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Broads Pub Targeted By Thieves.


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They should have realised that a business is not insured to carry that kind of money in cash. Even £8000 was probably outside the insurance limit. But then there are no banks around any more. All the local branches have closed. You probably have to go to Norwich, to find a night safe.

The handling of cash is something that you need a bank branch for. You can't just "download the app".

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If I just move away from the story for a moment, the lack of bank branches is an important point - it is why I think vital that even the smallest places have the ability to take cashless payments and encourage them - especially now contactless payments are part of everyday life now for many it surely makes sense that the less cash is taken the less hassle overall there is.

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I always keep some cash on me for occasions such as last week. While shopping in Morrisons all the lights flickered and all of the card machines promptly crashed.

Out of the forty odd shoppers at the checkout there were only two of us that had the ability to pay in cash. The rest had to wait for the old fashioned card machines, the type that takes an impression of the card to be fetched from a dusty cupboard . Quite a few folks were under the mistaken idea that a bank card is actually currency.

Technology is never 100 % percent reliable or secure.

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

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working in the energy supply business as I do, i will always have some cash for an emergency, after the power drops out, the mobile network will also drop out once the UPS batteries run out (half an hour or so).

I know our phones and wifi  at work are on a UPS with only about 30 minutes life.

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