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18 hours ago, kfurbank said:

And during rush hour HGVs are banned from the overtaking lane. There is nothing worse than following two lorries up the M11 with one doing 1mph faster than the other until he hits a hill and slows down again.

I have taken to using a cross country route quite often from Essex to Bedfordshire because lorries overtaking lorries on the two lane M11 from Stansted to Cambridge is somewhat frustrating.

As for all the technology in new cars ... are we in danger of people learning enough to pass their test and then forgetting it all while they rely on their car to think for them?!

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As an ex-motorcycle instructor, I will say that we were told to

teach them to pass their test........not learn to ride a bike!

As anyone with motorcycle experience will tell you, riding

a bike is hazardous enough at any time and you have to keep

your wits about you every minute that you are on the bike!

Also a (car) driving instructor told me that they too are told

to teach the students to pass their test and nothing more.

Relying on the car's in-built systems to keep you safe is at best

poor and at worst, down right dangerous.

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I'm worried about the "driverless" cars we're being forced to accept. There's already been one fatal in America, where the "intelligent" system didn't notice an articulated lorry. Never mind, Google et al, say we must have driverless cars, so that's what we'll have.

If you don't want to drive, get a bus or train. If you do, give your full concentration to the road and environment around you.

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If we are going to allow cruise control, automatic parking etc why bother having a driving test at all, after all even the test dosnt teach you the most important things ie road sense and anticipation, to many people have tunnel vision and only see the back of the car in front not what is happening around them or further up the road, all things nothing to do with speed, I am sure I remember correctly in saying that it is officially recorded that percentage wise the vast majority of fatalities and serious injurys occur at 30mph or less, speed limits have very much become another PC agenda and were set long ago when cars were far inferior to todays ones that is why it is under discussion to increase motorways to 80mph.


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18 minutes ago, Regulo said:

I'm worried about the "driverless" cars we're being forced to accept. There's already been one fatal in America, where the "intelligent" system didn't notice an articulated lorry. Never mind, Google et al, say we must have driverless cars, so that's what we'll have.

If you don't want to drive, get a bus or train. If you do, give your full concentration to the road and environment around you.

The driver is always ' in charge'. In that case he was working on his lap top, and failed to notice the lorry. Had he done so, he would have been able to apply brakes or whatever to avoid the incident.

There is little wrong with technology, only the human factor.

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But that's what we're being sold. All I hear is "you won't even have to have a licence, just get in and tell the car where to go". These systems are computer based. You only have to look at the trouble folk on here have had with technology failing. No matter how many millions of times you test a device, when it gets into the real world, it can, and eventually will, fail. Look at aircraft technology, that must be the most safety-conscious, over-engineered bunch of computerised wizardry ever devised. It still fails, occasionally. Sometimes even the most experienced human pilot can't recover control. What chance has the average driver of stopping an out of control computerised car?

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