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I don't think anyone was criticising you for bringing it to our attention, it is more the fact that Miles who was present at the time be it rightly or wrongly in a private marina did nothing to help the situation but instead choose in his normal manner to take photographs for publishing on his own media outlets.


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The loose boat was highlighted - maybe not by more traditional means, but in the modern social media environment was the way it was done so wrong ?

Yes I have secured loose boats in the past, even boarded and pumped out one that was in danger of sinking due to rain water, but if I were solo motoring, especially in a wind, I may not have opportunity to stop and assist AND I may not know the name of the yard to call them - so social media would get the message across.

Yes - OK so I could call Broads Control too.......

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23 hours ago, Hylander said:

Probably that dreadful weather yesterday but saw this elsewhere , just in case it is someone pride and joy.   I didnt add the Urgent bit  by the way.



I say well done for trying to help Hylander. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I think you have been very brave to stand your corner on this one. This has ended up a storm in a teacup and some of the things that have been said are not worthy of this forum. 

I hope this won’t deter people from posting these sort of things, there will always be someone who is grateful rather than critical. 

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Whoever Miles is he was not in a private marina. The photograph is taken from Stalham Dyke leading to Stalham Staithe, Moonfleet as was and Richardsons. 

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I personally don't think anyone is blaming you Monica I certainly aren't , you did the right thing in widening the audience .

My beef is with the person who spotted this in the first place , and given that he's constantly moaning about his boat being hit by others one would have thought he would make every effort to prevent a lose boat colliding with other craft .

If you want my opinion you did the right thing by putting your post on open forum and I too hope this episode doesn't deter others from reporting such incidents .

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Interesting thread this! I cannot believe how much debate has been caused by two people acting with good intent. Seems not only must you act with good intent, but it must be precisely the right kind of good intent, or actions to satisfy some people.

That picture was taken from the main river and not from within the marina. Miles normally cruises solo, so I ask myself the following question? Would I want to take my boat into an unfamiliar marina single handed and try and moor it, so that I could then tie up another boat, and then depart? Not knowing the marina, how tight it is for space and mooring and the wind conditions, probably not.

So then you have to ask whether you just ignore the situation, or try and bring it to the attention of a wider audience in the hope they can help, whilst still cruising single handed and helming and trying to search for phone numbers etc.

Yes there are a number of options to try and help and Miles took one of them, which for some with an axe to grind wasn't good enough :default_icon_rolleyes: Monica as requested by Miles tried to spread the word wider by reposting here, again that wasn't good enough :default_icon_rolleyes:

With the benefit of hindsight Miles could have rung Broads Control, the marina itself (do we know that he hadn't already done that and got no reply?) Instead he chose to post it on his own forum and Facebook and asked people to spread the word. I believe he is banned here and on the other popular Broads forum, so those options were out.

From the way people have already questioned, without knowing fully, if Miles was in the marina and what he was doing in there, then it seems a sensible option that he didn't enter the marina. At least he took some action and in any case we know the boat has now been secured.

I'm not a great fan of Miles or his forum (yes I do browse it occasionally but haven't joined) but honestly on this occasion do feel some of the criticism of him and others, is a little unjust.

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8 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

Interesting thread this! I cannot believe how much debate has been caused by two people acting with good intent. Seems not only must you act with good intent, but it must be precisely the right kind of good intent, or actions to satisfy some people.

That picture was taken from the main river and not from within the marina. Miles normally cruises solo, so I ask myself the following question? Would I want to take my boat into an unfamiliar marina single handed and try and moor it, so that I could then tie up another boat, and then depart? Not knowing the marina, how tight it is for space and mooring and the wind conditions, probably not.

So then you have to ask whether you just ignore the situation, or try and bring it to the attention of a wider audience in the hope they can help, whilst still cruising single handed and helming and trying to search for phone numbers etc.

Yes there are a number of options to try and help and Miles took one of them, which for some with an axe to grind wasn't good enough :default_icon_rolleyes: Monica as requested by Miles tried to spread the word wider by reposting here, again that wasn't good enough :default_icon_rolleyes:

With the benefit of hindsight Miles could have rung Broads Control, the marina itself (do we know that he hadn't already done that and got no reply?) Instead he chose to post it on his own forum and Facebook and asked people to spread the word. I believe he is banned here and on the other popular Broads forum, so those options were out.

From the way people have already questioned, without knowing fully, if Miles was in the marina and what he was doing in there, then it seems a sensible option that he didn't enter the marina. At least he took some action and in any case we know the boat has now been secured.

I'm not a great fan of Miles or his forum (yes I do browse it occasionally but haven't joined) but honestly on this occasion do feel some of the criticism of him and others, is a little unjust.

I'm not sure that miles has actually stated he took the photo in the first place , however if he did he certainly didn't take it from his yacht as that's on land as I previously stated .

I don't see anyone having a go at Monica IMHO she did the right thing , if cause he could as you stated phoned broads control but didn't possibly cos he and BA don't get on who knows but that to me was a big fail .

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4 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

I'm not sure that miles has actually stated he took the photo in the first place , however if he did he certainly didn't take it from his yacht as that's on land as I previously stated .

I don't see anyone having a go at Monica IMHO she did the right thing , if cause he could as you stated phoned broads control but didn't possibly cos he and BA don't get on who knows but that to me was a big fail .

On this very forum, this very thread, by the wonders of cut and paste from Facebook, Miles stated that he was passing in another boat! Now I don't know, and don't like jumping to conclusions, but he may just have been cruising solo in that boat as well! 

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2 minutes ago, EastCoastIPA said:

On this very forum, this very thread, by the wonders of cut and paste from Facebook, Miles stated that he was passing in another boat! Now I don't know, and don't like jumping to conclusions, but he may just have been cruising solo in that boat as well! 

Most likely his tender n I apologise I hadn't see that but it doesn't excuse not ringing BA even if he didn't have his phone with him he could have done it from shore it worked with the FB post after all .

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KaptinKev. If I were a hirer I'd take the same view as yours, and I haven't worked out just what I'd do. I think that I'd contact broadsbeat.

I think my concern about this thread is that some of the posts/views expressed are based not on the situation but on the person involved, and I don't think that's a good thing.

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