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A Spring Tale


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16 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

In reply to Jays post about 11 hours ago...gave us a chance! We’ve only just taken over the flipping allotment last weekend.

Have also inherited some raspberry canes and some red/blackberries (not sure which yet). :default_biggrin:

Sorry Helen, I do beg your pardon :default_biggrin:

Like I said, I hate gardening despite what the little miss would have you believe, but a little tip I may be able to help you with is

If the berries are red - they're probably red berries

If the berries are black - they're probably black berries :default_smiley-angelic002:

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10 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

Yes, I'm waiting for the berries! Currently they are all green.:default_dunce:

So you mean grapes??? For Gods sake woman, get making wine :default_winko:

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4 minutes ago, YnysMon said:

You can make wine from other fruit too! Might try that in the summer. It will make a change from trying to use the fruit up by making jam. :default_eusa_dance:

If you need any willing wine tasters when you've finished, I know a certain couple who would happily come and try it out for you :default_norty: (hic)

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...
Guest Jayfire

Having had the necessity of moving the boat from one marina to another I've also been up all trying to get things back in order.

When I arrived I found things didn't look too bad, a bit of scrubbing and general cleaning outside required and inside I found mildew and many a spider's home had been built but no damage found so far.

So a quick check over of the bilge and engine which remained spotless, a few turns to grease up the rudder and stern gland, open up the water inlet and fire her up for the first time in 4 months.....ah.

Unsuprisingly, seeing as my electric had probably run out ages over the cold winter months, the batteries were totally dead and will now no doubt need replacing. So charger on, kettle on, and get my feet up time....or alternatively get started demoulding the ceiling and walls.

A while later I was able to try and start the boat once again and after a few times where she had a think about waking up but turned over and went back to sleep she suddenly fired into life and I had the wonderful splurge of water being released out of the exhaust, God I've missed that sound.

I let her run for a while to get her insides all lubed back up until she was fully warmed up and ready to enjoy, disconnected the electric cable and lines and slowly left Richardsons marina behind.

I made my way out to Barton Broad where afew boats were enjoying the ability to make use during the daytime


Then travelled down the Ant 


And along the river Bure until I reached Acle, where I moored up and plugged into the electric as somebody had left me 99p on the post and had "a cuppa" as the Bridge Inn was obviously not yet open.


It wasn't long before I was underway once more however, the boat starting up and running perfectly now there was some charge back in the batteries, and I set off down the lower Bure to Breydon


I hadn't seen any boats since the river Ant and that continued all the way to Burgh Castle, where suddenly it was like an August day with owners making use of the sunshine and river to give their boats a gentle run out


For me it was a short remains of the journey to head to my new marina, get her tucked back in and back on charge and begin the task of getting her all cleaned and ready for the coming season


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Excellent news to see you back afloat Jay. We drove to the caravan this morning. As we crossed Breydon Bridge I glanced at the yellow post and we both commented that it looked like a lovely day to be crossing Breydon Water. 

I had a feeling that you were going for a mooring on the southern rivers. And if that is an invite to guess the pub then I’m going for The Fisherman’s Inn at St Olave’s. 

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42 minutes ago, Meantime said:

Now that would be The Fishermans Burgh Castle. Which I think is what Jean would say! :default_norty::default_rofl::default_beerchug: 

That’s the one! Sounds like we should be on one point each then. 

Are we right Jay? :default_drink_2:

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Guest Jayfire
2 hours ago, SwanR said:

Are we right Jay? :default_drink_2:


2 hours ago, SwanR said:

It’s certainly a bit nippy out there!

Freezing cold tonight

53 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Glad to see you supporting the local hostelries Mr Fire Sir. :91_thumbsup: :default_beerchug:

Next stop the Commodore eh? Don't forget to give JM a wave :default_icon_wave: 

Cheers Mr Nog :default_beerchug:

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Guest Jayfire
1 hour ago, SwanR said:

Morning young Jay. Another beautiful day out there. Are you down here for a while or was it a flying visit to move the boat?

Just having a quickie Mrs SR :default_norty:

Work course again tomorrow so I'm having to head home today. I'll be back soon though

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jayfire

Told you I'd be back soon. Had a lovely week so far, having driven up on Saturday.

Needed a dinnertime pit stop today before moving on some more however


Hope everyone is ok

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