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Chocolate Orange Drizzle Cake For Pauline


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Chocolate Orange Drizzle Cake recipe as promised.

Ingredients for cake

6 oz margarine

6 oz castor sugar

6 oz self raising flour

3 eggs

2 tablespoons of cold milk

grated rind of 2 oranges


Cream sugar and marg, beat in eggs, fold in flour add milk and grated orange rind. Put in a 2lb loaf tin and bake for 1 hour at 350 f Gas 4 until well risen and golden.

Allow to cool 

Orange Syrup

Juice of 2 oranges 

4 oz sugar

Mix the strained orange juice with the sugar over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved.

Cut slits in the top of the cake and drizzle the syrup into them.

Chocolate topping

4 oz plain chocolate

1/2 oz butter

Break the chocolate into small pieces put in a bowl with the butter, melt gently over a pan of hot water. 

Mix well and spread over the top of the cold cake.

Hope you enjoy

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Thanks Bern,

I gave it a go this morning, but substituted with gluten free flour, so it maybe it didn't raise as much, but not bad. I also put a couple of cap-fulls of Cointreau and used milk chocolate.

Used a fan oven at 175 for one hour.

It tasted good, the next slice will be even better when we can wait for the chocolate to fully set






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So the next question is do you do everything by hand or use an electric mixer? Whenever I watch cookery programmes on tv they seem to use a mixer for everything. And many recipes give the same kind of instructions. Don't really have much worktop or cupboard space for gadgets so have never invested in one.

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21 minutes ago, SwanR said:

So the next question is do you do everything by hand or use an electric mixer? Whenever I watch cookery programmes on tv they seem to use a mixer for everything. And many recipes give the same kind of instructions. Don't really have much worktop or cupboard space for gadgets so have never invested in one.

Hi Jean,

I blended the margarine and sugar  by hand but used a hand mixer for introduction of the eggs. The rest was done by hand.

The syrup took some time and because of the extra fluid (the Cointreau) I added a bit more sugar. 

I forgot to put the milk into the mix but it seems to have turned out OK and the syrup makes the cake very moist.

We could almost see the calories piling on:naughty:



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Oh Alan, that looks absolutely delicious, I'm not very good at baking cakes I'm afraid, I bought a ready made sponge from the shops and iced it myself for a friends birthday, she just assumed I'd baked it myself, it's not really a lie if you don't say anything, now is it? :naughty:


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