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Forum Behaviour


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10 minutes ago, VetChugger said:

Folk mysteriously vanishing, text vanishing, behavioral therapy, secret talks behind the scenes and public warnings! This place is just getting wierd and the "friendly" label is looking rather tattered!

Can't agree with the conclusion that this place is losing its friendly aspect. I have considerable sympathy for the moderators on this one because I remain convinced that there is a faction within our midst that jumps from forum to forum, determined to create disharmony, for whatever reason.

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Can't agree with the conclusion that this place is losing its friendly aspect. I have considerable sympathy for the moderators on this one because I remain convinced that there is a faction within our midst that jumps from forum to forum, determined to create disharmony, for whatever reason.

I can’t agree with that conclusion
It seems to me there are passionate people on both sides of each debate (as you’d hope there would be).
Some of the people on both sides could choose their words more carefully.

I think as well one person’s banter is sometimes another person’s antagonism.
If I put NP at the end of every Broads mention I’d think that’s quite funny. But I know a lot of people who wouldn’t
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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Can't agree with the conclusion that this place is losing its friendly aspect. I have considerable sympathy for the moderators on this one because I remain convinced that there is a faction within our midst that jumps from forum to forum, determined to create disharmony, for whatever reason.

A faction??

Ah, we are returning to the old "we" are right, "they" are wrong....

Don't you think that is exactly where the accusations of bullying stem from?

And don't you think that led directly to the two latest "leavers"?


Wasn't it Vaughan that said if this was just a place to show your holiday snaps it wouldn't be much use?


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12 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Wasn't it Vaughan that said if this was just a place to show your holiday snaps it wouldn't be much use?

I did indeed say that but I don't think it was in quite the same context, in fairness.

What I was trying to say was that serious debate on serious subjects should be allowed to take place without the thread being closed just because we were giving strong views.

That is not the same thing as bullying or flaming, which can be dealt with by the mods in other ways, presumably as they are doing right now.

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To put things in perspective,  of 17 topics showing for today, only two, the swimming one and this one,  that emerged from the swimming,  are in anyway contentious. 

Ricardo's excellent post illustrates the wisdom of having our rattles on a bit of elastic, at least when we throw them out of the pram we can still get them back :default_biggrin:.


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27 minutes ago, JohnK said:


Based on grendel’s post I was assuming there was a way they could do it on here. There is- they could post here under moderator approval

That would be the ideal wouldn’t it?

Or are we just black balling people and never allowed to mention their name again? No

Does every post get removed with any mention of anyone not here (banned or otherwise)? No, Only posts that ask if they are on moderation

If you name someone banned do you get banned too? Of course not - just dont try and discuss moderation status

comments in Red above.

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I really don't see how its so hard , if your under post moderation and you wish that to be known then you can say so right here I've done just that several times for clarity purposes , accept you did something wrong and take your punishment .

I totally disagree with posting it on other forums as that's to me childish and slagging off here is simply not on and only increases problems on both sites .

Instead of thinking how to hit back think about how you could moderate things before the mods have to .


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To all those posting who think we are an unfriendly bunch and clearly have “beef” about something that the rest of us are missing.....

What is it you want? What are you hoping to achieve?

I just assumed my fellow members would be adults, am I wrong? 

I get the impression your just trying to push buttons until you provoke some kind of response, is it worth it?  

If its so unfriendly here why post other than to keep stirring the pot. 


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8 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

To all those posting who think we are an unfriendly bunch and clearly have “beef” about something that the rest of us are missing.....

What is it you want? What are you hoping to achieve?

I just assumed my fellow members would be adults, am I wrong? 

I get the impression your just trying to push buttons until you provoke some kind of response, is it worth it?  

If its so unfriendly here why post other than to keep stirring the pot. 


What I am saying is that JM was “pushing buttons” with his talk of factions. Is it possible that you didn’t see that because you agree with it?

You clearly identify the problem as one sided. 

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To all those posting who think we are an unfriendly bunch and clearly have “beef” about something

I don’t think those two things are necessarily linked.
Some people may think some people are unfriendly here and therefore consider the forum unfriendly.
Some people may think because most people are friendly here the forum is friendly.
Are people not allowed those opinions (in your opinion)?
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You can have whatever opinion makes you happiest JohnK as I can, its out of my control and not something I will let bother me!

In answer to Batrabill do I aggree with JM about factions here to cause trouble.  Yes I do, and the evidence is there for all to see.

If I told you that I changed my mind about the swim would it make you happier? Let it go for goodness sake! 


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2 hours ago, batrabill said:

A faction??

Ah, we are returning to the old "we" are right, "they" are wrong....

Don't you think that is exactly where the accusations of bullying stem from?

And don't you think that led directly to the two latest "leavers"?


Wasn't it Vaughan that said if this was just a place to show your holiday snaps it wouldn't be much use?


Bill, nothing whatsoever to do with agreeing or disagreeing, of that I can assure you. Folk will decide for themselves, as is their right.

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25 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

You can have whatever opinion makes you happiest JohnK as I can, its out of my control and not something I will let bother me!

In answer to Batrabill do I aggree with JM about factions here to cause trouble.  Yes I do, and the evidence is there for all to see.

If I told you that I changed my mind about the swim would it make you happier? Let it go for goodness sake! 


We are both posting on a thread called Forum behaviour.......


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1 minute ago, rightsaidfred said:

It would seem we are now arguing about having a reason to argue not about a topic to discuss.:2_grimacing:



Yes, totally, it is all getting a bit Monty Python like. See the "Argument" sketch if you don't know what I mean:default_biggrin:

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I think I see a solution.

we need a big red button, this button will have a label on it - do not push or you will be banned from the forum. the software will automatically ban anyone that pushes the button.


(now to find a programmer to create the big red button.):default_biggrin:

the only drawback will be the number of emails asking to be unbanned as they didnt believe the label.

red button.jpg

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