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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Sorry no, but I know a man who will, I'll ask him when I see him which should be Friday, now only need to remember Edit - I have emailed him asking for details Griff
  2. Having missed the Donny game fair at the racecourse last Saturday, then missing most of the forenoon gathering at my local clay ground, (Had to drive up to Gourock and back to collect Mum-in-Law) tomorrow will be my first days game shooting of the season. 8 x guns, 125 bird day. Now the 'Wow' part as to why this sport is so expensive (At my level anyroadup) Tomorrow is a 'Pay Day' that is to say each individual gun pays for the days shooting. It is not my normal way of game shooting, that is once a fortnight on a syndicate shoot at my local farm each season. I hardly if ever partake in 'Pay Days' as the cost can sky rocket especially shooting with guns that are unfamiliar, it only takes just one gun to be a 'Wyat Earp', money no concern and it's painful and exceedingly annoying, as the 125 limit gets exceeded then it's £40:00 per bird plus vat split between the 8 x guns. So if just one selfish minted gun shoots ten extra birds, (Which is easily do-able) that's another £480:00 on top to pay. Tomorrow for the actual shoot, plus beaters, game keepers tip, breakfast (Dinner with drinks are included in the day) is . . . £600:00 and that is cheap nowadays for a days game shooting! On top of that it's a 'Schoolday' too so a days loss of earnings to boot Why am I doing it? - Simply, my Lad has organised it months ago and talked me into it, plus the guns I'm shooting alongside are all known to me as they make up our normal syndicate. Having said that, I don't intend to be doing another 'Pay Day' this season! Limitations on the shoot? Apart from no plastic wads and a theoretical bag limit of 125 - none. So I will be using my trusty Miroku 30" game gun with 30:5g No 6's fibre wads Yes I am of course looking forward to it (At those prices - I have to), the wx forecast is good too Griff
  3. That depends on which end of the gun you're at Griff
  4. I have a bolt action:410. Hardly use it nowadays. I would quite like a:410 o/u a/e at some stage. And a12g 3 x barrel too. Want want want Griff
  5. I think the problem is that the mooring signs clearly state that boats have priority over the fishermen. Sorry to disagree but I don't see that as a problem, more plain English in black and white, or crystal clear. Anglers (And I am one of them) are imho in a fortunate position to be able to use any Ba mooring free of charge 24/7 notwithstanding the close season. However, let me also be crystal and state the obvious. Ba moorings are provided by the Ba and paid for by the toll payers (Private AND hire) for . . . . yes, you have guessed it . . . BOATS, be they stinkies or those that cannot helm in a straight course So it should go without saying if an Angler sets his/her swim out on a Ba public mooring then he/she should be fully aware (As per the clearly written signs) he/she is there on a freebie, allowed be there but MUST give way to any craft wishing to moor, and do so willingly without issuing any verbal abuse. These days with cameras on phones etc any boat skipper should be videoing any abuse received and passing it on to the relevant authorities. Now then, on the odd occasion I have had to ask an Angler to move to allow me to moor up I have also offered them the use of 'B.A' to fish from onboard so I do try to meet them halfway but not if I get any verbal abuse. This is not a rant, just my take on it Griff
  6. Years ago now when Robin Hood airport was RAF Finningley, some of the married quarters displayed a box of ‘OMO’ in a window. Apparently it was to signify ‘Old Man Out’ Griff
  7. To a degree I’m the same when riding the mighty Tiger. To be seen is to be safer. Having said that there are still some drivers look straight through me. The Tiger is big, lights always on, bright paint and helmet but I sometimes think I have a so secret cloaking device makes me n Tiger invisible Griff
  8. To add to that my MrsG is neither a Granny or a Nanny, - Nope she is most definitely a 'Nanna' and is loving being one too Nanna - It's somewhat to do wi being from Jockland so I am informed Griff
  9. We have four of them onboard 'B.A' two fwd and two aft. Prior to that we were not infested but did get some. We did however have a Rollland onboard for a weekend. We managed to flush him out, the electronic repellers have kept all unwanted guests away since. When onboard we un-plug them and put them away. Ref the dogs thing - I have some similar devices at home in the garage and loft, the dogs seem fine with them. As for which model to choose, just have a look on Amazon / Ebay and read the reviews. Hope this helps, Griff
