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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Thank you David for another enjoyable read and great photos. Four hours to clean the boat, blow that for a game of soldiers! I'd be tempted to pay someone else to do it as I do effectively when hiring.
  2. That's good news, given the shortage of South Broads hire boats. It will make a very nice starting location I feel and a good choice of first/last night moorings.
  3. I love the Aquafibre Lowliner 38 Jimbo, having hired Soprano from Richardsons 2 years ago. I like dual steers and I like fitting under Wroxham and Beccles also so it's a spot on design without a more recently built equivalent in my view. Regarding syndicates, potentially I would be interested because as a very regular hirer it would make a lot of sense. Alas I'm not a fan of the 'lottery' week allocation system favoured by many syndicates. However, I like the fixed rotation systems used by Lightning and Ranworth Breeze and the fixed week system for Southern Crusader. Annual budget contribution is also important in my view. These vary considerably from what I've seen - anything from a relatively measly £700-£800 for 4 weeks to a (over the top in my view) £1600 for a boat of similar value.
  4. I always enjoy your tales, David. Looking forward to the rest.
  5. I haven't hired from Maycraft, Neil but I did ask about Mayfair in a thread a few months back and I was told customers park in Lathams car park and are collected from there. I must admit that did put me off somewhat.
  6. I was about to say that's an iconic Broads view that's completely unchanged but then I noticed there was no quay heading in those days.
  7. I'm another Swancraft fan having hired Roamer this year. They're good value compared to the competition but significantly more expensive than Richardsons budget boats. The interiors are a class above, however. Symphony has been mentioned and that's a great shout for a cheaper option.
  8. I received my Richardsons brochure this week having requested it online. In the past I've received one automatically as a customer but not this time. However not everybody wants a brochure so making it request-only seems a logical step. It's a superb brochure - not only the boat detail but also in terms of the number of pages devoted to selling the Broads as a holiday destination and providing guidance on handling a boat. There's also coverage of Richardsons' holiday park destinations. In the light of the discussion about the demise of Hoseasons brochure it's good to see Richardsons still very much keeping their brochure on. Regarding the fleet there are no new designs included but two more Commanders for next year. I haven't done a boat by boat comparison to 2018 (I'm almost that geeky but not quite) but I did spot Crown Gem has gone. All the other older two berths are still there, however, including Mermaid, Serene Gem and Tropical Gem. The usual set of Horizons and Bountys remains - long live budget boating.
  9. Yes I always think of the yellow post as the symbolic dividing line.
  10. Alan, I'm very sad to read this and very sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences.
  11. Sometimes Google can find Web pages more effectively than searching for them yourself on the website in question. So it proved just now when Google brought up https://www.hoseasons.co.uk/brochure-request. Tantalisingly, the page has a 'Request brochure' button but clicking it just takes you to a page stating 'Sorry no brochures are available to order'. I'm now thinking the 2019 brochure could, in all seriousness, become a rare collector's item.
  12. Interesting! Perhaps they're trying to produce as few copies as possible. I assume you're a previous customer and that's why you received one. I haven't booked through Hoseasons for many years (I could never see the point) so I probably don't deserve a copy.
  13. I was always similarly anorakie, Fred. I remember a phase in the 80s where a few boatyards swapped from Hoseasons to Blake. Amongst them were Barnes Brinkcraft and Faircraft Loynes so it was strange to see the Hoseasons logo return to their current fleet.
  14. Once upon a time as a child and for years after I used to love receiving the Hoseasons brochure each year. Then that darn Internet went and ruined everything and booking online became the thing. In recent years, the Hoseasons brochure became a shadow of its former self, now with tiny photos, lack of prices, wrongly labelled photos and only a partial view of the Richardson fleet. Nevertheless I fancied giving it a try once again only to find the option to order one on the website no longer seems to exist. On a more positive note, the larger boatyards are all producing good old fashioned colour brochures with large boat photos and transparent pricing. There's still something very nice about having the paper version, especially in winter when you want to be transported to sunnier times.
  15. Like the 'boggo' word, sums up what you mean very well. What do you mean by Brooms being 'wrecked'?
  16. I agree. I do like Loddon Staithe for a daytime stop but overnight I prefer the relative space and tranquility of Pyes Mill.
  17. Thanks Malcom. Langley Dyke is an oft missed gem, I love it there.
  18. Hi Henry, and welcome. I work in Bristol and I think it's your boat I regularly walk past. I always like spotting ex-Broads craft when I'm out. Is yours the one below? The aft cabin has been converted to a galley. Was that your choice?
  19. Wow from the comments so far I think you'd have to pay me to watch this. Whilst there's nothing at all wrong with "mature" presenters I do wish TV bosses would take a risk on new people rather than sticking with the same old safe bets.
  20. I always enjoy your write ups and photos, Malcom. Looking forward to the rest.
  21. Congratulations Robin. I'm a complete convert to autos, having bought my first one last year after 28 years exclusively in manuals. I would never go back now - autos are so much more suited to modern traffic conditions and such a more relaxed driving experience.
  22. I'll be really interested to see Mayfair up close. I was seriously considering hiring it this year because it looks such good value.
  23. Neil, you're thinking of Mistral Craft. My parents hired Whispering Teal (Alpha 32 forward steer) in 1986 when I was a teenager. I think that was their last season and Whispering Teal became Norfolk Gem. My memory of Walklin Cruisers is a small fleet of wooden centre cockpits (Bourne 35s possibly) all named "Fire.." something.
  24. I've looked aboard and it's a decent boat. The aft cabin is lovely and the saloon is fine although I'm not a fan of the armchairs which I think look dated. I think the Swancraft boats are a bit nicer for not much more money but Sparkling is a good alternative.
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