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Is It Just Me? Broom Boats Videos


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As I mentioned above, I strongly disagree with doing planning speeds on a river, certainly on the broads, no matter who owns the boat etc.

I have to disagree with that.
Those of us who enjoy water skiing and wake boarding have very limited areas we can use.
The times are very limited.
Our boats have to go through much more stringent safety tests than other boats.
We try our upmost to ensure we don’t adversely impact other peoples use of the rivers.
We pay more than other river users.
We don’t object to any of that.
Can’t we all enjoy the rivers? Or are they just for some people?

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Sorry John.. but rivers are certainly not the place to be waterskiing...

This is not about them and us, rivers are natural and surrounded by wildlife. I think the BA's speed limits do a good job at limiting the effects of the right to navigate and limit the damage to wildlife. 

I travel to norfolk to get my boating kick, if your hobby requires an area where the speed and wash produced has less impact on the environment such as an estuary then I'm sorry to say but I feel you should travel to such place. 

I'm sorry if my views are seen as selfish or inconsiderate of all river users but I think it's easy to overlook that the rivers are not anyone's they are natural and need preserving for future generations.

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Sorry John.. but rivers are certainly not the place to be waterskiing...
This is not about them and us, rivers are natural and surrounded by wildlife. I think the BA's speed limits do a good job at limiting the effects of the right to navigate and limit the damage to wildlife. 
I travel to norfolk to get my boating kick, if your hobby requires an area where the speed and wash produced has less impact on the environment such as an estuary then I'm sorry to say but I feel you should travel to such place. 
I'm sorry if my views are seen as selfish or inconsiderate of all river users but I think it's easy to overlook that the rivers are not anyone's they are natural and need preserving for future generations.

Perhaps everyone should have a sailing boat then.
Or just close the Broads to the public.

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3 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Perhaps everyone should have a sailing boat then.
Or just close the Broads to the public.

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You mean a National Park that no one is allowed to enter?

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I really like that right now there are companies like Broom, hire boat companies, fishermen, sailers, cruisers, house-boaters, cottage owners, bird watchers, ramblers, water skiers etc etc all sharing the Broads (in relative harmony).
In my view if we start trying to alienate groups it’s not going end well. That also applies to nature, without the above users I don’t think we’d have an ecosystem that supports the current inhabitants.
I could argue my ski boat causes less damage than your diesel or your two-stroke or your shower gel but in my opinion that’s missing the point.

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I have been on that stretch of river in our boat.....flat out over 20 knots, and turned each end on full power, this was when we were on trial run before purchase ,from nya, NYA have trade plates to do this.

It,s a long way to Braydon just for a sales run, and that strech of river looks really well, dispite it?


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I have been on that stretch of river in our boat.....flat out over 20 knots, and turned each end on full power, this was when we were on trial run before purchase ,from nya, NYA have trade plates to do this.
It,s a long way to Braydon just for a sales run, and that strech of river looks really well, dispite it?

The ski zones have been carefully chosen to be less impacted by wash haven’t they?

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Just a thought, John, maybe Broom is alienating itself?

That’s a fair point.
I’m not sure I know enough to have an opinion. I’ve seen a few comments about the new owners and the way the company is being taken but I think Ricardo’s point is well made about their contribution to the area. I think right now I can see both sides.
Most of us agree they should be able to test there don’t we?
But how much support do they lose when they do pre sales runs?
And how much more when they make adverts with champagne?

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6 minutes ago, diesel falcon said:

I have been on that stretch of river in our boat.....flat out over 20 knots, and turned each end on full power, this was when we were on trial run before purchase ,from nya, NYA have trade plates to do this.

It,s a long way to Braydon just for a sales run, and that strech of river looks really well, dispite it?


I have seen some of the various operators that have permission to "speed" on that section of the river in action and have always observed them to be very respectful of other river users.

Whilst some people may not agree with or like, that they can do this and I accept that they are perfectly within their rights to hold such an opinion. I don't understand what the tangible objection is.  

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1 hour ago, JawsOrca said:

Sorry John.. but rivers are certainly not the place to be waterskiing...

This is not about them and us, rivers are natural and surrounded by wildlife. I think the BA's speed limits do a good job at limiting the effects of the right to navigate and limit the damage to wildlife. 

I travel to norfolk to get my boating kick, if your hobby requires an area where the speed and wash produced has less impact on the environment such as an estuary then I'm sorry to say but I feel you should travel to such place. 

I'm sorry if my views are seen as selfish or inconsiderate of all river users but I think it's easy to overlook that the rivers are not anyone's they are natural and need preserving for future generations.

Well in that case then all the rowing clubs in the south should be banned from using their speed exempt chase boats , they cause huge wash and disturb those moored up , all wash will erode the banks regardless of which boat it comes from hence the bylaw that's relates to the maximum height of wash , as i have said sailing craft can produce huge wash too and they have been here a seriously long time , any boat will outside its design speed create wash be it planning or displacement .

Probably because the southern rivers are much wider than the north is the reason no as far as I know trailing of big powerboats takes place and also why there are no  water ski areas , there's areas have been careful selected for the lowest impact on the surrounding area and have been used for a considerable length of time .

