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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. All those old buildings made the surveyor in me twitch, not enough to come out of retirement though. I forgot to add that it also has a Cathothlic church. The population is only 820.
  2. The pen is mightier than the sword, but news print is in a league of its own
  3. Yesterday we decided to visit Walsingham after Matron had read a book based there. It is a very interesting place, it has the Abbey ruins, old courthouse, oldest original Methodist chapel, two Greek lead Orthodox churches, one based at the old railway station. The Shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham. The Shrine is high Anglican and Roman Catholic, it also incorporates an area for the Russion Orthodox church. The building is from the 1930s and replaced the original destroyed Holy house with later extensions. The original well was uncovered during the 1930s work and is incorporated into the building. Although the village is very quiet, the shrine and grounds are enclosed and very peaceful. The whole area has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries. The CoE church is very old but feels more modern as it was rebuilt in the 1960's after a fire but is also High Church. Most properties are a few hunderd years old and are well preserved. Well worth a visit. The Abbey ruins The CoE parish church The original font, defaced during the Reformation. Interiors of the Shrine.
  4. Thanks, Bigger than I need and bigger than my budget
  5. Probably best to use PMs to keep your personal information secure.👍
  6. I have viewed it but I suspect the floor is soft in one place and the canopy is slightly out of line. All can can be rectified but the price is a bit high.
  7. The pump was slightly out of line to the pipe run and I suspect that over time the vibration has caused the tight fit of the insert connector to wear away material on the pump body as even the new pumps insert leaked when I tried that on the old pump first. It is now fixed square to the pipe run. I have a used Max 4 at home that I was going to replace the shower waste pump with as that one is getting slow. I should have packed it for this trip but forgot it. Typical.
  8. Thanks Wherrynice, thats the only one I have found, had a look at it and like the layout but I can't think of anything similar.
  9. I am thinking of changing the Shetland Ideally I am looking for a sub 23' diesel on a shaft with a sliding canopy and a proper door. So far all I have come up with are Siesta 21 and Ensign 21, these are as rare as hens teeth. Any other suggestions ?
  10. The water pump had been activating when it shouldn't over the last day so this morning I took the bed up to see what was going on. The pump was dripping from the slide release connection on one side. A new o ring didn't sort it out so it was off to Brian Wards. The depth of knowledge and the excellent service Nick and Tanya provide is second to none. I was going for a same size replacement at over £250, Nick suggested I could drop down a size with little difference to pressure, and it was over £100 cheaper. The hose sizes were different to the old connection, Tanya came up with a couple of fittings to solve the problem. I also got the 10% NBN discount It is sadly rare to find this level of genuine customer care these days, Thank you Brian Wards.
  11. I isolated this when I got the boat. Tomorrow I will remove the wiring to be on the safe side.
  12. The photos and videos I have seen have pollution barriers around the sunken boat and oil absorbing pads. Thankfully, no other boats were damaged.
  13. It looks to be tied to the pontoon. Apparently it was unoccupied at the time.
  14. Right next to a Topliner. Never a nice thing to happen.
  15. The wet shed here has a few nice woodies draped in tarps because of the bird problem. Surely for the extra charges you would expect bird netting and other measures. The droppings must be nearly as damaging as the weather.
  16. The calm before the storm.
  17. My childhood was spent catching tropical fish in the storm drains outside the house, setting off firecrackers in dog turds ( then running away), playing on the waste land next to the Kampong, that was stopped when a boa constrictor killed a local, wandering around the locals market and swimming in the RAF open air swimming pool. We were all kept in and the gates locked when the nationalist uprisings got a bit close and had armed guards supplied by the Royal Marines and Airforce Regiment to escort the school bus. We had a huge tent made from a parachute then to keep us amused. School was a thatched roof classroom and no windows or doors. The only time I remember being cold was during the monsoon when we had been out playing all day in just swimming trunks. Those 4 years in old Singapore were magical. We came back to England in March to deep snow, a house wrecked by the tenants and only coal fires but no coal, no shoes and only shorts and Tshirts. That was a cold 10 days until we got kitted out and coal delivered. It was strange to go to school in, A brick two storey building, with a tarmac playground not just grass and a stream, wearing a thick coat and two jumpers, but at least it had heating. Life seemed very restricted and drab in the UK in comparison to Singapore. I went to a discotheque once, I was asked to leave because I wanted the disc jockey to turn the volume down. The only nightclub I went to, in Norway, turned out to be a drag club. That was a bit confusing That has absolutely nothing to do with the topic but it stirred some nostalgia in me reading the previous few posts. Back on topic, It has been busier on the river, more hire boats, especially Brooms and a few more northern based boats. I have noticed more newbies from Brooms on Monday and Friday afternoons. The short break appears to be getting more popular. More private boats are out and about during the week.
  18. Same here, watching Day after tomorrow with extra rain effects
  19. It is chucking it down now in Brundall. The forecast for the next week is not promising. 🙁
  20. I hate that phrase, In my working life I would be bitten at least once a year by a 'friendly' dog. In the end I always insisted any dog was isolated outside and on a short lead if I was in that room. My attitude was always, control it or find another surveyor. The dog is only doing its job of protecting the owner and house. I had a similar incident in the marina, a little yappy thing running at me, I told the owner to control it on a lead or it would be in the water. Some owners forget that not everyone is comfortable or happy with dogs, no matter how allegedly friendly they think they are. I am more than happy to have dogs around me that are under control and take no interest in me.
  21. I thought of you today, spotted Independence moored on the river at Brundall. It is very quiet on the rivers, the south is strangely quiet, very few hire boats and a lot less private owners about. We went to the Ferry Inn at Horning this evening, no more than 20 people eating and mooring space for at least seven good sized boats right outside.
  22. They are a bit large really but very comfortable. I managed to pick up the bases on Ebay, they were due to be used as high end bar stool bases but the order was cancelled due to Covid. £10 each, they had 100 in a container. Fortunately the cabin is fine so no works there.
  23. Finished the update to the cockpit of the Shetland. Removable, folding cabin doors made and fitted last year, New mega comfortable reclining helm and nav seats, as used by the RNLI. I did take the arm rests and seat belts of, seemed a bit of overkill for the Broads. Cushions reupholstered in black fabric to match the helm seat, not my work. New back rest pads in black to match The mucky looking fabric wall lining replaced with white vinyl. That was a horrible job. The carpets might get replaced, I fancy having a go at edge binding, something I learnt at 14 on a Saturday job but haven't done since. The final finishing touch, the table and chessboard, went in today.
  24. We normally aim to come from Norfolk to Medway around 11am on a sunday. A good run is 2 hours 20. A bad one is over 3 hours. Margate is a further 3/4 hour run from Medway. Leaving Norfolk after 6 pm would give a good run. It tends to be a better run Norfolk to Kent rather than Kent to Norfolk. Edit, Just read your post, leaving 10ish would get you through at a hopefully quiet time and you would still have time for an ice cream on the beach.
  25. Yes, I have noticed that about you
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