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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Here's a question, why is it called ' faked' ?
  2. Has anyone tried to get anything actually done lately, So far in the last 3 weeks I have been let down by a marine workshop, an upholsterers, both had 8 weeks notice. A solicitor who has had since november to sort out 4 lease extensions and another solicitor who has taken 3 1/2 years to sort out a basic error they made in a transaction. Try getting someone to do work on a property, even with my contacts, you are looking at months, not weeks. Tradespeople have full order books and some materials are still difficult to source.
  3. When MiL was with us she was 96 and frail but didn't have a blue badge. Matron used to park in the parent and child bays as there was more access to get her out. She used it on the basis that they were parent and child.
  4. This is an ongoing inquest. Please avoid speculation and unhelpful comments. Lets all wait for the Coroner's verdict and remember that this is first and foremost a family's tragedy.
  5. Can you collect them from Wroxham by car and return to Stalham, assuming it is happening on takeover day ?
  6. FlyingFortress Posted 2 hours ago · Is this a Great Ouse forum or a Medway Forum 🤫
  7. Interesting that the BA have called in the police over some low tack stickers on public signs. When I had a false penalty notice stuck on a perspex side window, that took hours to remove and caused permanent damage, the most I got from BA was a half hearted sorry, we will speak to the ranger. It is a good job I am not as sensitive as their CEO. Karma is a wonderful thing and I have zero sympathy.
  8. The Upper Medway ( EA )was the same for moorings but a lot more expensive for tolls. They had a number of locks to maintain but also provided toilets and showers.
  9. Being a bit of an insomniac I took this at 3.30 this morning. It was -2 and ice had formed on the boat roof. It was taken on my phone so the quality isn't great but I liked the mist and moon.
  10. Another offensive comment, You must have missed my earlier post so I have reposted it for you. Please remember, Under the ToS, we do not allow personal insults against people. Any posts will be edited or deleted.
  11. We all need to remember that any member, no matter who they are or work for, are not obliged to post. It is also the weekend.
  12. Please remember, Under the ToS, we do not allow personal insults against people. Any posts will be edited or deleted.
  13. The following has been posted on Alan's facebook page by his family. It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our beloved dad Alan Hood. He passed away suddenly on 9th March from a heart attack while on holiday in one of his favourite places, the Norfolk Broads. His funeral will be held on 17th April at Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium at 10.30am. Afterwards, we will be going to Frecheville Community Centre where you are welcome to join us. Thank you to everyone for your kind words, love and support at this very difficult time. Stuart, Mike, Joanne and Lucas x
  14. The church will be harder to find a space in than the moorings
  15. Okay, boats now have to pay to moor but fishermen can use it for free !!!
  16. We are more than happy for discussion to take place within the ToS, but would ask everyone to refrain from using the forum as a campaign base. The facebook group seem to be well organised and managed and are best suited to be the focus for campaigning.
  17. I have a question. Is this really AI or just the result of extensive high level programming. Is any current program truly capable of independent conclusions that aren't the result of programming.
  18. Bear in mind sundays have a reduced timetable. It might be worth phoning Brundall Gardens Marina to see if they have a visitors mooring in the service basin for sunday night, it is only a short walk from Brundall Gardens station.
  19. Church Fen at Brundall although it can get muddy on the path up to Brundall. What dates are you looking at.
  20. Latest update. Dear all, NTM Update - The ongoing refurbishment works to Neatishead Staithe have been delayed due to unexpected delays in our work programme. The mooring will remain closed until 17 April 2023. Please find attached the new NTM. Boaters are asked to use alternative moorings at Gay Staithe, Paddy's Lane (Barton), Irstead or How Hill over this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these delays. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/notices-to-mariners Best, Tom Tom Waterfall Senior Communications Officer Direct dial 01603 756034 Broads Authority Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich NR1 1RY
  21. Little Mix on the radio, how embarrassing
  22. Todays problem was I have too many desks in the old study and I am moving it to another room. This is part of a resuffle of rooms and redecoration. We now have a 3 room newly decorated annexe that isn't needed after MiL passed away and a playroom full of toys that are mostly too young for the growing grandchildren. Any way, I don't need five desks anymore, one has gone to youngest son. What I needed was 3 desks and a printer stand / bookcase. I fired up the saw bench and reduced a desk to a printer stand / bookcase. I have nearly finished decorating the new study ready to move everything down to it. One completed, made to measure unit.
  23. Some travel insurance policies will insist you use the GHIC scheme if you have one and then only pick up the tab for anything over and above.
  24. Agreements are in place for medical care in Europe, this is still not a replacement for travel insurance, the same as the pre Brexit scheme. Search GOV.UK Home Travel abroad Apply for a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) The UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) lets you get state healthcare in Europe at a reduced cost or sometimes for free. If you have a UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) it will be valid until the expiry date on the card. Once it expires, you’ll need to apply for a GHIC to replace it.
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