  10. as I think I have found a bit of a love of learning and driving already. yeah? - Wait till you have done your first 1/2 million miles - that'll soon wear off Griff
  11. As a regular driver to the Broads Imho the highway department should dual all of the out of date / unable to cope single roads up to dual carriageway between the A1 and GYA Griff
  12. Heyup Tiny, welcome onboard, Me - Sparker 76 - 2000, You? Griff
  13. 5 hours yesterday from Donny to Gourock and it’s only 270 miles. Better not take me that long this morning. Leaving for Donny in 5 mins Griff
  14. I've taken the odd break mysen so I can understand her position. Something to look forward to when she returns then Griff
  15. They stopped selling newspapers for the same reason at the shop at Ranworth staithe earlier this year, although I think recently they have started to sell them again. Not selling them at Stokesby and Stracey is proper inconvenient. The only time I actually have time to read a newspaper is whilst afloat Griff
  16. Unfinished Projects? I got a few Un-started ones. First there is 'B.A's dinghy, brought that home about five years ago for a facelift - Not done a thing on it yet. Then there is a Honda 400-4 I brought back from Gibraltar in 2000 - Not done a thing on that one either. Then there is my Dutton Phaeton, that went off to a mate for him to sort out and get back on the road. It has got the better of him so I need to find storage come the spring for that one too. My trouble is I need more time to get these projects done. There is of course ongoing outstanding items to attend to on 'B.A' as well. Work keeps getting in the way Griff
  17. Dave has a ponytail, Yes he has but for gawd sake don't look under it! Griff
  18. As the angler in me, I agree with what Kingfisher66 posted. I strongly hope that the closed season is maintained Griff
  19. Also, what would happen if you just pulled up and tied up for the night at GYYS moorings in November til April?. Would the police or some council bod come and untie your ropes, or tell you to push off?, and can they "force" you to cast off if you refuse?. Also, WHICH months officially constitute "winter months", One eyed stag - or - No Idea. I admit I have stopped there whilst the moorings have been 'Closed' no one came to cast us off. it wasn't an overnight stay though Griff
  20. There are also plenty of private boats that are denied the whole of what GYA has to offer for whatever reason they might want to visit due to the Ba closing those moorings. Imho it is either selfish, ignorant or an attitude of its my ball and I’m taking it home coz you ain’t paid a mooring fee Griff
  21. You could be right there but some yards may allow regular returning clients to transit Breydon. Before now H.W’s have never stopped our annual Lads Week going over Breydon traditionally in October even when we once hired in November (that was an experiment that wont be repeated) Griff
  22. The full size ‘B.A’ has the capability of recharging batteries to save you having to bring too many Griff
  23. We have and will continue to transit Breydon / GYA in the winter months. I too have often wished they Ba would leave the moorings open in the winter but with a sign stating something like 'Not Manned'. Effectively at present during the winter months one cannot stop at GYA due to the moorings being closed. This is a real pain if you have to wait for the tides / bridges and / or want to visit Yarmouth even just for provisions. Yarmouth is losing a lot of potential revenue from boaters for 5 x months of the year if not longer due to the moorings being closed. I agree with EastCoastIPA, there are plenty of other moorings that can be difficult due to state of tides but they are left open, it should be the same for GYA. Surely it should be the skippers choice whether to attempt a 'difficult' mooring evolution or not. The hire yards could also make potential winter clients know that the GYA moorings are not manned and extra care should be taken due to heights / flow etc. I would advise skippers / crews to read their onboard skippers manuals, then employ the tried and tested method of using ones port and stbd lookouts combined with common sense. As for potential unmanned visitor moorings at Marina Keys - Yes please and I for one will be grateful. Oh and BTW - Before anyone goes along the lines of 'Yes Griff, but you have the experience / knowledge to cope with it' - I would say so do hundreds of others including lots of hire boat skippers Griff
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