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3 hours ago, Baitrunner said:

Roger Hargreaves??? I remember jack Hargreaves but I am soooo Young compared to you lot!!!

pipkins? And rainbow with zippy and bungle? Now that had adult undertones. 

Ah yes, Jack Hargreaves, he helped to create "How !" in 1966, so who remembers the co presentors, Bunty James, Jon Miller, and of course Fred Dineage, he was my favourite presenter, in fact Fred is still on TV. aged 74

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I certainly Remember Jack Hargreaves, I loved " Out of Town" and my Dad  went out fishing with him once or twice  when we lived in Wiltshire, ( and Jack in Hampshire or Dorset)

My memory of TV is from 1966 onwards because before then we didn't have one until then. First  memories of TV, a certain football match that year, still the only one I've watched on TV. Not having  a TV until I was 8 or 9 is probably why I'm still an avid reader of two or three books a week though that's down from the 12 a week I used to read.

 So my earliest memories of broadcast technology are from Listening to the Radiogram, and being from a military family it would be listening to Forces Favourites,  and of course  the Navy Lark, ( left hand Down a bit!!!) in Northern Ireland in the Years before 1963 and Wiltshire after. ( Dad loved Dick Barton, but I must have heard repeats as it was broadcast 1947 -51 originally). The nanny filter in Bing Just stopped me doing a search on Dick Barton!

Roast dinner on Sunday after church, cold sliced meat on Monday ( from the same joint we had on Sunday), Rissoles made from the left of bits of the joint on Tuesday.

 Primary School in Shorts whatever the weather, Having to wear a tie, from then until 1999 School and work. Going to School Whatever the weather, they didn't close if a white flake fell from the sky back then..

Milk Monitor, Ink Monitor, wooden blackboard dusters being thrown at you... the white line down the middle of the playground girls one side, boys the other, outside toilets at school with a roof that only just covered the sitting area, so if it was raining from the wrong way you got soaked anyway.

SWMBO didn't live anywhere with inside toilets till she joined the RAF in 1979!

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8 hours ago, Baitrunner said:

Roger Hargreaves??? I remember jack Hargreaves but I am soooo Young compared to you lot!!!

pipkins? And rainbow with zippy and bungle? Now that had adult undertones. 

Ah ha, Jack! Memory is an age thing, isn't it? What the heck made me think it was Roger? Must have been the comment about Muffin the Mule, poor, bow legged creature. 

Tele moments for me include the first airing of Dr Who, think I was a tad scared of that one at the time but I have been a fan ever since.

Whacko, was it Jimmy Edwards? Bloke with a massive mustache and a penchant for corporal punishment. With Billy Bunter as well the Director General at the BBC must have been an iffy character back then! Can't understand why we don't see repeats in these enlightened times!

Fanny Craddock and the cooking wine, one for her and one for the pot. Never actually saw her knocking it back but we did notice the change in her manner and delivery as the program progressed, lovely character!

Ivor the Engine, when I was at art school I did the smoke, cotton wool, belching out of the chimney for one episode, great fun.

Quatermass, now that was scary stuff, at the time. Have since watched several repeats, great fan I am!

We first had TV for the Coronation, a huge box thing which projected a grainy, flickering image onto a screen, been a fan ever since.

Now it's In the Night Garden with my grandson!

Glad to see that the venerable Fanny escaped the censor's attention!

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And having to borrow shorts or plimsoles that were non too flattering if you forgot your kit for PE. And in secondary school (and I am sure there was bit of perverted pleasure in this) being made to do PE with no underpants on (yes we had shorts on, but did wonder if it was just our teachers who inflicted this on us) if you forgot a spare pair (I think it was aimed at trying to teach boys something about hygiene - whatever!!). Nice to do that now sitting in your garden maybe, but I do recall one lad having a rather painful accident under such circumstances with a trampoline spring and his manhood:hardhat:

And on that subject, does anyone know anyone who has lost an eye playing conkers?

What about Blakies? The metal things you could get to put on your shoes? Great going downhill on your bike in the dark making sparks!!!

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