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Windows 10 Last Chance

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Windows 10? Loathe it! It takes up 15gb on my blue laptop, and that is after peeling all the dross I could out of it. What kind of an OS needs that? 

I bought this notebook PC last summer and it has spent almost a year under the sofa, encouraged by this thread I got it out again......

......it's probably going back again soon or I am changing the OS




I can't file my emails unless I spend extra £90 on Office to upgrade the mail app, and NO I don't want 365, pay annually and put my files in the MS Cloud thanks all the same! So MS, stop trying to sell it to me.

I am not a fan of Open Office but may have to go that way after all...

I am genuinely happy for those who get on well with 10, and the voice app is the best so far, but it's not my idea of joy.

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6 minutes ago, Polly said:

Windows 10? Loathe it! It takes up 15gb on my blue laptop, and that is after peeling all the dross I could out of it. What kind of an OS needs that? 

I bought this notebook PC last summer and it has spent almost a year under the sofa, encouraged by this thread I got it out again......

......it's probably going back again soon or I am changing the OS




I can't file my emails unless I spend extra £90 on Office to upgrade the mail app, and NO I don't want 365, pay annually and put my files in the MS Cloud thanks all the same! So MS, stop trying to sell it to me.

I am not a fan of Open Office but may have to go that way after all...

I am genuinely happy for those who get on well with it, and the voice app is the best so far, but it's not my idea of joy.

Polly sorry to hear that , can't understand when you say slow because windows 10 is anything Barr slow , yes the office is a bit steep but apache open office is really very good I have been using for years , I am thinking you laptop may have a problem might be worth getting someone to take a look , don't no where you are but I would be happy to take a look for you if 10 dose not work out for you we could put something like Ubuntu on it that's free and very good ...

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Many thanks. I think it's basically that my HP Notebooks aren't the fastest processors in the world, but 'slow' because of the 'nanny questions' that MS put in.

I am giving Ubuntu serious consideration, but my problem with Open Office is the amount of presentations I need to write and deliver, PPT is just better looking.

Your  offer is very kind, but I have help nearer at hand....if Warp is reading this, he probably know that his mother is likely to be calling him soon!  :facepalm:

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9 minutes ago, Polly said:

Many thanks. I think it's basically that my HP Notebooks aren't the fastest processors

Hi Polly,

You have got it in one! My spare lappy is an HP i3 and compared to my Acer its slow, or was. I installed IOLO SYSTEM MECHANIC  as you can use it on more than one PC once you buy their programme. It keeps my Acer going quick, and has improved the HP lappy a fair bit.

I found 48 progs running in the background on HP, that would slow anything down.

I think its John, Captain Joshie also uses that programme, 


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This is not intended to be a dig at Windows, Microsoft or any pc users, this is simply how it is for me and Geoffery I do appreciate all the help and advice you are giving people on the upgrade.

I have to say when I upgraded last year as soon as 10 was released the upgrade went really smoothly and at first I was very impressed.

Sadly windows 10 is no good for my purpose. It's fine for browsing, email or word processing etc and I do like the interface but as soon as I need to use any power programs the problems start.

as a musician I use Cubase  pro 8.5 (a recording studio program ) and various midi controllers to record multiple guitar tracks and mix with other instruments. This was fine up to W8.1 as I was able to turn off the automatic background downloading and updating but this can't be done with 10, consequently the latency is terrible meaning the various tracks are all out of sync ( I'm sure this is all gobbledygook to most people ) which is not good with music. (Or video)

the pc is high spec i7 with massive amounts of memory and 2tb drive with the minimum amount of software installed which I had no problems with before Windows 10.

the outcome is I bit the bullet and went down the Mac route. My software all comes as dual format so I didn't have to repurchase. Everything runs much smoother than it did before on the pc.

I know people will say that macs  are over priced etc and I agree that if all you want is to surf the web or do some basic photo editing then they probably are.... But for me it does the job I need a computer for. There's no lag or latency and the audio is crystal clear.

Mac's are the industry standard in recording studios the world over so they can't all be wrong..... Mind when you hear some of the stuff that's put out as "music" I sometimes wonder :coat:

anyway, just a bit of an insight into my choices 

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I run Lubuntu (a lightweight version of ubuntu specially set up for older machines) on a dual core laptop from 2007, and compared to all my windows machines its blisteringly fast (especially on bootup). I will have it with me at the summer meet so you can see what it does.

Libre office is a slightly more up to date version of open office, when it split off from open office it kept developing.

I have done powerpoint presentations in libre office, and they work just as well from powerpoint when run.

