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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I've not been through the Dartford tunnel but I have a similar recollection at the Severn Bridge (toll-free nowadays). I used to call it "chuck it in a bucket" and there was satisfaction in it somehow. One day, we'll reminisce about how Broads mooring fees were collected in cash before online payments were the norm( which they already are on the Thames at Cliveden and Henley).
  2. I don't have a problem with card-only myself and there's no tech involved in carrying a card. Given that there are costs to a business for handling cash if it helps them keep prices down I'm all for it. I think over the next few years we'll see cash disappear in the way that cheques have.
  3. Very sorry to hear about your Mum, Malcom. You must have felt so grateful to have your boat.
  4. Yeah I must admit I can see that isn't fun, especially if you're having to hold station where it's narrow with boats moored both sides.
  5. Continuous, unrelenting rain that lasts an entire day. Wind doesn't really bother me to be honest, maybe because I actually enjoy things that make boat handling more challenging.
  6. 111 litres is higher than I'd expect but it does depend on how much you pushed the tide on the southern Broads, how much throttle you used and how many hours you used the heating for. By way of comparison, I did a fairly energetic week in April this year, cruising 4-5 hours per day north and south and I used 89 litres.
  7. Thanks for the review, Jean. The fit out looks good from the photos. You can see how they've opened it out which is very nice and makes it unusual. The only thing I don't like is that steering wheel which looks like it came from a 1970s car! I do like a proper ship's wheel style but maybe I'm just picky. What did you think of the shower and toilet?
  8. Thanks for an excellent write up and photos, Jean. I'm impressed with the service you received from the boatyard and the fact they compensated you. As is so often said, what's important is not what goes wrong but how it's dealt with when it does. As I mentioned about my recent trip with Ferry, I was also impressed with the service, the handover and the boat. I do think they need to rethink their pricing though, especially as when I visited they had more boats not on hire than anyone else.
  9. Sounds like you're having fun. I don't think I'd be able to write "moored at Thurne Dyke" as well as "not visiting The Lion" in the same post (:
  10. What were the shower and toilet like, cramped or OK?
  11. Excellent write up and photos, thank you. I visited Upton recently and admired Moorhen from the outside. It's really good to see your interior shots because the Eastwood Whelpton website is limited with those.
  12. I'm very interested to read your tale, Jean. I had Rose booked myself originally for my recent trip but swapped to Silver for the top helm. Rose looks lovely though and it's a lot cheaper than Silver too. A rear camera on a forward steer is a brilliant asset I'm sure, I'm surprised there's not more of them fitted.
  13. I'm learning something here because I never knew some of these names existed.
  14. I've always had a soft spot for old Astons, particularly the ones of this class which parents hired when I was a youngster. Much later I hired Song of Freedom in 2019. Yours is the ex-Aston Florida I see. Best of luck with the sale. I like the look of your helm seat and I don't doubt the rest of the boat is lovely (it certainly was when I saw it from the outside at the Salhouse meet).
  15. Well we're coming up to October half-term now which I've always thought of as "mini August" as far as the north Broads is concerned. I must admit I haven't been boating at October half-term for a few years now though, mainly because living in South Wales nowadays they have it a week late, so after the clocks have gone back.
  16. Broads for me too although having experienced the Great Glen in Scotland last year that runs a very close 2nd, followed by the Thames a close third. My dream boat would be a dual steer, 20 foot high to get brilliant views but having fold down bits to reduce the airdraft to 5 foot so it could even get through Potter on a bad day. It would have a 1000 bhp engine so as to cross Breydon really quite fast.
  17. On my recent hire Ferry Marina had a fault sheet which was completed as a matter of course when I returned to reception at the end of the week.
  18. Very enjoyable tale so far, thank you Peter. Good old Herbert Woods, why maintain the boats properly when you can just fix them as you go along.
  19. A 3.75 mph average sounds very leisurely except for the Ant. Stracey to Great Yarmouth at the 6mph limit takes an hour and twentyish.
  20. Even with fuel prices as they currently are, is it physically possible for the average hire boat (if there is such a thing) to hold £400 of diesel?
  21. I liked having all inclusive fuel on my recent hire but I look upon it as a luxury and one for which Ferry Marina at least add a disproportionate amount on to the hire charge for. On the subject of a £400 charge for the cruising mentioned it's absolutely miles over the top. My guess is, as you suggested, the boat wasn't refuelled before you took it over. This happened to me some years ago where I was refuelling the boat half way through a fortnight's cruise only to find that the tank was almost empty. The yard realised their mistake and compensated me appropriately. The boat had been returned early by the previous crew and this had led to refuelling being forgotten. On a separate occasion with a different yard, the toilet was full after a day and a half and they admitted the boat hadn't been pumped out! The biggest fuel bill I've had for week on the Broads was after a fairly energetic week in April this year which at £1.75 per litre totalled £156. Even on the Caledonian Canal last year, with a 215 bhp engine and no speed limit on the lochs, the bill was a respectable £204.
  22. Thanks David. It was the first time I've started North and gone South solo but I hired south twice with Freedom and then crossed Breydon earlier this year on Silver Mirage. No I didn't phone the Yacht Station as it was a last minute decision to stop following my bridge panic. As it happened mooring up proved straightforward.
  23. Thanks all for your kind comments. I agree with you to a point Helen and if I ever do come in the depths of winter I'd certainly look for electric each night. This time of year though, I'd find that too restrictive and I'd miss out on lovely moorings like Salhouse. Having no heat last night wasn't a major issue but as you'd expect it was unpleasantly cold in the boat first thing this morning. I just got on with what I needed to do as quickly as I could and departed just after 0730 to return to Horning. Cold as it was, there was no way I was going to miss out on my final chance to sit up top and enjoy the views on a beautiful morning. I arrived at Ferry Marina in good time and reported the heating issue. I have always had reservations about fuel-inclusive pricing because I think it can be a licence to over-charge but not having the fuel to sort out did make for a simpler return to base. Car packed I set off for home. Whenever I hit the road on my return, there's always the feeling of a quick bump back to reality having exited the boating bubble. I felt good though because I feel I've had a really good week.
  24. I tend to agree with Neil, I'd say if the layout and style of a Connoisseur suits you better then go for it but I wouldn't expect the overall standard to be much different.
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