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8 minutes ago, Philosophical said:

I have seen some of the various operators that have permission to "speed" on that section of the river in action and have always observed them to be very respectful of other river users.

Whilst some people may not agree with or like, that they can do this and I accept that they are perfectly within their rights to hold such an opinion. I don't understand what the tangible objection is.  

In practical terms no real objection, but seemingly like others it is the message that is being pushed out that is cause for concern. I suspect that many of us would rather that the Broads was not promoted in any way as a race track. 

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Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

In practical terms no real objection, but seemingly like others it is the message that is being pushed out that is cause for concern. I suspect that many of us would rather that the Broads was not promoted in any way as a race track. 

It is only because you recognise that stretch of river as being the Yare at Brundall that you know it is the Broads, to anyone without that local knowledge watching the video, it is just a stretch of river somewhere.

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Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.

Don’t you start on us too
Do you really think that’s a possibility?
I assumed hirers don’t want to deal with the big tides and prefer the scenery in the north.

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3 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Don’t you start on us too emoji57.png
Do you really think that’s a possibility?
I assumed hirers don’t want to deal with the big tides and prefer the scenery in the north.

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8 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.

Yes just coincidence

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15 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Is it just a coincidence that since water-skiing and the testing of sea-going boats on the Yare has been allowed to take place that one by one Southern Rivers hire yards have closed and the vast majority of hire boats stay up North where such activities don't take place? Just a thought.

Oh come on Peter you know as well as I do there are huge difference's in the north and south especially as far as attraction's are concerned for families and u can think of one hire yard that moved from the north to the south and is doing just fine and brooms themselves recreated a hire fleet which is getting stronger every yr , a lot of southern yards have a big repeat customer base too simply based on the fact I'm sure its easier to moor up etc , plenty of northern yards have gone by the way too usually bought out by bigger fish but still they are gone and so sadly is the individually of hiring to a decree it won't be long before there are but a handful of yards to chose from n that's to me defiantly not s good thing .

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39 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Don’t you start on us too emoji57.png
Do you really think that’s a possibility?
I assumed hirers don’t want to deal with the big tides and prefer the scenery in the north.

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It's not an issue that worries me because North is North & South is South & I quite like it that way. However there was a time when I was in the industry with moorings and a pub on the Waveney. It is a fact that I often heard hirers expressing their opinions about their experiences and by and large speeding boats of all sizes were regarded with some concern, even fear. By the way, when I petitioned against the Broads bill in the House of Lords I was supportive of water-skiing and see no reason to change that opinion. There is a minor difference between several tons of speeding cruiser and a speedboat! However I do agree with Jaws, there are waters better suited to skiing than the Broads, Breydon being an example. If I still had a speedboat then that's where I would go.

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

It's not an issue that worries me because North is North & South is South & I quite like it that way. However there was a time when I was in the industry with moorings and a pub on the Waveney. It is a fact that I often heard hirers expressing their opinions about their experiences and by and large speeding boats of all sizes were regarded with some concern, even fear. By the way, when I petitioned against the Broads bill in the House of Lords I was supportive of water-skiing and see no reason to change that opinion. There is a minor difference between several tons of speeding cruiser and a speedboat!

Brooms have been building and I would assume testing boats on that stretch of river for over 100 years, when we first started holidaying on the broads in the 60's, most of the broads, especially the southern ones had no speed limits except for mooring and "populated" areas and I remember that the Broom's Navigator at full chat made a horrendous wash, add to that the sea going freighters that used to travel into Norwich often taking the "wrong side" of the river, I would suggest to be far more off putting to hirers in general, than a 20 foot speed boat with water skier and maybe a one per week speed test of a large cruiser on a short section of river outside Brundall. Yet these were the "golden years" of the hire yards on the southern broads.  

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For me this is not about people buying boats and having 'sea' trials in them neither is it about a boat that has been in for works and then needs to see if the engines which have been worked on are working as should - I can turn a blind eye to that, and personally I can also turn a blind eye to the water skiers and try to have that open mind mentality that the river is free to be used by all - but - when it comes to speeding for the sake of a promotional video is where I clamber up on to my high horse.

The very fact has been made for Broom mean it is to sell their product, an experience if you like to temp people to buy it. Now imagine they have this playing on their stand at the Boat Show (or anyone who happens to not know the ins and outs of the Norfolk Broads) and like the concept that Broom have so far as their boats are concerned, and then see this as a great picturesque location - is it the Thames? No Broom would say this is in and around Brundall where we build the boats. Oh, says the interested customer, what a lovely area to cruise - having seen the slow paced, tranquil environment but also may very well be under the impression after you put away the wine glasses can freely speed along pretty rivers back to a mooring.

For me that is key - a local well respected boat manufacture who has decided to make a promotional video where they sped along the river and not at sea or Breydon they did not need to do this and they certainly did not need to promote the idea it is something okay to do even if it is only in reality allowed for sea trials. I feel they should have thought of this and been more responsible.

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The only thing that I would criticise  Brooms for is making a promotional video supposedly demonstrating the sea keeping capability of their boat on an inland waterway, that is not going to impress anyone with ideas of buying one to actually take out to sea. 

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