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I make the odd post :naughty: They're not all old men on here, we have Jaws and urmmm, oh dear, I'll have to think a bit more on that one :naughty: 

Hope you didn't spend too much on the sandals, Wench, you'll give Charlie a migraine  :facepalm:While I'm about it, I wish that men would get it into their heads that there is no such thing as TOO MANY SHOES, jeez, get over it lol



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2 hours ago, Gracie said:

Hope you didn't spend too much on the sandals, Wench, you'll give Charlie a migraine  :facepalm:While I'm about it, I wish that men would get it into their heads that there is no such thing as TOO MANY SHOES, jeez, get over it lol



Migraine darlin I had to have a whole wall made into a shoe/handbag storage....I darnt count or rather try to count just how many are there and thats the handbags, not even started on the shoes


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4 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

Been there - done that - got the tee shirt Charlie.

Talking of Charlie and "T" shirts, I watched a "couple" of old "Ground Force" programmes the other day, and it's not a "pair" of shoes that Charlie Dimmock needs. lol

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On ‎21‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 4:37 PM, Gracie said:

I make the odd post :naughty: They're not all old men on here, we have Jaws and urmmm, oh dear, I'll have to think a bit more on that one :naughty: 

Hope you didn't spend too much on the sandals, Wench, you'll give Charlie a migraine  :facepalm:While I'm about it, I wish that men would get it into their heads that there is no such thing as TOO MANY SHOES, jeez, get over it lol



Gracie with your love of shoes I'm guessing you would have loved the job I had when still in my teens. I worked for the Company that supplied the Queen's shoes. Not only was I surrounded by the worlds most beautiful and expensive shoes, also, because the firm had their roots in theatrical/showbusiness shoemaking and retained that connection I also got to see at close hand all the good and great of the day. . I well remember one client who thought nothing of spending £ 5000.00 in one session. To put things in perspective you could buy a house in  North London for considerably less than that at the time. fascinating job. I loved it.




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On 21/06/2016 at 4:37 PM, Gracie said:

I make the odd post :naughty: They're not all old men on here, we have Jaws and urmmm, oh dear, I'll have to think a bit more on that one :naughty: 

Hope you didn't spend too much on the sandals, Wench, you'll give Charlie a migraine  :facepalm:While I'm about it, I wish that men would get it into their heads that there is no such thing as TOO MANY SHOES, jeez, get over it lol



I have met Orca the boat but not jaws the dinghy!. The captain and first mate, are as you say young.  As for others like you Im thinking.. We havnt got a thinking smily Jaws!

News shoes new Outfit, new outfit new shoes. they go together. lol

The Wench

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6 minutes ago, addicted said:

I well remember one client who thought nothing of spending £ 5000.00 in one session. To put things in perspective you could buy a house in  North London for considerably less than that at the time. fascinating job. I loved it

Carole, you have done it now, Grace will be going all wobbly at the knees, and feet, at the thought of spending £5k on shoes ! :naughty:


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14 hours ago, Viking23 said:

Talking of Charlie and "T" shirts, I watched a "couple" of old "Ground Force" programmes the other day, and it's not a "pair" of shoes that Charlie Dimmock needs. lol

Oh shall we start a conversation on bra's then boys. I have many of then in many colours, but they are all the same size watch it.

The Wench

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Carole, honestly, I've got at least three pairs that cost £5k, oh hang on, I mean a fiver lol, what a brilliant job, well done you, what on earth did you leave it for?:facepalm:

The Wench is so right, you go shopping to just buy one pair of shoes, you purchase the shoes and then you just have to have a dress to go with them, then, how can you possibly wear a new pair of shoes and dress without a new handbag to compliment them and so it goes, isn't that right girls? As for underwear, don't start me on underwear, I could spend a day at M&S's lingerie counter, much to the dismay of im indoors and his wallet :naughty:



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6 minutes ago, Gracie said:

As for underwear, don't start me on underwear, I could spend a day at M&S's lingerie counter, much to the dismay of im indoors and his wallet :naughty:



Now youve gone and done it darlin.................. :hiding: with cards safe in sky rocket


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15 hours ago, Gracie said:

Carole, honestly, I've got at least three pairs that cost £5k, oh hang on, I mean a fiver lol, what a brilliant job, well done you, what on earth did you leave it for?:facepalm:

The Wench is so right, you go shopping to just buy one pair of shoes, you purchase the shoes and then you just have to have a dress to go with them, then, how can you possibly wear a new pair of shoes and dress without a new handbag to compliment them and so it goes, isn't that right girls? As for underwear, don't start me on underwear, I could spend a day at M&S's lingerie counter, much to the dismay of im indoors and his wallet :naughty:



I got married while I was working there Gracie and was vey pregnant when  I left. which was the reason I left.  I've recently discovered that sadly, the Company H&M Rayne Ltd., no longer exists.  I also recently discovered my old boss Edward Rayne, now deceased, was knighted - presumably for services to the royal tootsies! This time of the year always reminds me of that time as in the run up to Royal Ascot we were incredibly busy getting orders out for all sorts of  beautiful shoes to compliment the elaborate outfits that were due to be worn and then after the washout that Ascot week invariably was all the shoes used to come back in a right old state with pleas for us to rescue them and restore them to their former glory.  The year we launched crocodile skin shoes and bags in pastel colours instead of the obligatory black or brown was received with much enthusiasm but was a disaster for shoes. Mud and crocodile skin in palest pink -  not a good combination! The crocodiles make a much better job of coping with it, but then they aren't pink!



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