generous application of vasaline on the plastic threads has stopped it binding again. I just know this will degenerate the thread rather than elevate.
  23. I emailed the BA today about a large diesel slick going up river past Brundall., the obvious category was safety, so I selected that, I received an automated reply saying they would respond within 10 days. I just hope they never have an email about something urgent. I know I could ring, and I did, but who in the real world can afford to ignore emails for up to 10 days.
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