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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I can't think of anywhere else who charges so much except perhaps the Wroxham Hotel? It wouldn't be so bad if they offered a discount on food. I guess they get away of it because of the location. What do you pay overnight at the New Inn and Ferry nowadays?
  2. This is very sad news and quite a shock. I never met Alan in person but exchanged PMs with him about Ranworth Breeze and I always enjoyed his contributions to the forum. He'll be missed around here.
  3. Great write up, David, thanks for sharing.
  4. I'm enjoying this, David, thanks. I've used the moorings by Acle Dyke and they were nice and a little quieter than the main ones. I had no idea Easticks used to be there.
  5. I think the Le Boat 29 is a surprising choice. If it's for hire, they already have several Duets and it's their second lowest price boat so why bother with another one. If it's for sale, I guess it depends how much they paid for it relative to what they think they can sell it for.
  6. Do spring tides Wouldn't spring tides affect clearance at Ludham, Malcom? And what about Wroxham (I know Chris's boat doesn't do Wroxham anyway)?
  7. Mmm, thanks for the photo, Howard but I'm thinking "makeover" might be too strong a word. Yes, the "R" is there on the hull and I know from your previous photo the silver (not very readable) lettering is now on the stern but in terms of the blue stripes it's as you were. I stuck with my booking for the summer because it made financial sense and I've been happy with Richardsons in the past but it's going to feel very strange.
  8. I tend to trust everything is in order and I'm rarely disappointed. The only exception to this is hangers which I check for because yards have a habit of under-providing.
  9. The FB page doesn't actually say much other than they're recruiting cafe staff. I expected to see something on Richardsons website but there's nothing I'm afraid.
  10. Not so much a hire fleet change but a hire base change, Richardsons are opening a cafe. It's to be called "Marina Cafe" so not the most original name in the world but a welcome return of cafe facilities. I remember the old one which was about where the booking office now is but I don't know the exact location of the new one. https://www.facebook.com/77077608012/posts/pfbid02wgM7ZepsGTdQe9KGGnYJ2Hcboo92aNUb9Yu3S6NtPiro28ikdCxJic6tTEHvfQrvl/
  11. Broads01


    Away from the Broads I'm prone to motion sickness and cross-channel ferries can be an issue. On the Broads though I don't have an issue, even on a choppy Breydon. I can only remember feeling queasy once at that was whilst moored at Berney Arms on a windy, choppy day. It was a daytime stop and I remember getting on my way not long after stopping because I decided I'd be better off on the move. I continued on the Yare and enjoyed the waves.
  12. Broads01


    Half-term in my part of the world is the week coming, Howard, so if you want February and super quiet I'd go for either the beginning or the very end of the month.
  13. Completely agree and no need for hook up either unless you want the heating on for extended periods. "If the batteries are in a good state of charge" is the key plus batteries in good condition generally. If your fridge and your tv start switching off you know you have a problem although I've hired boats with heating cutting out after no time but everything else runs OK. Hook up is good for peace of mind if it's very cold but I do tend to find that too limiting in terms of mooring options.
  14. I use my Samsung A33 running Google Chrome for the majority of my posts and I've not experienced the issue. That said, I don't use the Samsung Internet browser as I've always got on well with Chrome. You could try Chrome and see if that cures the issue.
  15. Broads01


    On their Facebook page they were offering 2022 prices and any day starts, so they've probably done well for last minute bookings.
  16. Broads01


    I see they've been "Richardsonised" by being made all anonymous and with the name in silver on the stern. Sigh 😕
  17. Yes good point about the sliding canopy, Malcom, I've experienced the issue of curtains getting caught when the canopy retracts. Maybe it depends on the curtains used though and how they're positioned because hiring Lady Kristina last year it was never an issue.
  18. I'm not sure I'd like that, Malcom. I like the look of closed curtains at night and there's something I like about opening them first thing in the morning.
  19. I remember Alpha Craft hiring out their 50 foot forward steers, Brabazon and Mirage. Are they still around? They'd be fun on the Ant and the Chet.
  20. Broads01


    Howard, am I right in thinking you were able to moor there because you know the owner but it's not a mooring generally available to hire boats?
  21. Clive Richardson has completed "Innovation" for a private buyer but the hire version will be ready later this year. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0KJ5M1S2W4NUiCMvLDiu95EVmnV8YGF2JzQk49C29xVMUcCxNBRA1xDAQm2VASrpGl&id=533407227
  22. Broads01


    Keep the posts coming, Howard, I always enjoy reading about your winter travels.
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