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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Yes I did have day boat operators in mind.
  2. I like the approach they've taken and I don't find it draconian personally. I admire them for sticking their neck out and doing what other day boat operators haven't wanted to do. I do agree though, for the larger operators on the north Broads it would be expensive from a staffing point of view and therefore impractical to implement.
  3. It's not good value for four people either, in my view, given there's only one permanent double berth.
  4. I love the second photo. Purdey is really enjoying her boating.
  5. You'll have to be very lucky, I got in there once but I think it's the most popular wild spot on the Ant.
  6. On whichever day this was filmed there were at least two boats stranded, and the video shows crew from one of them being airlifted. I guess if your boat was marooned in such a state you'd be very grateful to see the helicopter come along.
  7. Great photos and lovely to see Merlin (E264). My late father hired it solo in 2009. He loved his Broads boating and the boat has happy associations.
  8. Ditto from me. I miss him on here, tell him to get back on sharpish!
  9. What was it like, Malcolm?
  10. Very good point and I do the same thing myself. The only fly in the appointment is you have to plan ahead before setting off, decide whether your next mooring will be side-on or stern-on and position your stern ropes accordingly. It can cause some faffing about if your plans then change for whatever reason, such as lack of space at your intended mooring.
  11. I agree, to a point, Vaughan but it depends on the boat. If it's a centre cockpit with a side hatchback or two then that helps a lot. Also, if it's not raining, there's the option if dropping the roof back a bit to enable a side exit. I don't normally have a problem exiting the side but I appreciate this depends on physical abilities.
  12. Hi Dave, I've hired single-handed many times. I don't think there's a stand out best option and having hired different designs they all have their pros and cons. My preference would be something with good rest visibility (so maybe not forward steer) and no larger than what you have now.
  13. I've always thought the central hinged roof design was a good idea and seems to have advantages over the more common roll back canopies of the time. It can be used as a sun shade for one thing and I would have thought a lot more durable too. I guess ultimately they were overtaken by full sliding roofs.
  14. Wow, the north Broads really must be quieter than usual as recent feedback has suggested.
  15. I can understand why you say that but the Broads wouldn't be the Broads without Wroxham and all it's foibles. I love visiting there.
  16. If by car, the Lion at Thurne would be my recommendation. Otherwise I agree the Swan at Stalham is very good.
  17. Unfortunately the interior photos of Mayfair on the Maycraft website are very limited and don't show the cabin, shower room or sofa. If anyone has any photos showing any of these it'd help me make a final decision as to whether to book for next year and I'd be very grateful.
  18. So it's August and the month holds special Broads memories for me. My first three Broads holidays as a youngster with my parents were all in August. Later, when my own children came along, once again August school holidays was regularly a boating time. I think this is why I've never been phased by the busyness of the hotspots in the Summer and in fact, positively enjoy it (mad Wroxham day boats sometimes excepting) - so many happy associations. Do you have August memories or perhaps another particular month which has special associations?
  19. Great idea, I completely agree. I believe it's widely referred to as "Craig's Database" so it could be named as such.
  20. Indeed it is an invaluable tool. I'm a boring anorak too and proud of it.
  21. Normally I carry hardly any cash but when on the Broads I make sure I have enough for mooring fees. If fee collectors can carry card machines then all well and good but I don't expect them to. There are a few situations in life cash is still the most convenient and mooring fees is one of them.
  22. Of course and I'd be the the first to sing the praises of Bridgecraft but when Acle is busy and Bridgecraft may have limited space, the former Horizon Craft/Broads Boating Company/Pedro's water points (I think there were at least two) were a useful extra option.
  23. Not the most original choice of name but I'd forgive them if the water points are back on?
  24. Alas I don't think we'll ever see a network of boatyards like there used to be either on the Thames or the Broads. Herbert Woods are still around though. I hired from Kris Cruisers myself last month and I agree they are superb. Kris Cruisers dumped Blakes long before their demise as I think they realised, like Woods and many others, they could do a much better job by themselves.
  25. Hi I'll take the XS for our Shih Tzu please, if still available. I'll PM you.
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