In fact the only programs I have not found good alternatives for is my Full blown CAD software (but I dont mind having a dedicated machine for this as the cost of the software outstrips the cost of the machine) ( as I once pointed out at work, what is the point of scrimping a few hundred pounds on a machine when you have 2 different CAD programs costing nearly £10,000 running on it

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15 minutes ago, deebee29 said:

This is not intended to be a dig at Windows, Microsoft or any pc users, this is simply how it is for me and Geoffery I do appreciate all the help and advice you are giving people on the upgrade.

I have to say when I upgraded last year as soon as 10 was released the upgrade went really smoothly and at first I was very impressed.

Sadly windows 10 is no good for my purpose. It's fine for browsing, email or word processing etc and I do like the interface but as soon as I need to use any power programs the problems start.

as a musician I use Cubase  pro 8.5 (a recording studio program ) and various midi controllers to record multiple guitar tracks and mix with other instruments. This was fine up to W8.1 as I was able to turn off the automatic background downloading and updating but this can't be done with 10, consequently the latency is terrible meaning the various tracks are all out of sync ( I'm sure this is all gobbledygook to most people ) which is not good with music. (Or video)

the pc is high spec i7 with massive amounts of memory and 2tb drive with the minimum amount of software installed which I had no problems with before Windows 10.

the outcome is I bit the bullet and went down the Mac route. My software all comes as dual format so I didn't have to repurchase. Everything runs much smoother than it did before on the pc.

I know people will say that macs  are over priced etc and I agree that if all you want is to surf the web or do some basic photo editing then they probably are.... But for me it does the job I need a computer for. There's no lag or latency and the audio is crystal clear.

Mac's are the industry standard in recording studios the world over so they can't all be wrong..... Mind when you hear some of the stuff that's put out as "music" I sometimes wonder :coat:

anyway, just a bit of an insight into my choices 

I have not tried any software that is processor hungry as yet a bit of rendering and converting that went well , but it sounds like your P.C. was top spec I can understand  you not being very happy not being able to use your software , very strange it works in windows 7/8 and 8.1 but not 10 I have no answers , what are manufacturer of your software saying about windows 10 if anything...

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12 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

Hi Geoffrey,

We will be at Acle Bridge for dinner on the Friday night (22nd July) and will head for Oulton at 6.00am on the Saturday morning.

We are now booked in for the summer meet we will book a table on the Friday night at the Bridge Inn and will meet you for a pint later if that's ok with you cheers ...

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:
1 hour ago, TheQ said:

One of the computers at work has burst into life with lots of updates.

It has an interface for connecting to electronic test equipment.

the latest message.

Update NE488.2 for Windows 15.5 !!!!!!

One of the computers at work has burst into life with lots of updates.

It has an interface for connecting to electronic test equipment.

the latest message.

Update NE488.2 for Windows 15.5 !!!!!!

The windows 15.5 update is a important update that addresses privacy issues in windows ...

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17 minutes ago, TheQ said:

I wasn't querying the need for it, but the fact it says for Windows 15.5 when we are only up to windows 10( and MS say there are going to be no more Windows versions just updates.)

Sorry I thought I would just explain what 15.5 is and it is simply a update cheers ...

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You are correct Polly Windows 10 is incredibly slow at any task other than browsing the interweb.I have found a way of speeding it up though. Wipe the computer, purchase Windows 7 and install it on your machine. Then download one of the many programs available that removes all reference to Windows 10 from your machine to stop all of those annoying 'upgrade to Windows 10 Millions of people can't be wrong'...yeah right mutters Brexit and resulting  loss of my business...and you will find that your system will now be blisteringly fast.

On 22/06/2016 at 0:15 PM, deebee29 said:

Mac's are the industry standard in recording studios the world over so they can't all be wrong..... Mind when you hear some of the stuff that's put out as "music" I sometimes wonder :coat:

anyway, just a bit of an insight into my choices 

My recording studio was..still muttering Brexit and loss of my business I'm not bitter in any way though...all PC based. We used to use Cuebase but found building our own proprietary software a better way for us...that and top of the range mics and soundcards. 

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On 26/06/2016 at 9:09 AM, JennyMorgan said:

Ditto. Have a son-in-law who works in the CGI industry & he is worried.

That stupid vote just pulled the wheels off the wagon JM. All of the European houses waited to see which way the vote was going to go before allowing tenders because the industry is oft times dependant on EU grants and we work to an exact deadline usually three years in the future.Once the die was cast no more work. I wish we had the semi luxury of Grendel's position to wait to see how the markets go but as your son will tell you in our line of work three seconds might take six weeks but decisions often need to be taken instantly.

I thought long and hard over this decision, my health is not great and to be honest I'm so very tired. I suppose I'm just not prepared to put in all the hard work and due diligence, not to mention money, into a project subject to the antics of the cartoons in Westminster or the vagaries of the graduates from the University of What Some Bloke Reckons Down the Pub.

Besides which I have a boat in much need of some of my time...and that is far more rewarding! 

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